The Wallace Wildcat
September 6, 2024- Hoboken, NJ
Dear Wallace School Parents and Guardians,
Just a reminder, students cannot be signed out of school after 2:30 PM. If parents or guardians need to sign a student out in the afternoon, it must happen before 2:30 PM. After that time, you must wait until normal dismissal time. If you have any questions, please contact me directly.
Please make sure that you clearly write your child's name on water bottles, lunch bags, backpacks, jackets, etc. We tend to generate a large collection of lost and found items as the days go on, and labeling your child's items will help us get them back to you in an expeditious manner.
Please be reminded that our after school Passport to Learning program begins this Monday, September 9th. Each day, that program runs from 3:00 - 6:00 PM.
As SY 2024/25 gets started, I urge you to get involved with our outstanding PTO. The Wallace PTO is honestly in a class of its own. The limitless hours dedicated to the advancement of our school community as a whole affords our children so many wonderful opportunities.
Until next time... Martin Shannon, Principal
Our youngest Wildcats have had so much fun these first two days at Wallace School! The Kindergarten team LOVED seeing lots of smiling faces and fewer tears this morning. We thank you for your cooperation in helping us get into the building quickly during arrival.
Our young learners have been busy becoming familiar with the daily routines of Kindergarten. We practiced writing our names, drawing pictures of ourselves, and explored our many math manipulatives. They are quickly learning their way around Wallace School and are meeting their teachers for PLTW, Art, Physical Education, World Language, and Music for the first time. We love our special teachers! It is going to be an amazing year and we are excited to watch them grow with you!
First Grade
Second Grade
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope you had a fantastic summer and are as excited as we are for all the learning, creativity, growth and new experiences that we have planned in Second Grade at Wallace Elementary!
This year, we will continue to build strong foundations in reading, writing, and math while also exploring science, social studies, and the arts. We have a variety of engaging activities and projects planned to make learning both fun and meaningful for all of our second grade Wildcats.
We can't wait to share all the fabulous things we do in our classes and to celebrate all the students' successes with you, so don't forget to check back here weekly.
Thank you for your support and partnership. Let’s make this a memorable and successful year together!
The Second Grade Team :)
Third Grade
Welcome back 3rd grade students!!! Third Graders had an amazing 2 days settling into their new classroom and learning about their new teacher’s rules and expectations.
Students loved getting to know their teacher and their new classmates. Students engaged in getting to know you activities and icebreakers. Students reinforced some Math and ELA skills learned in second grade.
We are so excited to begin diving into our curriculum next week!
Fourth Grade
We are thrilled to welcome you and your child to the 4th grade! This year promises to be a fantastic journey of learning, growth, and exploration. Our classrooms will be a place where curiosity is encouraged, creativity is celebrated, and every student’s unique talents are recognized.
In 4th grade, we’ll dive into exciting new subjects and deepen our understanding of concepts in math, ELA, science, and social studies. We’ll also have the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, work collaboratively on projects, and engage in hands-on activities that make learning come alive.
Fifth Grade
Ms. Buil's Art Room
As we acclimate ourselves to a new school year, we settle into the comfort of our classroom by sharing some of our fun and delightful summer experiences. Here is what some of our Wallace Wildcat students illustrated!
Ms. Drew’s Counselor Corner
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome Back to School! My name is Ms. Drew and I will be your Guidance Counselor at Wallace Elementary School. Each week, I will be sharing exciting Social Emotional Learning updates. Social Emotional Learning is an important component of education and human development. This form of education helps students of all ages to better understand their emotions, to feel those emotions fully, and demonstrate empathy for others. These learned behaviors are then used to help students make positive, responsible decisions, create frameworks to achieve their goals and build positive relationships with others.
Throughout next week, we will be celebrating The Week of Hello. This theme week creates a welcoming environment, addresses positivity and the importance of being kind to one another. Monday’s theme is Make Someone Smile Monday. Students are encouraged to wear rainbow clothes/accessories and to “be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Tuesday’s theme is Take What You Need Tuesday. Students are encouraged to spread encouragement and positivity with their peers. Wednesday’s theme is Wallace Spirit Wednesday. Students are encouraged to wear their Wallace Wilcat’s Spirit Wear. Thursday’s theme is Talk About it Thursday. Students will be able to view the Positive Affirmation Station by my office RM 207. Lastly, Friday’s theme is Find a Friend Friday. Students are encouraged to invite someone new to eat lunch with them and make new friends.
Every month I will be conducting Social Emotional Learning classroom lessons with each grade level. Students will participate in an activity/anticipatory set, independent reading/writing and closing activity with an exit reflection. The topic for September is Meet the Counselor and Welcome Back to School. Students will learn about my job responsibilities, where I am located in the school building, and how I can support them academically, socially and emotionally. I look forward to our continued collaboration in your child’s educational journey and to a wonderful school year! #GoWildcats
Ms. Brianna Drew
Contact Information:
Email: bdrew@hoboken.k12.nj.us
A Few Reminders
All arrival takes place outside. Students arriving to the courtyard/playground will meet their teachers by the respective arrival locations. Once the teacher greets the class and they are ready to transition inside, we ask that families exit the playground and courtyard to ensure that our classes are able to safely enter the building.
Health Office/School Nurse
Nurse Konopka is available to receive any medication or health form drop off from parents/guardians. Please help us with this process by ensuring that all medication is received in a closed pharmacy package with corresponding doctor order and any related forms. For all health and medical related information please consult with Nurse Konopka.
Dismissal routines follow the same locations as arrival. As a reminder, our Passport to Learning after school program does not begin until Monday, September 9th. All students will be dismissed at 3 pm today. After dismissal, our playground will close. This practice is important as our aftercare program utilizes the space.
Hoboken HS Government Field of Heroes
Hoboken Cupcake Wars Baking Competition
Saturday, October 5, 2024, 2:30pm
Hoboken HS Gymnasium
800 Clinton St. Hoboken, NJ 07030
$5.00 Admission, $2.00 per Cupcake
(Contestant due not need to pay Admission Fee)
Do you have the best cupcakes in Hoboken??
5 Competitor categories - one winner from each.
Adult & Student Catergories
Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Adults, and Fan Favorite.
Judging will be done by 3 celebrity judges. (Judges TBA)
Contestants must bake and decorate 3 dozen cupcakes for the
competition. Judges will be scoring based on
One Flavor per registration Only.
$20.00 registration fee to compete
All contestants must be registered by Tuesday, October 1, 2024 .
You will receive an email containing instructions for the competition.
You can pay the registration fee by Cash, Check, or Money Order.
Checks or Money Orders can be made payable to Hoboken HS Class of 2025.
You can mail all Checks or Money Orders to:
Hoboken HS Class of 2025
Attention: Mr. Munoz
Hoboken High School
800 Clinton Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030
or you can drop off registration fees in an envelope with your name with the subject: Cupcake Wars to the Security Desk at Hoboken HS.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Munoz at Christopher.Munoz@hoboken.k12.nj.us or call (201) 356-3738.
Martin Shannon, Principal
Email: Martin.Shannon@Hoboken.k12.nj.us
Website: Hoboken.k12.nj.us
Location: 1100 Willow Avenue, Hoboken, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-356-3654
Twitter: @WildcatsWallace