Little Lancer Lowdown
“Where Learners are Grown with Pride!”
September 2024
Dear Little Elba Lancer Families,
As we gear up for the 2024-2025 school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of our returning Little Elba Lancers and those who are joining our school community for the first time. The start of a new school year is always filled with anticipation and enthusiasm, and we are thrilled to partner with you as we work together to support our students in their learning and growth. Everyone has been busy preparing to ensure that this year is filled with meaningful experiences, academic achievements, and joyful memories for every Little Lancer. We are excited to see what this year will bring and are committed to making it a successful and enriching journey for all our students.
We can't wait to see our Little Elba Lancers on Wednesday, September 4th for student K-6 and Thursday, September 5th for UPK!
As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns!
With Lancer Pride,
~Mrs. Jessica Cramer
Open House
Please join us on Thursday, August 29th for Open House from 5:30-7pm!
Important Arrival and Dismissal Updates
Please note the following changes for arrival and dismissal for the upcoming year:
- All doors for students will open at 7:30am
- Breakfast - Student must check in to homerooms and then get breakfast.
- UPK-6 dismissal for parent pick up is at 2:25pm.
Please read the New Process for School Drop Offs and Pick Ups below for important updates.
Elementary (UPK-4) pick up cards will be available in your child's homeroom at Open House. If you are unable to attend Open House, pick up cards will be sent home on the first day of school.
Transportation Request Form
Parent-Student Handbook
Free Breakfast and Lunch
Copies will also be available in the Elementary Office and during Open House.
Chromebook Insurance
We strongly encourage all families to consider this insurance to protect your child's school-issued device from damage. Please note: open enrollment for this program runs from 8/30 through 9/30. If you attempt to enroll before this date, you will be unable to do so.
Information Flyers were sent in the August 12th Parent Square message and will be available at Open House.
Upcoming Dates
8.28.24 - New Student Orientation - 5:30pm
8.29.24 - Superintendent Conference Day (No School)
8.29.24 - Open House (5:30-7pm)
9.3.24 - Superintendent Conference Day (No School)
9.4.24 - First Day of School (K-6)
9.5.24 - First Day of School (UPK)
9.9.24 - BOE Meeting
Keep Connected
Elba CSD Facebook Page
Connect on Twitter
Elba Elementary Website
Elba Elementary
Email: jcramer@elbacsd.org
Website: https://www.elbacsd.org/Page/30
Location: Elba Elementary School, South Main Street, Elba, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 757-9967
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Education/Elba-Central-School-649205591836163/
Twitter: @JessicaCramer26