May 22nd Sunrise Elementary
Weekly Buzz

May 22, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
May 22nd: 5K Field Trip to Apple Creek YMCA
May 24th: 4th Grade Field Trip to JRG
May 24th: Noon Elementary Dismissal
May 27th: No School
May 29th: 4th Grade Field Trip to Farm
May 29th: 1st Grade (Manders & Steffen) Field Trip to 1000 Islands
May 30th: 1st Grade (Awe & Fontaine) Field trip to 1000 Islands
May 31st: 3rd Grade Field Trip to New Zoo
June 2nd: Sunrise Timber Rattler Game (1:10-3:40pm)
June 4th: 4th Grade Field Trip to Darboy Park
June 4th: PTO Summer Send Off
June 6th: 4th Grade Graduation Ceremony @ 9:00AM
June 6th: Last Day of School- Carnival Day!
PTO Culver's Scoops for Schools
If you ordered Culver's Scoops for Schools from the PTO, they will be coming home today with your student.
Sunrise 2024 End of the Year Carnival
The annual End-of-Year Sunrise Carnival is just around the corner on June 6th, and everyone is very excited. Click the flier for more information.
4th Grade Celebration
It’s getting to that time of year again when 4th graders are wrapping up their last days here at Sunrise Elementary. As always, they will be recognized during the annual Fourth Grade Celebration on June 6th, 2024, 9-10 AM.
Report Cards
We are fast approaching the end of the school year. Grades in Infinite Campus will be closed to do not show up in the portal when looking at the main Grades screen. They do, however, if you access the DOCUMENTS screen. From there, you can generate a report card in pdf format that will have all the comments. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions. Thank you!
Lost & Found
If your student is missing something, please either have them look in the multipurpose room or you can stop in to take a look for yourself. Just stop in the office to sign in. All Lost & Found will be donated as of June 30th. Thank you for your help.
Medications at School
Click the flier for important information on the end-of-year procedure for all prescription and over-the-counter medication that is at school.
Policy Regarding Sunscreen Use at School
Just a reminder as the school year is ending and field trips are abound that it is the District's guideline that we do not provide or allow students to share or use another person's sunscreen, lip balm, lotion, etc., due to the potential for an allergic reaction to the active ingredients in these products.
With the warm sunny days forecasted ahead, parents are encouraged to apply sunscreens, especially on field trip days, at home prior to sending their child to school. Chaperoning parents are not allowed to apply sunscreen to students other than their own child.
Summer Stories in the Parks!
Summer Stories in the Parks is happening again this summer. Click the flier for more information and dates of this great event!
2024/25 Annual Update & Schedule Release
Mark Your Calendars - August 1st-15th - Annual Update and Schedule Release
The Annual Update process which is done through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal replaces the forms you have filled out at your school in the past and is required for all families. This is a guided process that will walk you through updating and reviewing your information for the upcoming school year and must be completed by the Primary Parent/Guardian. Student schedules for the upcoming school year will also be made available on August 1st.
First Day School Supplies
- If you need to contact the Sunrise PTO, you may email them at kimberlysunrisepto@gmail.com.
2024/2025 PICTURE DAYS
Click on the picture flier for more information about the KASD 2024/25 Picture Days.
2024/2025 School Year Enrollment
We have started to work on our enrollment numbers for the 2024/2025 school year. If you know your child will not be attending Sunrise Elementary, please notify our office as soon as possible. Thank you
KASD Online Program
4K & New 5K Registration is Now Open!
Please click the flier for more information on registering a 4Ker or a new 5Ker. Please note that if your child currently attends the 4K Center for Literacy, there is no need to register them for 5K.
District Administrative Office 2024 Summer Hours
Monday, June 10th - Friday, August 16th
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 12 NOON
On Monday, August 19th the District Administrative Office hours resume to the normal hours:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 4:00 pm.
MAP Testing
Grades 2-4:
May 15--24
The spring MAP tests will be administered to students in grades 2, 3 and 4 during the month of May. MAP tests are administered three times a year and measure student growth in the areas of reading, language arts, and mathematics. This information, along with other student data, provide our teachers with valuable information to inform instruction and monitor and set goals. Results of the MAP tests will be mailed to parents when they become available. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
Sunrise Procedures
Drive Up & Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedure
Drive Up & Drop Off/ Pick Up Procedures can be accessed by clicking on the van.
Early Dismissal Explained
Please click the image for more information regarding both noon dismissal procedures and 2:00 dismissal procedures.
Reporting Your Child Absent or Tardy
If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the Sunrise office by 8:45 am. You may call the office at 920-954-1822 and press option #1 to leave a voicemail on the Sunrise attendance line. The office receives all of these voicemails.
Food Service
May Lunch Menu
Please click the flier for the May lunch menu.
June Lunch Menu
Please click the flier for the June lunch menu.
Health Room Information
Medication Consent From
Medication consent forms are required for all over-the-counter and prescription medications. This includes cough drops, ointments, creams, etc. Prescription medications do require a physician's signature. You may find these forms on the KASD website by clicking HERE.
When to Keep Your Child Home Sick NEW
Is your child feeling ill? Click the image to find out when you should keep your child home.
Other Communication Resources
Sunrise Elementary Website
You can find more great information on our website by clicking on the Sunrise bee.
Sunrise Elementary Facebook
Another great way is by following the Sunrise Elementary Facebook page by clicking the Facebook link.
Community Events
There are always some great events happening in the community. Be sure to click the Community Events image to find out more about them.
School Fliers
KARC- Running Club
Please click the flier to find out more about a KARC Youth Track your child.
Substitute Teachers & Paraprofessionals
The Kimberly Area School District is always looking for great substitutes. Click on the flier to find out more information on how to join our team.
If you are unable to access specific content within this newsletter, please call us at (920) 954-1822.
This newsletter may contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control. The District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third party sites.
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Student Nondiscrimination Statement
The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.