Sayéik: GastiNEWS!!
September 6, 2024
Principal's Note
Hello SGCS families,
Thanks for the amazing turnout at Open House last night! It was so fun to see so many of you coming to see what your child(ren) have been up to since the start of the year!
Our school garden is producing sunflowers, carrots, potatoes, kale, and zuchinni! We are taking those veggies and making a hearty stew for families! Please join us on Wednesday, October 9, at 5:00 for the Harvest Meal!
The transition from summer to school can be rough, especially when it comes to sleep schedules! We have seen many sleepy kids this week at school. As much as kids resist going to bed earlier, it is really key for success in school. I've included a graph about the amount of sleep that's needed for kids, please take a look and talk with your child(ren) about the importance of a good night's sleep!
Have a wonderful weekend!
In partnership,
Stacy Diouf
SGCS Principal
Our first Sing-Along was a smashing success! Thanks to the team for making it happen!
In an effort to make Sing-Along less dependent on a few people, families are invited to join the fun with their musical gifts to play, sing, or lead as desired! If you are interested in joining in the fun and helping to make this a sustainable practice of our community, please reach out to Deb at dspencerak@gmail.com for more information.
Join us Wednesday, October 9, at 5:00p.m. for a Harvest Meal, made from the veggies from our SGCS garden!
We are a Title I School - What does that mean?
What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to schools like Sayeik: Gastineau to ensure that all children have access to a high-quality education and are prepared to meet challenging academic standards.
How Does Title I Benefit Our Students?
● Additional Resources: Title I funding helps us provide supplemental resources like
books, technology, and instructional materials to support your child's learning.
● Support Programs: We offer additional programs and services, such as reading and
math interventions, to help students who need extra support.
● Professional Development: Title I funds also help our teachers and staff receive
ongoing professional development to stay updated with the best teaching practices.
● Family Engagement: We encourage and support family involvement in their child’s
education through workshops, meetings, and events.
What Does This Mean for Your Child?
At SGCS, being a Title I school means we are committed to ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to succeed. Your child will have access to additional support and resources that are designed to help them reach their full potential.
How Can You Get Involved?
As a parent or guardian, you play a crucial role in your child’s education. Here’s how you can
● Attend Title I meetings, Site Council, and/or Parent Group meetings.
● Participate in school events and activities.
● Communicate regularly with your child’s teachers.
● Support your child’s learning at home.
Stay Connected!
For more information about Title I and how it impacts our school, please feel free to reach out to
us at (907) 796-5075. Together, we can help your child succeed!