Principal Zeman's Notes
December 6, 2024
Students of the Week
The below students are recognized for their display of Elk Pride. At Elk River we educate, inspire and empower our ERHS community to be the best versions of ourselves for today and tomorrow. These students have supported our community in a variety of ways this week. Thank you for being an important part of the Elk Family!
Molly Jeffrey, Brielle Hawkinson, Aydin Lin, Ava Tvedt, Asanti Ahmed, Kate Heikkenen, Sunalee Johnson, Dylan Ryan, Natalie Scheuermann, Faith Schlief, Molly Wesolowski, Jay Lewis, Dylan Ryan
Counseling Update
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.
2025-2026 Course Registration now open!
Course registration for the 2025-2026 school year opened December 05, 2024 at 7:30 am and is open through Friday December 20, 2024 at 2:30 pm. Registration materials were handed out and explained to students during advisory on Monday December 02, 2024. Materials are also available on the ERHS Counseling website. Students should complete their course registrations through their Student Portal account. For assistance with Registration, the Counseling Office have the following available for students:
Registration Elk Times: 12/10/24, 12/12/24, 12/17/2024, and 12/19/2024.
Career Center Open: Tues/Thurs from 7:00am-7:30am.
Please do not forget to register before this deadline Friday December 20th.