NPS Parent Update - Sept. 8
Important information for parents
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IN-PERSON LEARNING UPDATE - Monday, Sept. 8, 2020
As outlined in previous district communication, we provide weekly updates regarding the status of in-person instruction. These updates will be applicable only to those students who are enrolled in the traditional/remote or blended learning options. Each Monday, we provide a forecast for the following week to help families plan ahead. Each Friday, after Oklahoma’s Covid-19 Alert System is updated, we confirm the following week’s instructional plan.
As a reminder, the Covid-19 Alert System was developed by the Oklahoma State Department of Health and has been adopted by the Oklahoma Department of Education. The alert system does not differentiate between Orange Level 1 and 2. However, according to the Oklahoma Department of Education, Orange Level 1 is defined as more than 14.39 but fewer than 25 cases per 100,000 people, while Orange Level 2 is defined as more than 25 but fewer than 50 cases per 100,000 people.
Elementary Students:
If an Orange Level 1 status (or lower) is reported Friday, Sept. 11, elementary students will continue to report to school for in-person instruction on Monday, Sept. 14.
If an Orange Level 2 is reported Friday, Sept. 11, elementary students will continue to report to school for in-person learning for one week (Monday, Sept. 14 through Friday, Sept. 18) as they transition to remote learning for the following week, beginning Monday, Sept. 21, if Cleveland County remains Orange Level 2. Continuing in-person education for one week before transitioning to remote learning allows families to prepare for remote learning and also provides teachers with time to prepare their remote learning schedule and plan instruction on Canvas and Seesaw.
If Red Level is reported Friday, Sept. 11, elementary students will not report to school and will instead follow remote learning schedules the week of Sept. 14.
Middle and High School Students:
If an Orange Level 1 status (or lower) is reported Friday, Sept. 11, middle and high school students will report to school on either an alternate schedule or a full-time, traditional schedule on Monday, Sept. 14. Due to the short week and fluctuating data coming in from the Oklahoma State Department of Health, we will closely monitor the situation this week and will provide more definitive information this Friday regarding next week’s instructional plan.
If an Orange Level 2 is reported Friday, Sept. 11, middle and high school students will continue to report to school on an alternate schedule for one week (Monday, Sept. 14 through Friday, Sept. 18) as they transition to remote learning for the following week, beginning Monday, Sept. 21, if Cleveland County remains Orange Level 2. Continuing in-person education for one week before transitioning to remote learning allows families to prepare for remote learning and also provides teachers with time to prepare their remote learning schedule and plan instruction on Canvas and Seesaw.
If Red Level is reported Friday, Sept. 11, middle and high school students will not report to school and will instead follow remote learning schedules the week of Sept. 14.
We will confirm next week’s instructional plan this Friday after the Covid-19 Alert System is updated.
Back-to-School Information
Norman Public Schools
Values: Integrity | Inclusiveness | Collaboration | Optimism
Email: normanpublicschools@norman.k12.ok.us
Website: normanpublicschools.org
Location: 131 South Flood Avenue, Norman, OK, United States
Facebook: facebook.com/normanpublicschools
Twitter: @NormanSchools