DPS News & Information
Sepyember 2024

Our mission is to prepare all learners for life-long success through a safe, collaborative, and innovative learning community.
Success for all!
A Note From Superintendent Dr. Marcus Lewton
Few people make a bigger difference in the world than educators. If you think about your upbringing, you probably remember a parent and grandparents impacting you. A neighbor may have made it onto the list, but chances are a teacher or someone who worked in a school helped who you've become. I remember a cook who always made me smile. I don't know her name, but she made sure I had a good day every day at lunch.
At the back-to-school breakfast, I shared how a 4th-grade teacher, Mrs. Naico, impacted me. September is usually filled with good experiences, but we all know the mid-winter blues will be upon us soon. I challenge you to pick one kid and go out of your way to make a positive relationship with them this year. Take a visual photo of them today and then on the last day of school. It doesn't have to be the kid who struggles or the kid who excels. Maybe it's someone who flies under the radar. Last week, I was eating lunch at DMS, and a young girl sitting by herself at the table next to me turned around and sparked up a conversation about my day and how I was doing. It was actually an anxious day as it was the day after the Fargo South fake bomb threat. I wonder if her challenge was to make someone's day because she sure made mine!
Enjoy the sun this weekend,
September Dates:
September 1-30: Suicide Prevention Month
September 1-30: Attendance Awareness Month
September 1-30: Deaf Awareness Month
September 2: Labor Day
September 8: International Literacy Day
September 10: Budget Public Input Hearing - 5:00 p.m.
September 10: Regular School Board Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
September 8-14: National Arts in Education Week
September 15: Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep 15-Oct 15)
September 15: National Online Learning Day
September 17: Citizenship/Constitution Day
September 17: National I.T. Professionals Day
September 19: National #TeachAg Day
September 21: International Peace Day
Alyssa Sadowsky -NAWIC Design Drafting Competition National Runner-Up
Alyssa Sadowsky has been recognized as the National Runner-up in the NAWIC Design Drafting Competition!
The Design Drafting Competition is a contest designed to expose High School and College Undergraduate students to design, drawing, and the construction industry. The contest recognizes students for creative design, successful problem-solving, and craftsmanship in preparing architectural drawings. Entries are evaluated for detail, accuracy, and originality of work. The contest aims to introduce the student to the construction industry in a positive and challenging manner while fostering a sense of self-worth and building confidence.
To read more about the competition, visit https://nef-edu.org/k-12-and-college/design-drafting/.
10th anniversary of the Dickinson BackPack Program
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Dickinson BackPack Program!
The program was launched in January 2014 as an initiative of St. John Lutheran Church. DPS School Social Worker Kristin Seaks and other members of the congregation identified the need for a food program to support children in our local schools and took the initiative to start the program. Over the past 10 years, the Backpack Program has distributed over 100,000 food packs to students in need of food assistance.
To read more about this program, check out the following article by The Dickinson Press.
The SkillsUSA National Leadership & Skills Conference
The SkillsUSA Chapter wrapped up their year attending and competing at the National Leadership & Skills Conference in Atlanta, GA. The students did extremely well in their competitions and also had time to take in some fun activities.
The results were:
- Anthony Tillman (RACTC) – 7th First Aid/CPR
- Bailey Binstock – 9th Extemp Speech
- Alyssa Lehman – 10th T-Shirt Design
- Naomi Lefor – 15th Culinary Arts
- Tage Jensen – 18th Architectural Drafting
- Ethan Keck/*Elijah Ricks – 22nd Additive Manufacturing
- Aria Sicker – 24th Pin Design
- Jake Streitz – 26th Diesel Equipment Technology
- DeLayla Thom – 5th in her prelim room for Prepared Speech. Only top 2 move to final round (no actual finish place released)
- Zowie Dwyer – 15th in her prelim room of 22, only the top 2 move on to final round (no actual finish place released
A huge thank you to the SkillsUSA advisors and to Mrs. Lehman, Mr. Wehner, Mr. Nelson, and Ms. Guillaume for taking the group to Nationals.
National Technology Student Association Conference
Five young ladies from Dickinson attended the National Technology Student Association Conference in Orlando, FL.
They competed in Architectural Design, Biotechnology Design and Geospatial Technology. While none of the teams advanced to finals they had a great conference and had lots of fun checking out some of the attractions in Orlando. Stephaine Tally is currently serving as a ND TSA State Officer and was one of ND delegates at the conference.
A big thank you to Mrs. Sadowsky for accompanying the group and serving as their advisor for the week.
Help us share your story!
Welcome to the Communications Corner!
Hello from Sarah Trustem and Camila Chorro; we are the communications department team!
Our department serves as a conduit of information to our parents, students, staff, and community. We are here to help share the Dickinson Public Schools story with our community, but we need your help!
Invite us to your class!
We want to join you in your classroom and school events to capture all the great moments with students and staff. We will be highlighting events and celebrations of each month; for example, in September, we celebrate National Arts in Celebration week, National Online Learning day, and National I.T Professionals day. If you are planning activities regarding any of these events, let us know, or send us photos of your celebrations!
Send us your photos!
Every day, great things are happening at Dickinson Public Schools! Please help us share your story with our community by sending photos of students and staff during fun activities, celebrations, and everyday learning. Email your pictures to: cchorro@dpsnd.org or strustem@dpsnd.org
*Please check your NO MEDIA list!
Check out the 10 tips below on taking better photos!
- Phones take great photos! (Better than a tablet).
- Zoom in with your feet (Not your camera).
- Get low! (Really low...like ground level).
- Student faces grab the most attention on social media.
- Use the school hashtag when posting on your own channels.
- Unique angles (For example, above students as they are working).
- Crop photos (Get rid of extra floor and ceiling areas).
- Smaller group pictures fair better than large group pictures.
- Always submit the highest resolution possible.
- Get students involved! (Classroom photos rock!).
Tips found at: socialschool4edu.com
The 2024-2025 DPS Chronicle will launch in October!
We are excited to share the DPS Chronicle is back for the 2024-2025 school year, with the first edition coming out on Wednesday, October 2!
We are looking for stories about students, staff, activities, and DPS events for October and future publications. If you are interested or have student work in mind, please fill out the following FORM. Note that space is limited; if chosen, we will reach out with further instructions.
Quick Information about the project:
- We suggest a 400 (or less) word limit and the article written in the 1st or 2nd person.
- We also strongly encourage taking pictures or sending any you already have to include in the final publication.
- Final drafts are due by the 23rd of each month.
- The DPS Chronicle will be published on the first Wednesday of the next month.
Learn to Live
September Webinars
Boost Your Emotional Health Webinars
Time Management: Capturing our Time Thieves: Struggling to get it all done each day and feeling overwhelmed? Juggling workload, family obliga:ons, squeezing in :me to see our friends and set aside some :me for ourselves? It can be a lot! But chances are, we can accomplish our goals with just a few adjustments to our approach. We’ll explain how we get off track and provide prac:cal tools for achieving our goals when it feels like there is never enough :me.
Wednesday, September 11th: 12-12:30pm CST/1-1:30pm EST
Building a Resilient Mindset: The Learn to Live Clinical Team explains the mind-body connec:on, reviews how to improve your emo:onal resilience, and incorporate present awareness and mindfulness into your everyday life.
Friday, September 13th: 10-10:30am CST/11-11:30am EST
Raising Future Ready Kids 2: Anxiety and Depression: Childhood anxiety and depression have been on the rise for over a decade now. As parents, watching a child struggle with anxiety and depression can be overwhelming. Learn to Live’s clinical team will provide you with informa:on on what anxiety and depression might look like for the kids in your life and share with you effec:ve Cogni:ve Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies to help you and your children overcome these challenges.
Tuesday, September 17th: 11-11:30am CST/12-12:30pm EST
What Is Anxiety and What Can I Do About It? Do worried thoughts command all your aQen:on and steal your joy? Or does your body tell you that you’re troubled with an upset stomach, trembling hands, and sweat on your forehead? Even when they seem like they’re coming out of nowhere, these can be symptoms of anxiety. The Learn to Live clinical team will help you beQer understand anxiety and introduce you to evidence based cogni:ve-behavioral strategies. These strategies will help you address anxiety symptoms and improve your well-being.
In case you missed it...
- Soaking up the excitement dhs swimmers ready to dive into 2024 season
- Midgets fall to 1-0 loss versus minot north
- Its on dickinson volleyball ready to dig for success
- Two DHS golfers reach state qualify for state
- Goal getters dakotah bank field becomes a reality with opening games
- Midgets chip away at competition with strong start
- New year new coaches dickinson kicks off 2024 season
- DHS swim and dive welcomes a fresh yet familiar face at helm
- Dickinson high school volleyball hungry to reach new heights
- Midgets prepare for football with equipment fitting event
- DHS volleyball standouts gain national experience aim to elevate team
Upcoming Events
If you have other sports, clubs, or events that you would like us to share, please send them to cchorro@dpsnd.org or strustem@dpsnd.org
We Are Dickinson Public Schools!
If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to check out the Dickinson Public Schools Mission Video.