Angel Express
Our Lady of Grace Catholic School | September 2024
👋 Dear Our Lady of Grace families
Here are the 7 important news items you need for this month!
- Change in Drop & Pick Up
- Calendars
- Lunch menu price change
- Health Coodinator Update Guidelines/Mandates
- Scenes from last week
- Upcoming PTC Meeting
- Inspiration
Attendance Update! 🙌 We're at 97% for August Average ! Way to Go, Angels! 👏
New Drop OFF and Pick UP procedure
After our thunderstorms this week we noticed that by making a minor change in our drop off and pick up location, we can utilize the awning on the front of the hall. This will help during bad weather and help keep our children safer.
Beginning September 3rd, parents will enter the parking area by the blue dumpster on Crockett Street not at the gate and snake through what was the staff parking area. No cars by staff or parents will be allowed to park in that area, it is a fire lane. Officer Ruple & Staff will be out with signage and cones to help guide the parents. You will still exit through the second gated area. We will continue with 2-3 spots, as before.
Student school lunch price increased from $3 to $4
Health Coordinator Updates
This summer we had a audit from the State and as a result there were some concerns that we need to tighten up on and follow our policies and procedures.
Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook Health & Safety, and Medication Policy:
- All students shall be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance ...State of Texas Department of State Health Services
- No over the counter medications can be administered with out permission/consent by their medical provider.
- Please make sure to update your emerency contact information
Click to get form below must be sign by provider and done annually.
Scenes from Last Month
Our little Angels
Mrs. Lee's Scientists
Servants of Our Lord
Welcome Father Francis
Upcoming Important Dates
- 9/2 Labor Day No School
- 9/3 Bingo for Bags Ticket Sales 8:30-12:30 & 4-6 pm or until sell out
- 9/6 Grandparents Day Mass
- 9/9-9/13 NWEA Fall Assessments