Wolves Newsletter
Welcome to Park Brook Elementary

Friday, December 20, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Families,
Students have been involved in a number of learning opportunities outside of the school day, and as we move into 2025, some activities will come to an end, other continue and others will begin. It is great to have students so excited to be part of learning opportunities. As we conclude 2024, it is also a time that I would like to thank the staff who give time outside of the school day to provide the additional opportunities at Park Brook.
The week we return from Winter Break information will be distributed regarding several weekend field trips.
One consistent theme from parent input has been for Park Brook to offer a boys group similar to Girls on the Run. In early 2025 we are planning a boys climbing field trip to the Minneapolis Bouldering Project. Details are in the works. Earlier this year boys in grades 4 & 5 had the opportunity to participate in a flag football class using equipment donated by NFL's Fuel Up to Play 60. While we do not have the means to have a complete program similar to Girls on the Run for boys, we are seeking ways to honor the parent input and provide additional opportunities for boys.
Practice is important for anything in life we want to get better at doing. Reading is the same. I cannot state it enough, kids need to read at home to make as much reading growth as we desire.
I do hope that all Park Brook Families will have a most enjoyable Winter Break.
Happy New Year,
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Winter Conferences will be held from 3:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. on the following dates:
- Tuesday, February 4, 2024
- Thursday, February 6, 2024
- Monday, February 10, 2024
A form will be sent home on Monday, January 6, 2025 so you can let us know which days and times works best for you. Please mark ALL days and times that would work for you.
Parking Lot
- Park your car next to the curb - DO NOT LOOK FOR YOUR CHILD.
- After you have safely stopped next to the curb, look for your child. (This is what you would want others to do for YOUR child.)
The Park Brook Parking Lot is small and cannot accommodate all parents/guardians at 3:20 p.m. Please come BETWEEN 3:20 and 3:30 p.m. to pick up your child. We will supervise your child until you arrive.
- There are drivers looking at cell phones while driving through the parking lot. This is extremely dangerous. Put your phones down while driving.
- I understand if you call your child to the center passing lane that you can reduce your time picking up your child. However, I am concerned about your child's safety. I actually don't care that you are in a hurry; it is a school parking lot.
- We teach students to only get in and out of cars if the car is next to the curb, and to get in on the side of the car next to the curb.
- If you are parked along the center, students MUST walk and cross with the patrols. (If the child is with an adult, that is different.)
- We cannot have drivers double park as it stops the flow of traffic. You may have to circle a few times. Come closer to 3:30 p.m. and you won't have the congestion in the parking lot.
- On winter days, it is NOT safe to drive if your windows are not cleaned off or there is frost on your windows. Scrape off the ice or let the car warm up and allow the windows to defrost. Driving with side windows frosted over and just a small space to see through is not safe. (Most winter mornings I have several drivers doing this in the parking lot.)
- Do not park in such a way that cars cannot enter the parking lot and back traffic up in the street. You may need to circle until there is a place to park.
- Be kind. If a person is trying to back out of a parking spot after picking up their child, let them back out.
- Do not use the handicap spots unless you have a handicap placard AND the person who the placard was issued to is entering or exiting the car.
Your child's safety and the safety of all children at Park Brook is top priority. To be blunt, I do not care if you are in a hurry, if it takes you a few extra minutes, if it is cold, or you have an important phone call. When driving through the Park Brook Parking Lot I expect parents to drive in a way to keep kids safe, not just their own, but all kids safe.
This section is included in this newsletter as I am having to address situations too often. Kids are not aware of how dangerous cars are, but drivers need to be. The parents who are doing this, I don't think they realize how dangerous their driving is. For example, I do not believe the driver who was holding her cell phone up in front of her face, while looking for her child through the passenger window ever realized that I jumped out of the way as she started to drive across the cross walk as the patrol member had the flag out to stop cars so I could cross. I was simply crossing to go visit with a parent who was parked correctly about something completely unrelated to the parking lot. I was directly in front of the driver when she started to move the car. (True story, December 12, 2024 - Dismissal)
School Pictures - Send back paper form by January 6
A paper copy of the form to order pictures was sent home with all who did not order pictures online. Please send back the paper copy on January 6, 2025 if you want to order pictures.
Gingerbread Houses - 2nd Grade
Seat Belts, Booster Seats and Back Seats
Over half of all fatal car accidents happen within twenty-five miles of home, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Over half of all car accidents happen within five miles of home.
The above statement is included because of the number of students at Park Brook who are riding in cars without seat belts, no booster seat, in the front seat with a seat belt, and in the front seat with no seat belt near the air bag.
Over my seventeen (17) years at Park Brook I have repeatedly heard that it is just a short trip. I have also been told, "I'm not planning on getting in an accident today." I will never question a parents love for their child, I simply do not think parents realize how dangerous this is for their kids.
Opportunities in 2025!
Please watch for registration forms as we begin the 2025 Year:
- Learn to Draw - 2nd Grade - January - After school class (permission slips already sent home)
- Learn to Draw - 3rd Grade - February - After school class
- Double Dutch (permission slips already sent home)
- Ukulele Club (permissions slips already sent home)
- Black Joy Club - 2nd session (permission slips already sent home)
- Next Gen Ski Race - Saturday, February 1 - Grades 3 - 5
- Luminary Loppet (Choir will sing at this event) - Saturday, February 8 - Grades 3 - 5
- Kidarod - Saturday, February 15 - Grades 1 - 5
- Boys Climbing Event - Grades 4 & 5 - Date TBD
The Chess Club will NOT meet in January, and will begin again on Monday, February 10, 2025. No registration forms needed; students who have been in the Chess Club are signed up already.
Watch for Registration Forms!
All School Musical - December 20, 2024
Proposed Boundary Changes - Osseo Area Schools
Osseo Area Schools is considering several options for boundary changes across the entire district to be implemented for the 2026 - 2027 school year. Click on the link below for information, including dates for community feedback.
Park Brook Choir - The Loppet Foundation
The above picture collage is from The Loppet Foundation. The Park Brook Choir sang for their Senior Breakfast on Friday, December 6. The choir will sing at The Luminary Loppet on February 8, 2025.
The Wolf Way
The Wolf Way and District Student Handbooks are linked below for your reference.
The Wolf Way
- W - We will respect ourselves and others.
- O - Own our actions.
- L - Listen and Learn.
- F - Follow Directions.
January Field Trips - During the School Day
- January 7, 2025 - 5th Grade - University of Minnesota - Science Field Trip
- January 7, 2025 - Double Dutch Team Assembly - Basswood Elementary (This assembly will include primarily students from last years team - this assembly is EARLY in the schedule.)
- January 14, 2025 - 3rd & 4th Grades - Physics Force - Northrup Auditorium
- January 15, 2025 - 3rd, 4th & 5th Grades - Cross country skiing at Wirth Park with The Loppet Foundation
- January 16, 2025 - 4th Grade - African Music Ensemble - Macalester College
We requested all permission slips to be turned in by December 20, 2024.
Useful Links
parkbrook@district279.org (email)
phone: 763-561-6870