Sayéik: GastiNEWS!!
October 4, 2024
AK STAR Reports (grades 4th-6th)
You may remember your student taking the AK STAR summative assessment last spring.
The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) is Alaska’s state assessment for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. In spring of 2024, AK STAR was administered to students in grades three to nine. AK STAR provides an opportunity for students to show what they know and can do related to Alaska’s ELA and mathematics standards, which were adopted in June 2012. For the second year, AK STAR also included a growth component, similar to the MAP Growth interim assessments many districts administer in fall and winter. This growth component provided a RIT score and growth percentiles. This approach allows a student to take just one test but receive both a RIT score and a summative score.
AK STAR results are a necessary component of making data-informed decisions for students, families, teachers, administrators, district leadership, and policy makers:
- For our students and families, assessment results can help determine strengths and challenges, and how to utilize both to continue academic growth.
- For our teachers and school administrators, assessment results can help evaluate progress, find areas for improvement, and focus on what students need most.
- For our policymakers and district leadership, assessment results can ensure resources are
allocated to the most vital areas of need.
The student results from these tests are now available and will be available at Parent/Teacher conferences October 16-17.
Teachers at your school can help you understand the report if you have questions. In addition, the Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) has published a Family Guide for your use. The Guide can be found on DEED’s assessment webpage (education.alaska.gov/assessments).
The library is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair October 9-17th! This is a fundraising event for our library that gives students access to a wide selection of inexpensive books (along with journals, bookmarks, posters, and writing tools).
The book fair will be open during library class, recess, after school, and on conference days. We need volunteers during library classes to help make the book fair go smoothly. Email your student's teacher or Ms. Brann (diana.brann@juneauschools.org) to sign up for a volunteer slot. Volunteers will help with tasks such as helping students find books, reading to students, helping with wish lists, or helping with the register.
Activate an e-Wallet for your student(s), a cashless account that you can set up ahead of time! It is easy to set up by visiting our book fair homepage here . Look for the e-Wallet button at the bottom of the page. For a video with more information, go here .
**A new e-Wallet must be set up for each fair. If your child had $ left over from our Spring fair you should have received a gift card from Scholastic. These can be easily converted into a new e-wallet by going to our book fair website.
If you would like to contribute to our school wide book fund so that every child can buy a book please add to the Book Fairy's eWallet account *Although it says 3rd grade, $ will be used for every grade.*
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 16-17, look for an email from your child(ren)'s teacher for your day and time!