Cavalier Newsflash
Work HARD! Dream BIG! Believe in YOURSELF! Never GIVE UP!
Volume 2 - Issue 22 - January 27, 2020
Message from the Principal
Good evening Cavaliers,
As many of us struggle to cope with the tragic news of the untimely death of NBA great, Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna and the rest of the passengers aboard the helicopter that crashed, it's important for us to remember some of the life lessons that we can learn from him. Passion, determination, hard work, dedication, setting goals and taking INITIATIVE to do the work it takes to reach those goals. These are just some examples of how Kobe Bryant lived his life.
As we think about our lives, the things that we are passionate about, and the hard work that must be done every single day so that we can reach our goals, let's remember the passion, work ethic, perseverance and initiative that made Kobe a legend on and off the court. Keep working hard, take the initiative to make every single day count, and reach for the stars!
Thank you for your hard work, dedication and remember;
At CVM we work HARD, we dream BIG, we believe in OURSELVES and we never, ever , GIVE UP!
Julio C. Alcalá
Chula Vista Middle School
Cavalier Way Trait of the Month
Assistant Principal's Corner
Nutrition Break Supervision - TEAM 3!
Team 3 please be at your supervision posts this week during nutrition break.
Thank you!
Mr. Casas
Fall Semester Awards Assembly
- Sweethearts Ball Top 3 Voting during lunch in the quad.
Tuesday 1/28
- RP Circles during Advisory
- Counseling Center Closed for Balancing
Wednesday 1/29
- Counseling Center Closed for Balancing (Balance Day)
- College Day
Thursday 1/30
- RP Achieve 3000 Article during Advisory
- First Semester Awards Ceremony 5:30 pm in the Auditorium
Friday 1/31
- Early Release - Students out at 1:25pm
- Rise-Up Friday - Science
- PLC Meetings by department
Saturday 2/1
- Saturday Academies
Focus on our Mission
Three Pillars to Support Success
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- ELD Strategies Across the Curriculum
- Purposeful PLC Collaboration
For the Common Good
We Are CVM!
Chula Vista Middle School
Email: julio.alcala@sweetwaterschools.org
Website: www.cvm.sweetwaterschools.org
Location: 415 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 498-6800
Twitter: @CVM_Principal