Deer Families
Deer Hill School News . November 15, 2024
Need to Knows
Absence Line & Email Address: 781-383-6115;
Please RSVP: I hope you can join us on Friday, November 22 for our next PSO meeting. Please click below to RSVP (we want to make sure we have enough donuts of course!).
Cold Weather Planning: As I shared earlier this week, it's Deer Hill's goal to have outdoor recess whenever possible. If the feels like temp is 20 degrees or above, we will have outdoor recess. We tend to use the weather app that is standard on an iphone but will sometimes cross-reference if it's iffy. Please make sure that your students leave the house today (and moving forward) dressed for the weather. We do not have alternative supervision for children who are not dressed appropriately. For your reference, here are some guidelines that we reference when making our outdoor/indoor recess decisions.
Deer Hill Happenings
Honoring Our Veterans: Deer Hill has a longstanding tradition of participating in the annual town Veterans Day ceremony to honor our veterans as well as holding our own assembly each year. This year, six Deer Hill grade 5 students read their writing to an appreciative crowd at both events. At our school assembly on Tuesday, we were honored to have several service members with ties to our community join us as special guests. Additionally, 3rd grade students continued their practice of writing personal letters to veterans, and 4th graders created informational posters for display in our school and (for the first time!) in local businesses. Thank you to all who have served.
Other Happenings
Wyatt knitted the first hat of the year for Rosie's Place!
Other knitters in the BASE program
BASE: fans on display from Art with Mrs. V.
Hugo in the House
Hugo on Instagram: Keep up with Hugo's adventures on his Instagram account, @Hugo.Dogberry
Happy Veterans Day from Hugo
One of those turkeys looks familiar . . .
Deer Hill Dates
11.22, 9:30 (tech space): PSO Donuts & Discussion: Digital Safety, Technology Use, and Play at Deer Hill
11.27: Half day, 1:15 dismissal
11.28-11.29: Thanksgiving break, no school
12.4: Grade 5 to “A Christmas Carol” play
12.6: Last day of term 1
12.9-12.13: Circus Smirkus circus in residence
12.13, 6:00: Grade 5 circus performance (buy tickets here)
12.13: Progress reports published in Aspen
12.16: Grade 3 to NE Aquarium
12.19, 2:15 (gym): Winter band and chorus concert
12.23-12.31: Winter break, no school
Spring MCAS Dates (thank you for your help with strong attendance):
- ELA MCAS: April 10 & 11
- Science MCAS (grade 5 only): May 7 & 8
- Math MCAS: May 14 & 15
Flyers of Interest
Deer Hill School
Alexandra L. Sullivan, Principal
Location: 208 Sohier St., Cohasset, MA, USA
Phone: 781-383-6115