Aitkin High School Newsletter
Quarterly News
Happy New Year - Welcome to January 2025!
Dear High School Parents,
As we approach the semester break, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of staying connected and informed about your student's academic progress. The Infinite Campus and Canvas Parent Portals are an invaluable resource that provides you with real-time access to your child's grades, attendance records, and more.
With the semester coming to an end on January 17th, now is a perfect time to log in to the Parent Portals and review your child's grades. Understanding your child's progress in each subject can help identify areas where additional support or encouragement may be needed. Encourage your student to utilize our after school tutoring in the media center on Tuesday and Wednesday for any catch-up opportunities before the new semester begins.
Your involvement and support are crucial in ensuring your child's success, and being informed through the Parent Portal is a great way to stay engaged in their educational journey. Should you have any questions or encounter any issues accessing the portal, please don't hesitate to reach out to the high school office for assistance 218-927-2115.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child's education.
May 2025 bring you many blessings,
Lisa DeMars, High School Principal
Please complete this short survey to tell us how to improve parent-teacher conferences. Survey Link
Upcoming Dates
- January 20th - No School
- January 21st - 2nd Semester and Quarter 3 begins
- February 3-7 is Snow Daze Week
- February 8th Snow Daze Dance 7:00-11:00 pm
- February 17th - No School
- Link to our district calendar for all events - https://home.isd1.org/
- Link to athletics and events calendar - https://isd1.rschoolteams.com/
988 Lifeline
988 Minnesota Lifeline connects help seekers to local resources
Connecting with 988 is an easy way to get connected with mental health resources local to you. 988 Lifeline centers have access to the 211 database with referral options for those experiencing food or housing insecurity, substance misuse, as well as resources for caregivers. 988 Lifeline Specialists are able to refer help-seekers to local Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics and Mobile Crisis teams as well.
If you need immediate emotional or mental health support, or are worried about someone else, please call or text 988 or visit the 988 Lifeline chat to connect online with a trained specialist.
A Resource to Help Quit Vaping, Nicotine or Tobacco
Aitkin Anglers Information Meeting
The Aitkin Angler Fishing Team will be holding an informational night Wed. January 8th at 5:30 in the High School Media Center. If your child is interested in being on the fishing team please come and hear what it is all about. Registration for the 2025 season will start on January 16th and close on Friday January 31st. Please contact Amanda Ashton 218-838-6020 if you have any questions or concerns.
Canvas Parent Portal
Tutoring is available Tuesday & Wednesday after school
Math Tutoring is available Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-5:00 in the high school media center. No need to sign up, just come to the media center for help. All students in grades 7-12 are welcome.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
E-Learning Days for the 2024-2025 School Year
Aitkin Public Schools may use e-Learning on days where weather or other circumstances do not permit us to have school in person. On E-Learning days, our students will engage in learning activities online through the use of Infinite Campus, Canvas, Email, and Phone Calls. Teachers will present instruction, share assignments and students will be able to participate in discussions and complete work using Canvas. During our e-Learning days our teachers will actively engage with our students, directing and overseeing their work. E-Learning days will be held in the event of unplanned school closures due to emergency situations such as severe weather, power outages, or public health issues. If there is to be an e-Learning Day a message will be sent out to all families. It is important to ensure that all of your contact information is up to date in our system to ensure you receive all district and school messages.
How an e-Learning Day works:
Parents/Guardians will receive an automated phone call, text or email via the School Messenger service, announcements will be made on local television and radio stations. The school district web page, www.isd1.org will be updated to describe the school closure event.
Assignments and activities will be posted in Canvas throughout our e-Learning day(s).
Teachers will hold office hours from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm district-wide on the e-learning day.
Students will not report to school but will engage in E-learning activities from home as assigned.
Teachers will be available during the school day to answer questions and provide guidance through email or on Canvas.
The due dates for E-learning day assignments will be flexible. Students with special needs or circumstances may face unique challenges while performing the academic tasks. Provisions and accommodations will be made for their individual needs.
Please contact your child’s teacher(s) for more specific information as needed.
How will attendance be verified?
Attendance must be taken by the teacher and records of attendance will be kept. Some ways attendance can be verified include:
Logging in to the class page(s) on the district’s/school Canvas Learning Management System
Students can complete daily assignments to verify attendance during regular school hours.
Email exchange/phone call with the teacher.
A parent may verify attendance due to a lack of internet/wifi connectivity by contacting your child's school at 218-927-2115
Free Covid-19 Tests Available
Attendance is Important!
The FASFA website - https://studentaid.gov/
School Health
Being sure that a child is well enough to go to school can be tough for any parent. It often comes down to whether the child can still participate at school. Having a sore throat, cough, or mild congestion doesn't always mean kids can't handle class and/or other activities. Kids should stay home when they have symptoms like a fever over 100°F, diarrhea, vomiting, or trouble breathing.
You know your child best. A child who has the sniffles but hasn't slowed down at home is likely well enough for the classroom. But one who coughed all night and had a hard time getting up in the morning might need to take it easy at home.
Prepared by Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department (HSPHD)
Certain symptoms in children may suggest the presence of a communicable disease. Excluding an ill child may decrease the spread of the disease to others in childcare and school settings. Recommended exclusion varies by the disease or infectious agent. Children with the symptoms listed below should be excluded from the childcare or school setting until symptoms improve; or a health care provider has determined that the child can return; or children can participate in routine activities without more staff supervision than usual.
Exclude Children with any of the following
- Illness - Unable to participate in routine activities or needs more care than can be provided by school staff
- Fever - An elevation of body temperature above normal and accompanied by behavior changes, stiff neck, difficulty breathing, rash, sore throat, and/or signs or symptoms of illness; or is unable to participate in routine activities. Measure temperature before giving medications to reduce fever.
- Axillary (armpit) temperature: 100 degrees F or higher
- Oral temperature: 101 degrees F or higher
- Rectal temperature: 102 degrees F or higher
- Ear temperatures are not recommended because of inconsistent and inaccurate results. Each manufacturer may have different temperature ranges, which makes setting standards difficult.
- Signs/Symptoms of Possible Severe Illness - Child is usually tired, has uncontrolled coughing, unexplained irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, or other unusual signs for the child. Exclude until a health care provider has done an evaluation to rule out severe illness.
- Diarrhea - Diarrhea is defined as an increased number of stools compared with a child's normal pattern along with decreased stool form and/or stools that are watery, bloody or contain mucus. Exclude until 24 hours after diarrhea stops or follow specific disease exclusion if the pathogen is known; or until a medical exam indicates that it is not due to a communicable disease.
- Vomiting - Child has vomited two or more times in the previous 24 hours. Exclude for 24 hours after last episode of vomiting, unless it is determined to be caused by a noncommunicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration.
- Mouth Sores with Drooling - Exclude until a medical exam indicates the child may return or until sores have healed.
- Rash with Fever or Behavior Change - Exclude until a medical exam indicates these symptoms are not those of a communicable disease that requires exclusion.
- Eye Drainage - NO Exclusion, unless the child has a fever or is not healthy enough to participate in routine activities. Antibiotics or a note from a health care provider are not required.
- Unusual Color of Skin, Eyes, Stool, or Urine - Exclude until a medical exam indicates the child does not have hepatitis A. Symptoms of Hepatitis A include yellow eyes or skin (jaundice), gray or white stools, or dark (tea or cola colored) urine.
HCMC-Infectious diseases in childcare settings and schools manual
This resource contains technical and parent fact sheets about a variety of infectious diseases, as well as information for disease prevention and control.
If your child is home sick, please inform the school by emailing tfoss@isd1.org or calling the High School Office (218)927-2115 option #1 or ext. 3500 and leave a message.
High School Parking Lot and Pick up after School
High School Contact Information
Email: ldemars@isd1.org
Website: https://home.isd1.org/
Location: 306 2nd Street Northwest, Aitkin, MN, USA
Phone: 218-927-2115
Facebook: facebook.com/AitkinPublicSchools