SMS Weekly Newsletter
Week of November 11th
SMS families: Starting Monday, November 4, 2024, please do not pick up or drop off students at the Mobil convenience store across from the District Administration building. Due to safety issues and concerns expressed by store management, students will no longer be allowed to walk across the street for pickups. At the request of the store, local law enforcement will also begin enforcing this change. Please use the car line for all pick-ups and drop-offs. For proper procedures, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl77Rix6ReQ. Thank you for your cooperation.
This program is for parents or legal guardians of children ages Newborn-18 years old who need assistance in providing their child(ren) Christmas gifts. They are here to help families who may have experienced an extreme emergency, financial hardships, or meet the Arkansas low-income requirements for 2024. Applicants must be a resident of Grant County, or the child(ren) is/are currently attending school in the Sheridan School District or Poyen School District.
Applicants are required to bring the following. If you do not have these documents and information ready, you will be asked to return to the office when you do.
- Proof of ID
- Proof of ALL household income
- Proof of Grant County residency or proof of the child(ren) is/are enrolled in the Sheridan School District or the Poyen School District for the 2024-2025 school year (a copy of a current report card or progress report)
- Proof of custody or guardianship of the child(ren) if they are not born to you
- A list of clothes, shoes, and coat sizes, and a list of your child(ren)'s wish list(s) when you come to fill out an application for Angels Tree
- Tell them if your phone number changes. Also, they need two different phone numbers in which they can contact the parent/guardian when the gifts are ready to pick up.
Adoption of Angels will begin Monday, November 4, 2024, and run until the last Angel has been adopted. Deadline for all Angel gifts to be returned will be staggered this year based on date of adoption. They will be closed for Veterans Day on Monday, November 11, 2024.
If you are aware of any child(ren) in need in Grant County, the Sheridan School District, or the Poyen School District, please have the family contact them. If your family needs help, please do not hesitate to call Tobie Wilkerson, Director at (870-942-7373) or visit the Family Resource Center of Grant County at 1685 Hwy. 270 East, Sheridan AR 72150.
Thank you for your support and Merry Christmas!
~Information from The Family Resource Center of Grant County~
Click on the link below to fill out a Google Form about a staff member at SMS that you want to give a shout out to.
What is Teamwork?
Teamwork is the ability to work in unity with others towards a common goal. For us to learn how to become team players, it is important that we learn to listen, encourage our peers, and allow and invite others to contribute their talents and skills.
Why focus on Teamwork?
Teamwork builds interpersonal awareness: Growing a great team requires us to first build strong relationships through better understanding ourselves and others.
Teamwork in Action:
Require teams to set expectations for and manage their own behavior. Do not tell teams what type of behavior is expected - let them decide for themselves with a Social Contract.
Students can still purchase a wristband on Monday before school or at lunch for $5.00. All money earned goes towards adopting Angel Tree students from our school & community.
Monday, November 11th
- Veteran's Day Assembly & Parade
- PTO Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
- 5th/6th Grade Chess Tournament
November 11th - 15th
- Caring & Sharing Club Activities for students with wristband
- ATLAS Science Interim in science classes
- YJ Band State Contest at 1:15 p.m.
- Pep Rally
- Guest Speaker (Career Devlopment Classes) - Brian Williams, Electrician
- Jr. High One Act Play Competition at Searcy High School
Monday, November 18th
- ASBOA Region III Jazz Band Auditions at 4:00 p.m. at SMS
Tuesday, November 19th
- ATLAS Writing Interim
Friday, November 22nd
- Caring & Sharing Field Trip
- Interim Reports go home
November 25th - 29th
- Thanksgiving Break
Friday, December 6th
- CKH Reception for Teamwork
Tuesday, December 10th
- Band Concert, SHS Auditorium at 6:00 p.m.