Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for a fantastic start to the 24-25 school year! We have had a few weather-related bumps, but overall, had a smooth start to the school year. Our students have settled into the routines within the classroom and are already showing great leadership skills. I have been incredibly proud of our students for being inclusive and kind to all our new TBE students! I look forward to watching new friendships flourish in each of our classrooms.
We appreciate all your support in ensuring forms and emergency information is completed in the Portal. If additional information is needed, you will receive a paper copy home to complete.
Regarding paid student lunch, our staff is working hard to ensure students do not just go through the lunch line if they have a packed lunch. Please speak with your child so they know your expectations when it comes to lunch. We want to make sure they are eating a packed lunch, but also do not want to deny them cafeteria food if that is an agreed upon plan. If you have any questions regarding this, please reach out to your child’s teacher.
In September, we will begin our school-wide Leadership Clubs! This will be our 4th year of incorporating monthly Leadership Clubs into our schedule. These clubs are a great way for our students to seek new interests and share their personal genius. We look forward to new clubs showcased this year and are thankful to our TBE staff for helping to create these great experiences and memories for our students.
We will also start monthly Parent Lunches in September. Dates for these lunches are in the calendar below. We will be sending additional information and procedures that go with this event soon.
Students will take their first Progress Monitoring Assessment in Reading and Math this month. Please read Mrs. Riashi’s message below regarding testing.
We look forward to a great month ahead! Thank you again for all your support!
Mrs. Ledbetter
The cost of student lunches this year is $2.50. Because students have not been charged for lunch in the last couple of years, we are finding many students bringing a lunch, but also still going through our line and purchasing a lunch. Please speak with your child and help us monitor to ensure those going through the line, truly are buyers, and need a lunch. We will never deny a student a lunch, but also want to make parents aware that they are being charged. If you child wants to be a buyer, please send money in, labeled with their name and student number. You can also utilize the online app to add money to your child’s account. https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
If you would like help navigating the on-line application for reduced price lunches, please contact our front office to make an appointment to come in to get assistance.
LAPTOPS - Please Use Responsibly!
Just a reminder - laptops are still CCPS property and need to be cared for responsibly.
Pursuant to Rule 27 of the District’s Code of Student Conduct, students are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of District property in their possession such as a laptop or other electronic device. The rule provides the following:
• Students are expected to take good care of school property. Students must assume full responsibility for the care of school property available to them. This includes, but is not limited to textbooks, uniforms, equipment, electronic devices, or library books. These items are issued by school personnel and must be returned to the same person upon completion of the school year or withdrawal from school. Responsibility for the property rests with the student to whom the property is issued. (Refer to the rule in its entirety on pg 33 in the Student Code of Conduct.)
The cost to repair or replace laptops for irresponsible damage is as follows:
• Keyboard $95.00
• Charging Cords $48.00
• Non-Touch Screen $117.00
• Touch Screen $ 231.00
• Replacement Laptop $586.00
TBE students strive to be On Time Every Day All Day! Did you know that the WTBE News program starts each morning at 8:15? Our school news program is run by our student TV News Broadcast Leaders! We would love for ALL students to be in their seats listening to these morning announcements, celebrations and TBE highlights! You never know when your name or class might be called for a special announcement! Thank you for making it a goal to get our kids in their seats by 8:15 each morning! The first bell rings at 8:10 to alert students to get to class to watch the WTBE Morning News by 8:15.
Please refer to the CCPS academic calendar when planning vacations and appointments as much as possible. Vacation days are not excused absences and students miss valuable instruction by the teacher on the days they are not in school. A doctor’s note excusing an absence must be sent to the school office within 24 hours of the student returning to school to be marked excused in the computer.
Parents will receive a letter in the mail when the student has excessive absences whether they are excused or not. Habitual absences are monitored by the County Attendance Officer and may result in Truancy Court. Students who have been approved for Out-of-Zone permission to attend Tommie Barfield may have their permission revoked if they accumulate excessive absences and/or tardies and/or early pick-ups from school. Students are recognized quarterly and annually for perfect attendance.
Please follow call 377-8500 to report your child’s absence each day your child is absent. Calling the school will validate the absence and avoid having an UNEXCUSED absence on the students’ record.
State Assessments for Progress Monitoring
PM1 Dates
Kindergarten Sept 12 Math and Sept 26 ELA
1st Grade-Sept 12 Math and Sept 26 ELA
2nd Grade-Sept 11 Math and Sept 25 ELA
3rd Grade- Sept 10 Math and Sept 24 ELA
4th Grade-Sept 10 Math and Sept 24 ELA
5th Grade-Sept 11 Math and Sept 25 ELA
PM2 Testing Windows (more specific dates to be determined)
Grades K-5 ELA Jan 14-16
Grades K-5 Math Jan 21-23
State Writing Test B.E.S.T.
Grades 4 and 5 April 8
PM3 Testing Dates
Kindergarten April 22 ELA
1st Grade-April 23 ELA
2nd Grade-April 24 ELA
3rd Grade-May 1 ELA
4th Grade-May 6 ELA
5th Grade-May 7 ELA
Kindergarten April 29 Math
1st Grade-April 30 Math
2nd Grade-May 1 Math
3rd Grade-May 13 Math
4th Grade-May 14 Math
5th Grade-May 15 Math
5th Grade May 20 Science
Dana Franklin
Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We extend a warm welcome to each one of you to our Kindergarten family! It was truly a pleasure meeting so many wonderful families during our recent Meet and Greet Day. We hope your child returned home bubbling with excitement, regaling tales of Pete the Cat and all the adventures awaiting them.
These initial weeks have been a joyous and seamless transition for our little ones as they acclimate to their new routines and explore the vast wonders of our campus. Kindergarten promises to be a year filled with boundless learning opportunities and unforgettable experiences.
We are thrilled use the Fundations program, designed to nurture your child's literacy journey by teaching them the fundamentals of letters, sounds, and blending. You may hear your child mention characters like Baby Echo and Mama Echo, along with special lines used when forming letters. As we delve into blending sounds and mastering concepts of print, your support at home in reinforcing classroom learning is invaluable.
In mathematics, we will be focusing on counting and writing numbers 0 through 5 this quarter, utilizing various manipulatives to enhance understanding. Science lessons will captivate young minds as they explore the wonders of the five senses through observation and discovery.
Additionally, our social studies curriculum will instill the importance of good citizenship, perfectly aligning with Habit 1 of the Seven Habits—Being Proactive. Through engaging lessons, we aim to empower your child with strategies for proactive living, fostering a sense of responsibility and initiative.
A friendly reminder: if there are any changes to your child's transportation arrangements, please ensure you fill out the Change in Transportation form, email tbedismissal@collierschools.com, or contact the school office promptly. Your cooperation ensures a smooth and safe transition for all.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support as we embark on this journey together. With your partnership, we are poised for a year of growth, discovery, and success.
Warm regards,
Your Kindergarten Team
On behalf of the first-grade team, we would like to welcome you and your child to first grade! The first few days of school are always exciting, and this year was no exception. We spent the first days getting acquainted with each other, learning, and reviewing our school rules, as well as becoming familiar with classroom routines.
Please remember to read to and with your child every day. The more your child is exposed to language and print, the easier it will be for him/her to incorporate new skills in reading and writing in the classroom. As with any new skills, the more you practice the better you become.
Finally, please be sure to check your child’s backpack, binder, and Wednesday Folders.
In advance, thank you for all your help and support.
Your First Grade Team
Second grade is off to a great start! Thank you all for your kindness as we get the new school year up and running! We have been working hard in the classroom already with rules and procedures. We have also completed our first iReady Diagnostic! The kids did amazing, and we are so proud of their hard work.
In Language Arts, Module 1 focuses on how to be a super citizen! We are reading lots of fun stories about how we can be good citizens in our community. Students will further their learning of author’s purpose, central idea, and retelling text to enhance comprehension. This year we are starting a new program called accelerated reader! The kids are excited to read some new books and begin their quizzes to earn points!
In Math, students are learning strategies of decomposing and adjusting addends to add 2- digit numbers. We have daily math homework that reflects what we are learning in class each day. In Science, we are learning about the Nature of Science and are going to be doing a lot of fun investigations!
We are so excited for this school year and cannot wait to make so many fun memories!
♥️The Second Grade Team
Third graders are off to a great start here at TBE!
During the first two weeks of school, we established classroom procedures, reviewed the Seven Habits, completed our mission statement writing, and got to know each other with team building activities. Students have taken their iReady Diagnostic Assessment and work daily on iReady lessons, each tailored to their needs. Multiplication is a large part of the 3rd grade math curriculum, and the students have been singing their skip counting songs. Please have your child continue to practice these songs at home. In Reading, we have been learning about character traits. The students have learned about the Scientific Method in Science and have participated in some fun investigations with soap.
Third grade teachers are thrilled to be back in school with your children and look forward to a successful 2024-2025 school year!
Dear Parents,
Fourth Grade is so excited for this school year and what an amazing start it has been! We are truly enjoying getting to know each of our students and build our class family. In Reading we will be reading a variety of texts that help us answer the question: How do people and animals use their senses to navigate the world? During writing we will be working through the five steps of the writing process to write an expository essay. In Math we will be exploring different strategies to multiply and divide numbers in hopes that each student finds the strategy that is just right for them! In Science we will be learning about flowering plants and life cycles! While in Social Studies we will be learning about our Florida government, Freedom Week, and beginning to discuss maps. During our LEAD time we will be working with our accountability buddies to set goals and determine our action steps to reach those goals. Please be sure to look at the upcoming testing dates!
Your Fourth Grade Team
Hello, 5th Grade Families!
We are off to an amazing start this fifth-grade year! During our first week, we focused on building a strong classroom community. We spent time getting to know one another, setting clear expectations, and establishing a positive learning environment.
Our mathematicians are immersing themselves in the fascinating world of geometry. They are currently learning how to measure the volume of 3-dimensional shapes. It is wonderful to see them applying their knowledge to real-world situations like determining how much space different objects can occupy. These hands-on activities are not only sharpening their math skills but also encouraging them to think critically and creatively.
In ELA, we are delving into the rich history of language by exploring Greek and Latin roots and prefixes. This foundation will empower your child to decode complex words across various subjects, including Science and Math. By understanding these roots, they will find it easier to grasp new vocabulary in their personal reading as well. We are also engaging with short texts that spark discussions and deepen comprehension. It is a joy to see their confidence grow as they become more proficient readers and writers.
In Science, we are exploring the fascinating process of scientific inquiry. Students are learning to compare and contrast investigations, inferences, and experiments, which will be essential as they conduct their own experiments later in the year. We are also diving into the lives of famous scientists, discovering how their groundbreaking work continues to shape our world today. Your child’s curiosity is our guide as we navigate through these exciting topics!
Our Social Studies lessons are focused on discussing civic responsibilities and the importance of being informed and active citizens. By examining primary and secondary sources, students are gaining a deeper understanding of history and learning to appreciate the symbols and documents that represent our great nation. These lessons are not just about the past but also about empowering students to play an active role in our future.
In writing, we are focusing on crafting strong, well-organized essays. Students are learning how to identify key information in a writing prompt, organize their thoughts effectively, and support their arguments with strong evidence. These skills are vital not only for their academic success but also for developing clear and persuasive communication in all areas of life.
As always, we are integrating the 7 Habits into everything we do helping students achieve success both academically and socially. Please continue to check your child’s agenda each night and support them in being proactive with their homework and preparations for the next school day. Consistent reading for 30 minutes each evening and regular math assignments are key to reinforcing the day’s learning.
Your Fifth Grade Team
Click here to see what we’ve been up to in PE Class!
Deana Richett
Physical Education Teacher
Welcome Back, Artists~
This year we will be learning about the elements of art. Kinder, first, and second grades are currently learning about Lines. Third, fourth, and fifth grades learned about space, showing distance between items. Third grade is learning about pop art and will be making emojis in the next week or so. Fourth grade is working on a tee shirt design and fifth is working on the year book cover design.
Can’t wait for everyone to come and create art in my class!
Lane Beauvais
Teacher, Art, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
Welcome back to another wonderful year at TBE. This year’s theme of CHAMPIONS IN LEADERSHIP opens so many musical possibilities. Who can’t place a song with their favorite sporting event? As we start the season, we will all learn Carrie Underwood’s THE CHAMPION as our school-wide song of the year. Just like the Olympics, here at TBE we will surely GO FOR THE GOLD. Our primary grades will discover the fellowship of singing together as a team. Our upper grades will prepare for three field trip concerts at ARTIS in the first term. Anyway you look at it, Music at TBE is going to be a WIN-WIN opportunity! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!
Craig Greusel
Teacher, Music, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
💻🖱 TECH TALK by Mrs. McCarty
📲Game On! TBE Technology Classes are off to great start! In the first weeks of the school year, all grade levels learned/reviewed:
- 💻❤How to log in to the computer, using their Student ID# and passwords- even those kindergarteners!
- ❤ 🖐🏼Take care of and proper use of their laptops, including packing/unpacking from case, careful and clean hands, and correctly power on and off.
- ‼ Follow the Acceptable Use Policy – ONLY using learning sites/programs taught and assigned by the teacher. That means NO Minecraft Education…Y-E-T for grades 3-4-5.
TBE has been recognized as a Common Sense Media Certified school for Digital Citizenship since 2015! Click here for more information. The rest of this month, I teach Digital Citizenship & Safety lessons with all grade levels: K, 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. These lessons/activities teach students the basics of balancing online and offline activities, staying safe online, keeping personal information private, safe/appropriate website use, having good netiquette or online manners, how to identify dangers/cyberbullies and deal with them properly, and digital footprint.
In addition, I’ll be starting our ten-finger typing practice for the first ten minutes of each class with grades 3-4-5. I will begin with a review and practice of proper posture in the chair, finger placement on the home row keys, and finger path practice to build muscle memory before we jump into the individualized typing practice using the District resource: Typing Club. Please encourage your intermediate grades student (s) to practice 3x for 10 minutes each week at home, if possible, using the proper posture, home row hands, and finger paths.
Your student(s) may access Canvas and its resources from home devices (computers/tablets) by opening an internet browser, typing: canvas.collierschools.com, and signing in with student ID# username and password.
Jody McCarty
Related Arts Instructional Resource, Tommie Barfield Elementary School
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Our goal is to help your child develop a love of reading!
When students check out books, they accept the responsibility to keep the book free of damage. If a book gets damaged, please have the student bring it to the Media Center for repair. If we cannot repair the book the student will be responsible for the cost of the book. So please help your child keep books away from younger siblings, pets, and liquids. Students are also responsible for lost books. We always prefer the book to be returned but if it is not found the student will be billed for the cost of the book. The beginning of the year is a good time to set up a routine of where books will be kept while at home. It is also a good time to establish or reestablish good reading practices. Read, read, read! The more often you read to or with your child the better! Ask questions, use different voices, talk about the stories during and after the reading.
This year we will be starting a new reading comprehension incentive program called Accelerated Reader. We are very excited to have this program available to us! We are still learning the details of the program and look forward to sharing more information with you soon!
We have started our 3-5 SSYRA book reading challenge. The Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award encourages students to read mixed genre books. It consists of fifteen books. These books are flying off the shelf, and we could not be happier!
Scholastic Book Fair is coming this October!
Look for information coming closer to the fair in your Wednesday folders.
Happy Reading!
Ms. Schneller
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year! We are happy to be working with you to help your child demonstrate confidence and success in school and in life-long learning. For any questions or concerns, contact us at hopele@collierschools.com
And/or biglem@collierschools.com. Our telephone number is 239-377-8506 or 239-377-8500.
Ms. Leanne Hope has been serving as Tommie Barfield’s School Counselor for 11 years. She will be retiring on November 22, 2024. Miss Maher Bigley is new to our school and school district. She has started the school year with us and will continue to serve as School Counselor after Ms. Hope’s retirement.
Miss Bigley is originally from a small town right outside of Harrisburg Pennsylvania. She grew up playing sports of all kinds and loved spending summers in Maine on the lake. Once a year Miss Bigley and her family would go to a beach in Maine. She loved walking out to the rock islands at low tide and exploring when the sandbar was open. Miss Bigley attended Gettysburg College, where she played Field Hockey all four years and one year of Track and Field. Miss Bigley then worked with kids with ASD for two years while she attended Eastern University where she got her Masters in School Counseling. She was able to return to her hometown and work as the Middle School Counselor and field hockey coach for three years before moving to Florida. Although Miss Bigley is new to Florida, she has been vacationing in Naples the last eight years with her fiancé before she decided to become a local. Having experienced both rocky beaches of Maine and sandy beaches of Florida, Miss Bigley prefers the beautiful sandy beaches of Marco and Naples and looks forward to working with the students at TBE.
Here is to a wonder-filled school year!
Greetings from your PTO Board,
We would like to welcome Everyone back to TBE. We hope you all had a nice and relaxing summer break. This year we have some new and exciting events from the PTO.
1st I want to let you all know that the PTO is bringing back the much-loved Fall Fest to TBE. This was a big event some years ago and we are bringing it back, thanks to the popular demand and support that we have with our leaders at TBE and our loyal volunteers. It will be on Tuesday October 22nd. Please stay tuned for more details and information on how to get involved.
2nd Our spirit wear shop is back open and ready for new orders. We are also offering birthday popsicles; birthday dress down and the opportunity to have your student’s name on the Marquee for their birthday week. All this and more can be found on our website.
Tommie Barfield (tommiebarfieldpto.com)
For communication and to stay up to date on all our events and news, there are 3 ways. 1. Sign up for our newsletter when you log onto the website. 2. Our Private FB and Insta pages will have all up-to-date info and 3. Make sure to register with your class teacher to be included in the directory. Our Team will be sending out monthly emails of events, meeting minutes and other information that you will not want to miss. If you have questions, please reach out to us directly on tommiebarfieldpto@gmail.com or come to our next PTO meeting on August 27th and September 24th at 8.45am.
We look forward to connecting with you all and making it a fantastic year!
From the PTO Board of Tommie Barfield Elementary School!