Volunteer Release Form
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips, and be a volunteer driver. In order to volunteer in the classroom or on school-sponsored functions, all parents or guardians must complete the Volunteer Release Form and be approved through the district process prior to any activities. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
New this year - Volunteer forms will be completed online (see button below). There is an option to fill out the Chaperone Section within the online Volunteer form. Driver forms must be completed using the usual paper copy format. Remember to submit a copy of your current driver's license and proof of insurance with ALL Driver Forms even if you submitted your driver's license online.
Volunteer forms must be completed every year. If you were an approved volunteer last year, you still must complete the process again for the 2024-2025 school year.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
All entrances, with the exception of the main front door at Bacon, are for students only. Each morning students should line up at their designated entrance door when they arrive at school. At 8:00am teachers will greet students at their door and walk them directly into the classroom. Please remember that ONLY STUDENTS and teachers are allowed to enter the building at these entrances, all other parents and community members must enter through the main office doors located on Bacon. Visitors (including parents) must sign in at the office and receive a visitor sticker. Please bring your state issued ID to facilitate this process.
If a child arrives after the doors have closed, they must enter the building through the main office. Please do not ask other students to open doors for you.
Students will be dismissed at 3:15pm at their designated door. Children who are not picked up in a timely fashion will report directly to the office. Children attending Kids Zone latch key will be picked up at classrooms by Kids Zone staff on a daily basis.
Traffic Pattern
Two years ago, Berkley Public Safety updated the traffic patterns and guidelines around our schools. Please take the time to review the traffic pattern including designated pick-up and drop-off zones and review the full Angell Traffic Pattern document and map.
Curbside drop-off & pick-up will take place opposite school grounds, on the resident/house side of the street.
Please note that during drop-off and pick-up, parking, stopping, and standing on the school side of the street is not permitted to allow public safety quick access to buildings in case of emergency.
Students will cross at the designated crosswalks at the corners of Bacon & Beverly and Cummings & Beverly
Students should exit cars on the resident/house side of Bacon and Cummings, walk to the corner, and cross with a crossing guard. Students should exit onto the curb, not into the street.
Caregivers are encouraged to park and walk with their child to school.
Parking is allowed opposite school grounds any time of day.
Angell staff parking lot is reserved for staff only and is not a drop-off/pick-up zone.
Berkley Public Safety will be enforcing the traffic rules.
Health Forms
Food Free Policy and Snack Ideas
Daily Schedule
Classroom Specials Schedule
Wednesday Rotation Schedule
Lunch Information
Special Message from Food Service
Updated District Breakfast and Lunch Food Allergy Policy
The Berkley Schools Food Service Department takes food allergies and student safety very seriously. If a student has any food allergies and they want to eat breakfast and/or lunch at school that requires special accommodations, a physician must fill out the MDE Dietary Needs Form and return it to the office.The form must be filled out correctly for the food service department to make any accommodations. We do the best we can to accommodate all requests but there may be some limitations.We do not make any accommodation for any student that does not have a medical form on file with our department. The Food Service Department is unable to track students with food allergies unless we have the Special Diet Statement Form on file. Please email the food service department with questions.
Visit the Food Services Webpage for more information. Detailed food ingredients and allergen information can be found on the Nutrislice page linked below.
Free Breakfast and Lunch for students
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2024-25 school year! Thanks to the state of Michigan for again including Michigan School Meals in the 2024-25 budget. Please note single cartons of milk and extra slices of pizza are ala carte items and there will be a charge. Single Cartons of milk are $0.75 and extra slices of pizza (if available) are $2.00. You can load money on their account using Mistar or you can send in cash or checks.
For families that may have qualified to receive free/reduced meals or may qualify now, it is important to continue to fill out the Education and Nutrition Benefits Form to find out if you’re eligible. Being eligible provides many more benefits such as reduced athletics, AP testing and summer program fees and expanded funding from the State and Federal Government. Find the Education and Nutrition Benefits Form in the Back to School Packet - student section - and on the Food Service webpage.
Berkley Schools and ARAMARK have teamed up to provide students with the fuel that they need to have a successful academic year.. ARAMARK provides nutritious meals in accordance with the USDA standards. Visit the Berkley Food Service webpage for menus, updates and more!
Our students have dedicated lunch periods (A Lunch, B Lunch and C Lunch) each day. We have two grade levels eat in each session. All lunches take place in the gym and students sit in assigned areas. Each lunch period is followed by a lunch recess, as well. The schedule for A, B, and C Lunch is below:
- TK/K and 5th Grade
- Lunch: 11:00 AM - 11:25 AM
- Recess: 11:25 AM - 11:50 AM
- 1st and 3rd Grade
- Lunch: 11:25 AM - 11:50 AM
- Recess: 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM
- 2nd and 4th Grade
- Lunch: 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM
- Recess: 12:15 PM - 12:40 PM
Breakfast Information
Angell Spititwear
Show your school spirit! Angell Spiritwear is ready to purchase online at any time. Please visit our online store using the button below. A percentage of each sale is donated back to our PTA. Thank you for your support!
iCalendar Updates
Subscribe to Angell iCalendar Updates
iCal Feeds
iCalendar (iCal, .ics) is a popular calendar data exchange format which allows you to subscribe to a calendar and receive updates as calendar data changes.
Read step by step instructions on adding an iCal feed to Google Calendars and your iPhone.
Stay In Touch
Email: vincenzo.gigliotti@berkleyschools.org
Website: https://www.berkleyschools.org/schools/angell/
Location: 3849 Beverly Boulevard, Berkley, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 837-8501
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Angell-Elementary-School/688122847952184
Twitter: @GigliottiVince