Eastland Middle School
Parent Family Involvement Policy
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What is it?
The Eastland ISD School District and Eastland Middle School are committed to making parents/guardians, community members, and educators full partners with EISD by empowering families to support the learning and development of children and by providing families educational opportunities and resources to ensure lifelong success. One way we continue to do this is by participating in the Title I, Part A State Program. This program provides funding for low socioeconomic schools. In return, we promise to meet the expectations laid out for us by the Texas Education Agency and the United States Department of Education.
Expectations and Objectives
Eastland Middle School understands that parent and family engagement involves the participation of parents and families in regular, two-way, meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that:
· Parents and families play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning
· Parents and families are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education
· Parents and families are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and advisory committees to assist in the education of their child
Title I funds will be allocated for the implementation of the parent and family engagement program. Such programs, activities and procedures will be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children.
All use of funding and activities can be reviewed by the Texas Education Agency upon request to ensure they meet the need of the PFE Program.
Eastland Middle School ISD will...
🍎 Include parents on the Site-based Decision Making Committee. This committee will plan, develop, evaluate, and revise the Campus Improvement Plan, the School-Parent Compact, and the Parent and Family Engagement Policy.
🍎Distribute the PFE Policy, this document, to parents and the communities by:
o Posting it on our district website, and keeping it up to date
o Distributing copies to at least two non-school locations in the community (First Baptist Church and the Eastland Chamber of Commerce office)
o Sending an electronic copy to every student's caregiver
o Distributing printed copies and QR codes to the electronic version at all the school’s annual meetings
🍎Have a representative at every school's annual Title I meeting and at every school PFE event
🍎Per request, provide the qualifications of a child's teacher
🍎Provide timely notice to parents whose child has been assigned or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet state certification or licensure requirements
🍎Conduct evaluations of every PFE event at each school, collect that data, and give a report to that school
🍎Assist schools in the evaluation and revision of their PFE policy and school-parent compact
🍎Evaluate the District Parent and Family Program and its policy throughout the year and revise it as needed
🍎Provide training to every district employee on the most effective PFE strategies
🍎Provide the following trainings to parents on how to navigate the school system:
- How to Use the Parent Portal: August 13 @ 5:30
School-Family Meetings
Parent Meetings offer a time for the school and family to communicate necessary information. The information is the same for both coordinating meetings and will be offered both in person as well as virtually via Zoom. Different meeting times are offered for family convenience.
- The Annual Title I meeting will take place at the following dates and times:
- Tuesday, September 10 @ 5:30 (Siebert Cafeteria)
- Wednesday, September 11 @ 12:00 (EISD Central Office, 209 W Main St., 2nd Floor)
How to be Involved at the School
🍎 Attend the meeting above and the family trainings/activities below
🍎 Talk to your child's teacher or the principal about how you can help/volunteer at the school. You can call the school office (254-631-5040) or communicate with your child's teacher via email.
🍎 Serve as a member of the Site-based Decision Making Committee or School Health Advisory Council. Call the school office if you are interested in serving on either of these committees.
School-Family Trainings/Activities
🍎 Meet the Teacher
- Monday, August 12 @ 4:30--Eastland Middle School
- Contact teachers via phone (254-631-5040) or email (see link above) to set up a parent-teacher conference
- August 13 @ 5:30 (Siebert cafeteria)
- September 10 @ 5:30 (Siebert cafeteria or zoom)
- September 11 @ 12:00 (EISD Boardroom or zoom)
- September 10 @ 6:00 (Siebert cafeteria)
- September 26 @ 12:30 (Middle School Conference Rm)
- October 1 @ 4:00 (Siebert Cafeteria)
- additional yearly meetings TBD
- November 14 @ 12:30 (Siebert Rm 102)
🍎 English Learner Community Engagement Meeting (face-to-face or zoom)
- January 30 @ 12:30 (Middle School Conference Rm)
Eastland Middle School utilizes the following curriculums. More information is available upon request. Please contact Shelley Rinehart via email to set up a meeting time. (srinehart@eastland.esc14.net)
🍎 TEKS Resource System
🍎 Lead4ward
🍎 Scholastic
🍎 HMH Into Literature
🍎 Curriculum Associates
🍎 Really Great Reading
🍎 Kesler Science
🍎 Maneuvering the Middle Math
🍎 Renaissance
🍎 SummitK12 Science
Forms of Academic Assessment
Depending on the grade of your child, various assessments are utilized to determine your child's strengths, weaknesses, and academic needs. Data from all assessments are used to drive instructional practices, provide interventions and extensions, and make curricular decisions. Each child's academic growth is tracked throughout the school year, with students taking an active role in monitoring their data and setting goals. The assessments used are as follows:
- Teacher created assessments
- District created Curriculum Based Assessments (2nd-EOC)
- State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR--3rd-EOC)
Expected Achievement Levels on Academic Assessments
The state's performance standards can be found on the following website: https://tea.texas.gov/student-assessment/testing/staar/staar-performance-standards
Ways to Request Regular Meetings with the School
If you would like to meet with your child's teacher or the principal, assistant principal, or counselor, you can call the school office to set up an appointment (254-631-5040) or email that individual directly to set up an appointment.
Please use the button below to view the EMS School-Parent Compact
Campus Engagement Strategies
Eastland Middle School
A. Facilitate family-to-family support
- Meet the Teacher
- Provide a translator at events and meetings
- Regular communication with parents via social media
- Parent conferences are available at parent request
B. Establish a network of community resources
- Child Find
- Texas Tech counseling services
- Ministerial Alliance Group
- School Social Worker
- Open-door Center
- State Health and Human Resources
- Parents Resources available on the EISD website
- Teacher websites
- Eastland County Counseling Service
- Closet Angels
- Eastland County Crisis Center and Children’s Advocacy Center
C. Increase family participation in decision-making
- Parents are included on the Campus and District Site-based Decision-Making Committees
- Parents are included on the School Health Advisory Committee
- Parents are included on the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
- Parents are given the opportunity to provide feedback/input via campus climate and programs surveys
- Parents are encouraged to access class, campus, and district information through the Parent Portal on the EISD website.
- Monthly events calendars are provided to parents
D. Equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning
- Remote and face-to-face learning support
- Teachers participate in staff development provided by Region 14 and district to develop and enhance instructional practices
E. Assist staff in developing skills in evidence-based practices that support families in meeting their children’s learning benchmarks
- Provide staff with training to ensure they are building relational capacity with students and parents
- Provide professional development that focuses on crucial conversations
- Provide training on the importance of family engagement and promote these strategies district-wide.
F. Evaluate family engagement efforts and use evaluations for continuous improvement
- Parent Surveys
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May 8, 2024