Updated 8th Grade Chronicles
2023-2024 SCHOOL YEAR
Special 8th Grade Only Dates:
- 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on Thursday, June 6th at Walled Lake Northern High School at 7:00 p.m.
- A communication will be sent out on Thursday, June 6th to all 8th grade parents noting if the promotion ceremony will be at the football field or in the main gym.
- Students must arrive by 6:40 p.m. to organize behind the visitor bleachers. If the ceremony is moved to the main gym, students will gather in the auxiliary gym at the same time.
- Ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m. and students sit on the field or in the main gym floor if moved indoors. Families are invited to sit in the stands.
- Please remind your 8th grader to wear flat shoes
- Clap Out on June 7th (see details below)
8th Grade Dismissal on June 7th-LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
All family members are welcome to wait outside the main entrance to see the 8th graders leave CHS one last time and for safety and security purposes are not permitted inside the building.
We will have a "parent viewing area" (see PDF map below) right outside the main entrance, where the 8th grade will be exiting the building.
6th and 7th grade students will be exiting out of the media center entrance to help improve the flow of students leaving the building.
Once the 8th graders have emptied out of the building, parents may join them briefly in the "student dismissal area" as we load buses for dismissal.
We will begin our dismissal/ clap out process around 11:30 a.m.
Clifford Smart PTSA Sponsored 8th Grade End-Of-The-Year Celebration!
We want to recognize our 8th graders as they move onto the next chapter. We hope they will be able to attend our end-of-the-year party on Friday, June 7th from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.at Oakland Yard Athletics in Waterford. The party will be outside, and our group will have the entire facility to ourselves.
The cost is $25 per student. Included are:
- Unlimited Food & drinks
- DJ & Raffle Prizes
- Outdoor games such as sand volleyball, basketball, cornhole and use of the mini soccer field
- Slip-n-slide on the hill.
- And more!
We want to make this a fun and safe day for all. So, while parents may choose to stay or drop off their child, if direct supervision is required, those parents are encouraged to stay.
To register your student, fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1G0KRJR5IthH029uAKrOIzecLAO5LnU9OOlgrwB8nTL4/edit
And please keep the following in mind:
- This party is for our current 8th grade students - NO SIBLINGS OR OTHER GUESTS WILL BE ALLOWED
- Payment is due at the time of registration and can be sent via Venmo or dropped off at school (details on registration form)
- Transportation is not provided.
- Please have your student bring or wear a swimsuit and towel if interested in the slip-n-slide.
Registrations and payment are due by May 31st. You must be registered and paid to attend the event.
If your family is experiencing economic hardship and you need assistance with your child attending, please let us know.
Looking forward to a great party!
Party Co-Chairs
Jillian Moutafis Andi Parel Nisse Mead
248-568-2396 248-762-2808 248-939-2456
UPDATED Walled Lake Northern High School SWAT Information and Permission Slip
Hello, Class of 2028! The time has come to begin getting ready for the 2024-2025 school year, starting at your graduation! This evening is a time to register for SWAT. Attached is a copy of the SWAT permission slip and the criteria students must follow to run for Class Council, which will be elected during our SWAT event. We have attached a PDF for both. We are looking forward to starting some memorable years with our incoming class. Class Council is an extremely important part of Northern, and we encourage all students interested to participate in Class and Student Council. This is where important decisions will be made. We have had a few questions and would like to clarify some information. Please see below for frequently asked questions:
- Is SWAT the same as Registration? NO. Registration is required of ALL students, 9-12. This is where students will have pictures taken, find lockers, pay school fees, buy Homecoming tickets, buy spirit wear, have textbooks distributed, etc. STUDENTS WILL NOT RECEIVE YOUR SCHEDULE during registration. They will see what classes they have but will not know which hours they are enrolled for each course. Please remember all courses are offered multiple hours during the day. SWAT is geared towards preparing freshmen for their high school experiences at Northern. This will help to ease the fears of walking in the doors on their first day. This will include school protocols, finding their classrooms, academics, get-to-know-you activities, the Code of Conduct, meeting administration/liaison officer expectations while at Northern, assembly, football chants, and more. YES, AT SWAT, YOUR CHILD WILL RECEIVE THEIR SCHEDULE. This is the only opportunity to receive your schedule early. If your child does not attend SWAT, the schedules should be available in Skyward by August 22 so that they can download and visit the building. Schedules will not be available earlier.
- Is there a make-up day for SWAT (A.K.A. Freshman orientation)? NO. Students will be given the opportunities offered through SWAT only on August 20 from 9:30 to 2:15.
- How do I pay for SWAT? The cost is $5, which includes lunch. You can pay using cash or check. If your child pays via check, please make it payable to Walled Lake Schools.
- Is my child required to stay for the entire SWAT event? Yes, we would prefer all incoming freshmen stay for the entire event. Not only will they miss important information, but as a Student Leadership run event, we must know where all students are at all times. Please have your child stay for the entire time. Thank you!
Once again, Congratulations, Class of 2028! We look forward to meeting our future Knights. Welcome to Northern!
Student Leadership
Please click on the SWAT (Freshman Orientation) document and Freshman Class Council Student Application below.
SWAT Permission slips and payment will be collected at the promotion ceremony this Thursday