JD Weekly News
November 8th, 2024
Progress Reports
Our Dolphins have been working hard since the first day of school! Please be sure to celebrate those successes and strengths on their progress reports tonight! A reminder of how each level correlates to marks:
• Progressing Very Well
Student achievement is meeting or surpassing the provincial standard.
(Letter grades B to A+ / Numerical grades 74 to 100)
• Progressing Well
Student achievement is approaching the provincial standard.
(Letter grades C to B- / Numerical grades 64 to 73)
• Progressing with Difficulty
Student achievement is not currently meeting the provincial standard.
(Letter grades R to C- / Numerical grades below 50 to 63)
Please find a link below to schedule an interview with your child's teacher if you would like to discuss the progress report further. Now, a word of caution: if a teacher isn't selected, the system has been known to automatically schedule with the first teacher listed alphabetically. And while Ms Acton is a wonderfully generous and kind educator, she might be a little overwhelmed if she ends up with everyone!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Coding Club - starting Wednesday
Learning About the Benefits of AI!
Mr. Frank's class joined 60 other classes virtually across the Thames Valley District School Board to work with microbits and learn how AI is helping us to create a more sustainable environment and help solve world hunger. Super cool!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is growing! Please encourage your child(ren) to visit the Lost and Found located outside of the office and take home anything that may belong to them. Families may also come in to claim any clothing that belongs to you. You never know; a long-lost favourite hoodie could be waiting for you! Thank you!
Executive Function Activities for 5-7 year-olds:
Upcoming Dates:
November 11th - Remembrance Day assembly at 9:30am in the gym. Parents and families are welcome to join us as we recognize and honour this very important day.
November 14th - Spirit Day - Jersey Day. (Wear your favourite jersey!)
November 15th - PD Day - Families will be able to schedule a time to meet the classroom teacher on this day, or potentially on Thursday evening (November 14th) to discuss progress reports.
November 22nd - Hot Lunch - Byron Pizza
November 29th - Spirit Day- Country Western Day!
- Hot Lunch - Marshall's Pasta
December 4th - Holiday Concert - 6:30pm
December 6th - Spirit Day - Team Colour Day!
- Hot Lunch - Byron Pizza