What Does The Fox Say?
September 12, 2024
Below, find a community letter from Anthony Bryant, Assistant Principal.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
I am thrilled to share some wonderful news about the outstanding progress and achievements at Inspire Elementary, all thanks to our incredible staff and the support of our community.
Over the past three years, our students have shown remarkable improvement in their academic performance, as reflected in the consistently rising scores on state tests. This upward trend is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and innovative teaching methods of our amazing educators. Our teachers have gone above and beyond, crafting engaging lessons, fostering a love for learning, and supporting each student’s individual needs. Their commitment to excellence is at the heart of our students' success.
We are also excited to announce some recent enhancements to our curriculum that are already making a positive impact. Thanks to the generous support of our PTO, we have introduced a new math curriculum that not only enriches students' mathematical skills but also integrates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts. This integration helps students see the real-world applications of their math learning and fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
In addition, we are in our third year of implementing a new literacy curriculum for grades K-2 and our second year for grades 3-5. This curriculum is aligned with the Science of Reading, ensuring a research-based approach to teaching reading and writing. We are proud to report that this alignment has led to the most substantial growth in our literacy scores to date. The curriculum’s evidence-based methods combined with the innovative work of our teachers are effectively enhancing our students' reading and writing skills, helping them excel in literacy.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the PTO for their invaluable support in funding the new math curriculum. Your contribution plays a crucial role in enriching our students’ education and helping them achieve their best.
We are incredibly proud of the progress our students are making and the positive impact of these new programs. None of this would be possible without the unwavering hard work and dedication of our teachers and support of our community. Thank you for helping us provide the best possible education for our children.
Anthony Bryant
Assistant Principal
Important Dates
9/18/24: PTO Meeting, 6:00pm-7:00pm
9/24/24: K-2 Curriculum Night, 5:00pm-6:30pm
9/27/24: NO SCHOOL, PD Day
9/30/24: NO SCHOOL, PD Day
10/1/24: PTO Fox Trot Fundraiser
10/4/24: Friday Celebration, 7:40am-7:55am
10/7/24 - 10/14/24: Fall Conference Window
10/10/24: NO SCHOOL, PD Day
10/11/24: NO SCHOOL, Vacation Day
10/14/24: NO SCHOOL, Family Conferences
Picture Day Photos are Now Available!
Go to the Bloom School Picture day dashboard to access and purchase your child's picture day photo.
Picture Make-Up Day, 10/9/24
Students who were absent for picture day will have an opportunity to make up their photos on 10/9/24. Teachers will be given a list of students and times for the make up.
K-2 Curriculum Night, 9/24/24, 5:00PM - 6:30 PM
We welcome K-2 families to our Inspire Curriculum Night. Come learn about our new math curriculum “Reveal Math,” our new reading intervention program “Really Great Reading” and our core K-2 reading program “CKLA” presented by our Senior Team Leads (instructional coaches). In addition, you’ll visit K-2 classrooms to learn activities and strategies to help your child at home. Families will enter through the cafeteria doors at 5:00 for a quick presentation about the curriculum and then head to classrooms to engage in activities!
Fox Trot is Tuesday, 10/1/24
We’re excited to hold the annual Fox Trot on Tuesday, October 1st. Our foxes will run laps on the field to raise money for our school while getting their hearts pumping and having fun. Our goal is to raise $50,000 this year!
- Funds from the Inspire Fox Trot will be used to support curriculum and staff, making exciting learning experiences possible across the school. Funds support the equivalent of one full-time paraprofessional at the school; a vital role that enhances safety and supervision during recess and lunch, supports small group instruction and assists in implementing IEP accommodations, ensuring students with special needs receive the appropriate support during tests and other activities. By extending the teacher's efforts, paraprofessionals play a key role in creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment.
- In addition to this, funds raised also support our long-term relationship with SustainEd Farms. With this curriculum, we give all students a chance to work with the goats, chickens, and garden on campus.
- Please help us reach our fundraising goal by supporting our jog-a-thon. Complete these 5 easy steps!
1. Register or re-LogIn on Get Movin’© FundHub and create your child's fundraising page.
2. Email/text your child's fundraising page to 10-15 friends and family.
3. Post on social media: it's fun to see who ends up donating!
4. Volunteer for the event! Sign up here.
5. Mark the date on your calendar and come cheer your foxes on the day of the event! We will have a special viewing area for families.
- On 9/20, we will send home a flyer in the Friday Folder with the schedule for the day. With that flyer we will include an envelope for check or cash donations to be turned into your teacher or front office; we encourage these donations as we don’t pay a processing fee on them. Please include your student name and homeroom teacher so we can add these donations to their class trackers!
PTO Meeting, 9/18/24 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Our first official PTO meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday, September 18th at 6pm at Inspire. We hope you will join us! Enter at the Cafetorium door. We'll have pizza and non-alcoholic drinks for attendees. Kids are welcome!
- During this meeting you’ll have the opportunity to get to know the PTO board, get updates on what we do, hear about our committee and volunteer opportunities this year and learn about our budget, fundraising efforts and goals. We hope you’ll join us!
- To get connected with with the PTO start by filling out our PTO membership form
Enrichment Update
- Enrichments start next week! Sign-ups for enrichments are now closed; if you received a confirmation email with a charge amount from CheddarUp your student has a spot.
- The schedule of after-school enrichment programs, including dates and times, can be found here. Email Coach Hall if you have any operational questions (kerrie_hall@dpsk12.net).
PTO Community Event
Join us at The Rockies game this weekend! Watch the Rockies take on the Cubs and give back to Inspire all at once! Tickets must be purchased online: www.rockies.com/SchoolFundraiser. Please choose 'INSPIRE' for us to receive fundraising credit.
CSC 9/11/24 Meeting Highlights
- Agenda items included: Roles, by-laws, hiring committee parent members, school safety update, school calendar, gifted and talented update, financial update, staffing update, student achievement data and Unified Improvement Plan.
- Agenda and notes can be found on the CSC webpage.
- Next CSC meeting is Wednesday, 10/9/24.
- All meetings are publicly posted on the school Google calendar.
- Public comment request can be emailed to InspireElementaryCSC@gmail.com with 48 hour notice.
Family Resources
FACE University is a resource and learning hub for families in the Denver community. Invite your school community to join us for the virtual Attendance Matters session on Thursday, Sept. 12 from 5-6 p.m. Interested families can register here. Three families in our first LIVE session will be entered to win tickets to the Children's Museum, the Museum of Nature and Science, and the Colorado History Museum. Visit their website to see the full event calendar and subscribe to our YouTube channel to access recorded sessions @DPSfaceuniversity.
Everyday Learning at Inspire
Inspire Elementary
Email: linda_august@dpsk12.net
Website: https://inspire.dpsk12.org/
Location: 5650 N. Elmira Ct., Denver, CO, 80238
Phone: (720) 424-4850