T.H.E. Trail Guide
May 2, 2024

Dates For Your Calendar
May 8th-24-25 SY Kindergarten Screening at THE 4:20pm-6:20pm
May 8th-Kinder/1st Grade Spring Concert at THE 6:30pm
May 9th-911 Education Assembly for K-5
May 14th-24-25 SY Kindergarten Screening at 4:20pm-6:20pm
May 15th-PTA General Membership Meeting at THE 6:30pm
May 18th-Beauty and the Beast at BLHS PAC 2:00pm & 7:00pm
May 27th-NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
May 28th-Weather Makeup Day (Possible No School Day)
May 30th-Water Safety Assembly for K-5
Testing Schedule at THE
Testing sessions are starting up at THE.
- All grades will be taking the AIMS reading assessment.
- April 23-26: AIMS (3rd-5th)
- May 7-10: (Kinder/1st)
- May 21-24: (2nd)
- Our intermediate grades have begun preparing for the spring state math and reading SBA, and 5th grade will also be taking the state science assessment (WCAS). Please watch for more specific communication coming soon on how you can best prepare your student for SBA testing. State testing days:
May 14-17: ELA (3rd-5th)
May 21-24: Math (3rd-5th)
June 4: Science Assessment (5th grade only)
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
Calling all future Trailblazers! Kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is open! Do you know a child who will be five years old on or before August 31? Maybe it's your neighbor, friend or even your own child. Now’s the right time to enroll next year’s kindergarten students. The sooner you enroll, the better we can keep you informed. Get information on what documents you need and how to enroll -- the process is all online at sumnersd.org/register.
To help welcome our new kinders and their families, each of our elementary schools created virtual tours, which includes a school tour and staff introduction. Watch each schools' video here.
Ready to start the kindergarten registration process? Visit our Enrollment page for details on the three-step registration process.
New requirements are in effect for students in preschool or kindergarten who are four years old or older on Sept. 1.
Washington state's school immunization law requires documentation of immunization at the time of school registration. A Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), signed by the parent/guardian, must be on file at the school on or before the student's first day of school. Learn more about immunizations.
PTA News
National Staff Appreciation Week, May 6-10! Our PTA Hospitality team has lots planned! Keep your eyes open for information coming home Friday (and in your Class Parents group on FB) for ideas how your Trailblazer family can get involved to celebrate our staff!
Trailblazer Takeover Event at Menchie's, Tues., May 14th, 3:30-8pm! Join us for a sweet treat at the Bonney Lake location and a portion of your purchase comes back to our organization when you mention Tehaleh Heights PTA!
May 15th PTA General Membership Meeting in the THE Launchpad @ 6:30pm, featuring Mountain View Middle School Principal Amy Montgomery as our guest speaker - she’ll be talking about middle school life at MMS and answering parent questions about the transition from fifth grade to sixth grade. All are invited. *We’ll also be voting to approve the PTA budget for the 2024/25 school year. The PTA budget impacts students, staff and our Trailblazer families - we invite you to be part of the process! Contact president@tehalehheights.org with questions!
Trailblazers love Book Fairs! Thanks to your support, our school earned more than $7,000 in Scholastic Book credit for our classroom and library inventory! We're grateful to Kaycee Layman and all our volunteers for orchestrating all the pieces to make this such a fun and successful Trailblazer event!
Did you miss the purchase window for ordering a yearbook? (It's the month of March each year.) Please email president@tehalehheightspta.org if you'd like to be added to the overflow list. Yearbooks are $20. While we do not order many extra copies and cannot guarantee we’ll be able to accommodate your request, on occasion, extra copies do become available. Yearbooks are delivered in June.
The most comprehensive place to see what’s on deck and get recaps and photos from recent PTA and school events is at Tehaleh Heights PTA and Tehaleh Heights Elementary on Facebook. Trailblazer parents and guardians, be sure you’ve also found your private Class Parents group on FB!
=>Feel free to reach out to president@tehalehheightspta.org with any questions!
Free Dental Day
We're back, bigger and better than ever--
Light Dental Studios' 7th Annual SOUTH SOUND FREE DENTAL DAY!
No purchase needed. No insurance necessary. Walk out with NO BILL!!
Limit ONE dental service per patient:
1 FREE Filling
1 FREE Extraction
New this year: We've grown from 20 chairs to 40! Last year, we saw 132 patients--so this year, we can double it!!!
Puyallup Campus ONLY
8012 112th St Ct E #320
Puyallup, WA 98373
Questions? (253) 848-2331