The Raven's Call
Raven Homeschool
October 2024 Edition
Dear Raven Families,
Welcome to Raven's Call, your digital newsletter to keep you up to date on all things Raven. This quarterly newsletter via SMORE will have an overview of highlights from each of our 6 Raven offices. Within this electronic version of our newsletter, you have easy access to your local office news and resources by clicking on links within each section.
We are looking forward to another successful year and hope you will share pictures of your learning adventures with your local offices to be included throughout the year.
If you have questions, please contact Maegan, mmascagno@yksd.com.
- Raven Homeschool
From the Director's Desk:
Welcome Back!
I hope you have had many wonderful summer and fall learning experiences. I also hope you are recharged and ready for a great homeschool year. I am so delighted that you are part of our amazing learning community here at Raven.
All signs point to another incredible and productive homeschooling year. Our skilled and devoted team has been working diligently to enroll new families, order needed materials and connect families with local homeschooling resources. And, our much-appreciated family liaisons and veteran homeschool parents have been welcoming families and sharing opportunities. We have been planning other exciting events and programs for the school year.
Family & Advisory Teacher Assignments
With Raven’s growth and the addition of new advisory teachers we know that some families have experienced a change in advisory teachers. Moving families is difficult without causing imbalances and inequities. We are eagerly looking forward to supporting you in your homeschooling efforts. Thank you for understanding that it can take a few weeks for a family to acclimate to a new advisory teacher.
New Staff
Each year brings positive change and growth. Raven has grown and we have some new additions to our staff. We are delighted to welcome them! ALL of our staff work hard to make homeschool a positive experience for ALL.
Your commitment to ensuring that Raven remains a celebrated and successful homeschool is awe-inspiring. Together, I know we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children.
It is an honor and privilege to serve you and your children. We care about each of our families and we hope to continue to build a relationship with each of you so we can provide the very best support for your homeschooling efforts.
Lastly, I want to extend a personal invitation to each of you to attend our Raven-wide Parent Advisory Council meeting on October 30th at 2:30 pm. These are held quarterly. We live-broadcast them on Facebook and we send out the recording to all families afterwards. We value parent input and have multiple ways for you to share your ideas and influence the work we do each day.
Happy Homeschooling!
Kim Bergey
Raven Homeschool Director
New Staff Introductions:
Lisa Lansdale - Coordinator: Anchorage Office
Adriel Mathew - Administrative Assistant: Eagle River Office
The new administrative assistant in our Eagle River office is Adriel Mathew. You have likely already met her, either in person or over the phone, but if not, she is looking forward to the opportunity to do so in the near future. She has lived in Alaska over 25 years, grew up in a homeschooled family, and loves the outdoors, crafting and spending time with family and friends. She is looking forward to providing quality assistance to Eagle River.
Sharon Chevalier - Advisory Teacher: Eagle River Office
Sharon Chevalier is the new advisory teacher at the Eagle River office. She has had various jobs over the years from a restaurant owner to an EMT, but she’s settled on teaching for now. She has a bachelor’s in Elementary Education and a Master’s in Multicultural, Multilingual Special Education. She has a love for cultures and languages, as well as homeschooling. She homeschooled all her children from K-12.
Thomasina Tall - Advisory Teacher: Fairbanks Office
My name is Thomasina Tall from Chevak, Alaska. My favorite hobbies include exploring nature, attending UAF sports events, and beading. I went to school at the University of Alaska Fairbanks pursuing a degree in education. Upon completion of my certification, I taught for a year in Chevak and quickly learned that I love living in Fairbanks! I am back in Fairbanks as a Raven Homeschool teacher and I am excited to be a part of Raven staff and get to know my students and their families!
Liz Agnew - Advisory Teacher: Juneau Office
My name is Liz Agnew, and I am very excited to join the Raven Homeschool team this year. For the past 16 years, I’ve been an elementary gifted and talented teacher and reading specialist here in Juneau.
When I’m not teaching, I love to be outdoors either sailing, fishing, skiing, biking, or hiking with my dog Taiya. When I’m not outside, I love to read, paint, or play the oboe or English horn. In fact, you might see me performing with various musical ensembles including the Juneau Symphony and Taku Winds.
I look forward to getting to know you this year and supporting you and your family with your homeschool journey.
Debbie Davis - Advisory Teacher: Wasilla Office
Hi, I'm Debbie Davis, and have lived in a number of places here in our great state, including Interior Alaska, St. George Island, and the last twenty plus years, here in the Valley. In my free time I teach music lessons, play in ensembles, quilt, and love being outdoors with friends. I am not new to homeschooling, having taught my son for seven years. I am so happy to be returning to the world of homeschooling and look forward to working with you!
Jacob Hale - Advisory Teacher: Wasilla Office
Hi, I am Jacob Hale. I recently moved from Georgia and have spent the last 13 years working in special education, a field I'm truly passionate about. In my free time, I enjoy exploring the great outdoors—whether it's hiking, skiing, or visiting national parks. I love bringing my dog along for these adventures, as he always makes the experience more fun. I'm also a proud uncle and enjoy spending time with my family whenever I can. Balancing my love for teaching with outdoor activities and family keeps me energized and grounded.
Jousette McKeel - Advisory Teacher: Wasilla Office
Hi, I'm Jousette McKeel, a mostly lifelong Alaskan and educator. I have been teaching across the state since 2005, from NW Arctic School District to the MatSu School District. Now, I am excited to serve the families of Raven around the state. When I'm not teaching, I enjoy hiking, being outdoors, and being with my family. I am looking forward to working with and growing alongside our Raven families.
Counselor's Corner:
The Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS)
What is the Alaska Performance Scholarship?
The APS provides an opportunity for Alaska high school students to earn a scholarship to help cover the cost of an Alaska postsecondary education.
Eligibility requirements for APS include:
Alaska residents who graduate from an Alaska high school (public, private, or home school);
Take a rigorous curriculum,
Earn minimum of 2.5 GPA OR Meet qualifying score on college/career entrance exam
The APS can be used at any participating college or university in Alaska, or for approved career and technical education programs in the state. Click here for more information on participating Alaska postsecondary institutions.
Alaska residents who graduate from an Alaska high school (public, private, or home school), in 2011 or later and meet the qualifying requirements are eligible for an APS award.
Changes to the APS:
In June 2024, the Governor signed key legislation aimed to improve access to and utilization of the APS. This legislation enacted several changes impacting eligibility criteria for the Class of 2024 and beyond:
The new APS legislation removes the standardized test score requirement. Students in the Class of 2024 can now become APS eligible by meeting a minimum GPA requirement OR minimum test score requirement, as long as all other requirements are met.
The new legislation extends the term of use from six years from the date of high school graduation to eight years.
The new legislation expanded the high school curriculum qualifying options. More details will be provided on this as we learn more
Using a Planner for Success in School and Life:
Hard-copy planners provide a better monthly and weekly view. This is key to staying on track week-to-week. Recording in physical planners is more time-efficient. To correctly record an event on a digital device, we measured an average of 16 steps, requiring 52 seconds. To record the same event in a physical planner, we measured an average of 4 steps, requiring 14 seconds.
"Digital planners" come with an overload of distractions. How often have you picked up your smart device to do something specific, only to get distracted by some message, alert, or other app? For this reason, paper planners are gloriously dull.
Also, research shows that writing with a pen/pencil activates the regions of our brain that manage thinking and planning. Typing with finger tips only activates the “language” areas of our brain.
Four Critical Moments to Use Your Planner
There are some obvious times you should use your planner. For example, scheduling an appointment or a meeting.
In addition, there are four critical times you should use your digital (or paper) planner. We call them "anchor points," and they include:
Anchor Point 1: New Year, New Semester, New Season
The first phase of maintaining a planner is to enter all known and repeating dates, these are usually established at the beginning of each new school year, semester, or season.
These can be things such as:
Sports practices and games
Days off school
Key school events (i.e. Prom, ACT/SAT testing)
Work schedule (as soon as you receive it)
Do this at the beginning of the school year, semester, or extracurricular season. The earlier you put these events in your planner, the better. It may take time to set this up, but the benefits are worth it! You'll always know what's going on rather than feeling in the dark.
Anchor Point 2: Sundays
The next anchor point is at the beginning of the week. First, take a look at your week ahead. Do you have any tests coming up? Special events? Appointments? Get familiar with your week at the front end to prevent surprises. Then, coordinate with your family during a Sunday Meeting.
The Sunday Meeting is a 5-10 minute activity that family members hold together to review everyone’s schedule for the upcoming week. This time is used to get everyone on the same page. If there are schedule conflicts, it can be addressed during this time.
Click here to learn more details about how to setup and run your Sunday Meeting.
Anchor Point 3: In Class
As soon as you receive a calendar or syllabus, enter: key dates, large assignments, projects, tests, and final exams in your planner.
In class, assignments should be entered in a digital (or paper) planner as soon as they are assigned. Just be careful to not get distracted by other apps and messages.
The following steps outline how to enter school-work in a digital planner:
Select the due date/time.
Enter the event title using abbreviations. This title should identify: the class subject, type of assignment, and materials needed. (See recommended abbreviations below.)
Add the details of the assignment to the details/notes section. This can be the page numbers, problem numbers, the handout referenced, etc.
Add guests, if appropriate. This could be project team-members on a project or your parents.
Anchor Point 4: Getting Ready for "After School"
Sometime towards the end of the day, or even on the way home from school, check your planner to see what you have to do for that evening. It is also a good idea to check it again, when you are "done" with homework, to make sure you took care of everything.
Digital reminders should only be used as a back-up.
We get so many digital "pings" and "reminders" that it's very easy to tune them out.
A weekly/daily routine of checking your digital (or paper) planner is critical to keep you on top of due dates and other obligations, without last minute pressure or stress.
Anchorage Office:
The Anchorage office has been buzzing with excitement as we have started the year off with gusto! We had a blast at our back-to-school party, and our workshops have been busier than ever! From handwriting, to beading, from quilting to Spanish, there is something for everyone here at the office! We'd love to share a little bit about our first semester and want to encourage you to join us for future workshops and activities, especially as we add even more next semester!
Back to School Party: Last year, we had so much fun at the trampoline park, we decided to bring the bounce to the outdoors and host our own mini carnival! We rented a bounce house and cotton candy machine and offered face-painting and a tie-dye station. The weather even held out for us! We had an incredible turn out and had so much fun!
National Christmas Tree Ornament Workshop: Our office hosted two workshops where families were able to come and get their creativity on as they were given wooden Raven ornaments to decorate. We had a great turnout and are honored to have shipped a full box to be showcased on the National Christmas Tree this year.
Athletics with the Anchorage Office: While academics and arts are very important to us, our staff has been working hard to offer athletic workshops for our Anchorage families. We are so thankful for our Run Club that Rebecca and Terri have offered and are happy to have more and more families join us for running in the beautiful outdoors! We are also happy to share that Danae has started an Open Gym club where families can exercise through fun no matter the weather! Activities thus far have included frisbee, volleyball, badminton, soccer. and hula hooping just to name a few!
Legos: Our FLL team is back! And this year, we have not one, but three teams ready to compete! This year's theme is Submerged. Students will explore how and why people explore the ocean. Good luck competitors! But what about those who love Legos, but may not want to compete? Glad you asked! Rebecca has started a Lego play group weekly, where families are encouraged to come and use Lego's to their own creative amusement. We really love Legos in this office.
Writing and Drama Clubs: Erika has brought back Writing Club, and we are excited as students continue to build their writing skills and explore creative writing exercises. This has been especially beneficial, as the Drama Club just completed their playwriting portion of the club. We saw much growth in our writers and are thankful for all the hard work Erika and Terri have shared with our students! What's next with Drama Club? Auditions! Auditions are currently happening and then our Drama Club students will be hard at work rehearsing for this year's The Play: A Mystery! Ask them more about it for clues at their bake sale at this year's Halloween Party, details soon to come.
Field Trips: We are so thankful for our family liaison, Savannah, and all the new field trips she has been bringing to our office. From gold panning, to touring the Loussac Library, we are having so much fun and hope to see you at future field trips this year!
There is never a dull moment in the Anchorage office. Our Scholastic book fair has been going exceedingly well thanks to all her help! Our office is always ready to support our families, and we look forward to spending time getting to know you at some of these exciting events. Give us a call to see how you can be a part of all the fun!
Drama Club - Playwriting
Back-to-Homeschool Party
Capitol Christmas Tree Craft
September Art Club
Delta Office:
We ended 23-24 with our Kindergarten Graduation, a Father’s Day Craft, a field trip to Rika’s Roadhouse Museum and our End of Year Celebration. We had lots to celebrate!
The Summer months were full with ILP meetings, hikes, field trips, celebrations and more. We had two hikes: The River Walk Trail where we gathered rocks to make Hide’n’Seek rocks. We then scattered the rocks we painted with happy messages during the hike we had on the Liewer Trail in July. We hope our decorated rocks made a brighter day for those who found them!
July was mostly taken up with ILP meetings, the Liewer Trail Hike and a field trip to the Alaska Flour Company which included a wagon ride, tour of the processing facility and a tasty treat at the end.
Activities picked up in August. We held a Lemonade Stand/Bake Sale to help with the cost of our activities and clubs. It was another windy day, but many showed up to support us. We had two field trips: One to Delta Meat and Sausage. Students learned how meat was processed from animal through to what we buy in the store! The second field trip was to the Alaska Peace of Mind Farm where they got to feed chickens and turkeys and dig potatoes that they were able to take home. The visit was topped off with cookies and lemonade!
We had planned on picking blueberries on August 21st, but found they were all gone when we got to our spot. We stayed and picked lowbush cranberries instead despite the very blustery day!
We kicked off the 24-25 School Year with our Back to Homeschool Celebration on August 27th. A lot of fun was had even though it was another very blustery day! We had good food, face painting and games. The inflatable costumes were great fun as well. Thank you to Mr. McDonald for being grill master and Mrs. McDonald for the face painting!
September saw students getting into the school mode with curriculum coming in and classes beginning. We made ornaments for the National Christmas Tree for a craft on September 6th. Our weekly clubs started September 10th with Middle/High School Art Club at 10:30 am, Game Day at 1 pm and Lego Club at 3 pm. The third Friday of the month we will be bowling at the Community Activity Center on Ft Greely for Game Day.
Ryan visited on September 12th to work with students, setting goals for high school and beyond!
We visited the Alaska Homestead Museum on September 25th to tour the museum and learn about processing honey. Each student got a jar of honey to bring home. Thank you Dorshorst’s for providing this opportunity!
Students also participated in MAP and Early Literacy testing during September.
Looking ahead:
Clubs meet on Fridays:
- MS/HS Art Club, 10:30 am
- Game Day, 1 pm except the third Friday when we will be bowling at the CAC.
- Lego Club, 3 pm
October 15th - End of 1st Quarter
October 16th - Fall Craft, 2 pm
October 23rd - Delta Raven PAC meeting, 1:30 pm
October 24th - Counselor Visits/AKCIS workshop
October 30th - Free Vision & Hearing Screenings
October 30th - Raven Wide PAC Meeting, 2:30 pm
Eagle River Office:
We are off to a great start for the year in Eagle River. We had a record number of enrollments, and have been positively hopping! We are so excited to have so many families who have chosen us to join them on their educational journey.
In addition to an influx of new families, we have also have some faces added to the staff in the Eagle River office as well.
Clubs and Activities
We have many activities going on in the Eagle River location. Lego Club regularly has a gaggle of students showing up and having a blast; Book Clubs encourage reading and imagination in both littles and middles; Culinary Cook-Off for budding chefs; Little Learners Club is a great outlet for little minds and hands; and both Social Studies and Inventor’s Clubs are new this year and have been a huge hit! Outdoor Club and Recess Clubs have been great ways to get some pent-up energy focused on specific games and adventures!
In addition, we have had several field trips and activities, such as ziplining, Wild Scoops tours, and Crow Creek Mine adventure. We have even more coming soon, such as a Pumpkin Carving Party, and trips to Screaming Eagle Archery and Campbell Creek Science Center to look forward to, just to name a few.
Field Trips
Student Highlights - Naomi & Elijah O.
Naomi Oudin, grade 2, won 2 blue ribbons for acrylic and watercolor paintings as well as a blue ribbon and Judge’s Choice for her woodworking cutting board project at the AK State Fair.
Elijah Oudin, grade 5, won 2 Blue Ribbons at the AK State Fair for his woodworking and wood burning projects.
We can’t wait to see what the next chapter holds!
Fairbanks Office:
The first quarter at the Fairbanks Raven Office has been a whirlwind as the number of enrollments have exploded this year. We hit over 1,000 students enrolled in our office and all the teachers have been on the grind! Therefore, we have hired a new teacher to join our team, Thomasina Tall.
Our office recently hosted another Scholastic Book Fair. This time around we made a little over $5,500. A portion of this amount will go towards our office to help fund different activities for our students, so make sure next time the bookfair is in the office to check out what we have to offer. Ryan Tilbury, our Raven Counselor, set up a SAT Prep course for all high school Raven students across the state. High school students, be sure to not miss this opportunity if you’re thinking about college one day in your future. Picture Day is this month! October 7th, 14th, and 21st the photographer will be in the office to take student pictures. We will be doing walk-ins this year so come on in whenever the office is open to get your students' picture. We are once again offering CPR classes for students to be CPR and First Aid certified. New this year from the same instructor is a Child and Babysitters Courses. Families, be sure to watch out for emails on when these courses will be offered. With the holidays approaching, the office is gearing up to host Holiday parties and various activities here in the office. The Halloween party will be October 24th from 4:00 PM - 7:00PM.
Juneau Office:
Our first quarter has been packed with meetings, activities, and events, and it has been fun to connect with both returning and new families as we have soared into the 24-25 school year. In July, we enjoyed an ice cream social and a tide pooling field trip. Joan also led Trail Hikes weekly through July and Aug to explore our town together. August held many ILP meetings with families, then our Olympic Open House kicked off a lot of our regularly occurring clubs and activities like 5th-8th Girls' Gathering, Lego Club, Pokemon Club, Chess Club, Board Game Club, Popcorn & Pajama Movie Parties, Swim Socials, and "Lunch Bunch" Show & Tell Story Time. In September, we went on an awesome Whale Watching trip to the Lighthouse, toured AJ Mine where the kids also got to do some gold panning, had a Zipline Adventure, and cruised the coast on Segways. In October, we enjoyed a tasty lunch together during our Fall Picnic at Sandy Beach, and we’re looking forward to our High School Counselor Visit and Scholastic Book Fair during the same week. Something else that has been awesome is how many parents are attending our monthly PAC Meetings to help with planning and organizing activities as well as our monthly Parent Workshops where the teachers are sharing helpful information with families so they can have a successful school year. It is so helpful when families get involved! This has been a wonderful first quarter and we're looking forward to more fun to come during the second quarter.
Lunch Bunch & NHS
Fall Picnic
Lego Club
Whale Watching Lighthouse Field Trip
Tide Pooling at Lena Beach
Chess Club
Trail Hikes with Joan
Wasilla Office:
...and just like that it is fall! The Wasilla office started the school year off welcoming new advisory teachers Jacob Hale, Debbie Davis, and Jousette McKeel and transitioning Steve Duby from advisory teacher to Parent-Teacher Math Technologist. Jacob recently moved here from Georgia and brings a wealth of special education experience. He loves teaching and the outdoors. Debbie, a long-time Alaskan who has lived and worked in Interior Alaska, St. George, and most recently the Matanuska Valley, brings personal homeschooling experience to the table as well as a passion for music. Jousette, a mostly lifelong Alaskan, has been teaching across the state since 2005, from the NW Arctic School District to the MatSu School District, and now YKSD. She brings experience as a literary specialist, curriculum development collaborator, and is a licensed principal in the state of Alaska.
We have had increasing enrollments, and as such, there has been a flurry of ILP meetings! We also have ARTiculate, a workshop that introduces students to famous artists and their techniques, followed by the students re-creating those works or using the techniques to create something new. Crafternoon is a time where students do various seasonal crafts. Both workshops are free and taught by our family liaison, Daphne. If your student is interested in cooking, and like a competition, culinary cook/bake off is for them! There are community member judges (sometimes a staff person) and a prize for the winner! Themes so far have been salsa and French toast. A field trip to Ken’s Garden was a success. We also had Mineshaft come to us as a field trip where students “mined” for rocks! More field trips are being planned. The ever-popular science workshops, offered by local vendor Mrs. Deb Fancher, are full and a waitlist has been started. Watch your S’mores for Games Club, Bowling Club, and Juggling dates and times!
Mineshaft Event
Emergency Preparedness Class
ARTiculate Painting
Student Highlights:
Cadence, a kindergarten student, created a portrait working on details and different materials that can be used in art. She used a moving marker and crayon, creating a rough draft and then a final! They spoke about emotions with this to express how she feels most of the time
Daniel, a junior, is building a dog kennel for Sandy Paws Kennel.
Clayten, a sophomore who has done all his schooling with Raven, took first place for his quilt at the fair!
Camden, a third grader, took second place for his artwork at the fair!
Coralee & Camden
Coralee, a fifth grader and her brother Camden, a third grader, have been learning Spanish with vendor Joseph Walker. They meet once a week and have so much fun and are learning a lot.
Our very own Wasilla Raven Advisory Teacher, Ruth Ross, and her son Owen, recently went on an epic nine day RV road trip visiting many national parks and monuments in Arizona and Utah. Owen is a 10th grade student with Raven Homeschool and is taking a Digital Photography class, so he had tons of fun taking over 2,000 pictures and many GoPro videos on their adventures. Highlights of the trip included seeing the Grand Canyon, hiking Bryce National Park, visiting Arches National Park, and the two Slickrock Bike tours he went on in Moab, Utah.
Twylia, a fourth grader, is learning about the election process, and held a mock election. She wrote up why their candidate should be elected, made campaigning posters, and had people that her family know vote.
Note from Steve Duby:
After six wonderful years as an advisory teacher in Eagle River and Wasilla, I am excited to embark on this new journey with Raven Homeschool. My new role as the organization’s Parent-Teacher Math Technologist is intended to serve and carry out parameters of Yukon Koyukuk School District’s MACSS (Math and Computer Science for Students) grant. In short, this will allow me the opportunity to provide complementary mathematics support to our Raven families in a variety of ways.
Site visits: Starting in October, I will be dedicating two-day visits to each Raven office on a quarterly basis. These visits are tailored to the needs of each site, and I look forward to working more with the folks in Anchorage, Delta, Fairbanks, and Juneau, moving forward.
Workshops: Parents can expect to attend an event that is dedicated to addressing their mathematics instructional and curricular needs as home teachers. My goal is to provide them with some helpful tools that may augment their current approach to teaching math in a homeschool setting. Student-focused events will center on practices that make math more meaningful, engaging, culturally relevant, and fun.
Clubs: With the support of advisory teachers, I am exploring the opportunity of establishing Raven as a center for Math Kangaroo, an enrichment program that focuses on preparation for an international math competition. Please reach out to me at sduby@yksd.com or 907-249-1306 or your advisory teacher if your students would like to get involved.
Family Consultations: Just like an ILP meeting, the goal of these sessions would be to supplement your family’s mathematics homeschool plans, starting with your current approach and exploring options for enhancement. If interested, please reach out to your local admin assistants to schedule a time with me when I am visiting your office!
Zoom sessions for virtual consults are also available.
1-1 Tutoring:
During my site visits, and recurring over Zoom if requested, I will be available for up to 1-hour tutoring sessions per interested student. Middle and high school students will be prioritized, but I welcome all grade levels. Contact your local office to reserve a session.
Technology Tutorials: Math instruction is more innovative than ever with the advent of recent technology applications, as well as accessibility to artificial intelligence programs. Deliverable in either consultative or workshop format, my plan is to show you what’s possible in the current math tech landscape. Please notify your office if this is a preferred topic during my site visit.
Most importantly, I look forward to building new relationships with Raven families around Alaska! Having a choice in education has been a passion of mine for a long time, so my hope is that you will find value in dedicating extra time and attention to the subject of mathematics. Stay tuned to your office’s weekly newsletters for details on my upcoming visits.