Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

January 07, 2025
Watch Today's BVTV Broadcast.
Click HERE for the BVTV link.
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Melanie Jaramillo – sub Michael Coleman
Nancy Suarez – sub Liana Shilo
Vacancy – sub Jana Gill
Elyna Cespedes (8:30 – 10:30)
Yana Linko (12:45 – 4:15)
Student Body
- Attention Students: Courtesy reminder - You may NOT Park in Staff and/or Visitor Parking. Violations will result in parking privileges being revoked.
- Friendly Reminder: Bella Vista is a Closed Campus, and Students CANNOT Go Into the Parking Lot or Off-Campus During Break or Lunch!
Upcoming Meetings
Tuesday, January 07: Semester 2 Begins - School back in Session
Monday, January 13: Boys Lacrosse New Player Interest Meeting at Lunch-Small Gym
Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
Wednesday, January 22: CASH for COLLEGE FAFSA Night 3:30-5:30pm Cafeteria
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- Starting TODAY, BV Boys Lacrosse will have limited practices after school at 3:45pm on the North/South Soccer Fields. Practices will be every Tuesday & Thursday through January.
- BV Lacrosse Program will be having a New Player Interest Meeting on Monday, Jan. 13 during Lunch in Small Gym.
- Softball Pre-season Practice & Conditioning begins Friday, January 10 after school at 3:45pm on the varsity field. Practices and conditioning Monday - Friday (sun sets at 5:01pm - that gives us 1 hour & 15 minutes to stretch, warm up, practice, and condition.) What you need- All your normal practice equipment and clothing. Conditioning will be completed on the field. We should wrap up daily no later than 5:20 pm.
- BV Girls Lacrosse Pre-season Conditioning begins Monday, January 13. Tryouts start the week of February 3rd. If you have questions Email scott.s.hackman@gmail.com
- Students wanting to participate in any sports, including conditioning and practicing, must be cleared through Sports Net and have a current sports physical on file before you can begin!
On going Reminders...
- Pre-order a Yearbook for $70: purchase online https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ (Use Code 6038) or purchase in the Finance Office with cash/check.
- Attention Students Riding Bikes, Scooters, or Skateboards to School: Park & Lock Up your Bicycle, Scooter, or Skateboard Inside the Bike Rack, Do NOT leave them along the Fence.
Jessica Cokinos
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