MMHS Principal's Note
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Greetings Mashpee Middle-High School students and families!
Building Administration
Ms. Brady, Principal: bbrady@mpspk12.org
Mr. Markarian, Assistant Principal 7-9: smarkarian@mpspk12.org
Ms. Melby, Assistant Principal 10-12: rmelby@mpspk12.org
Additional Administrators
Mrs. Kett, Director of School Counseling: lkett@mpspk12.org
Mr. Looney, Director of Career and Technical Education (CTE): mlooney@mpspk12.org
Mr. Triveri, Athlectic Director and PE and Wellness Department Head: mtriveri@mpspk12.org
Ms. Finn, English Department Head: afinn@mpspk12.org
Mrs. Brodie, Math Department Head: kbrodie@mpspk12.org
Mrs. Soares, Science Department Head: ssoares@mpspk12.org
Mr. Brodie, History and Social Sciences Department Head: bbrodie@mpspk12.org
Mr. Rumberger, World Languages Department Head: trumberger@mpspk12.org
MMHS Important Information
- Half-day early release for students on Monday, February 3rd
- Program of Studies Night for all families: Wednesday, February 5th, 5:30-7:00pm
- No School for Winter Break February 17th-21st
- To the best of our ability, our weekly Newsletter will come out on Thursdays.
- Students can enter the building at 8:10am.
- Classes start promptly at 8:20am.
- Dismissal is at 2:50pm.
- MMHS has a rotating schedule with a dropped class each day. Here is a copy of our daily schedule: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jlseDXait6VvyqfPNKHxjhNXeu-5aiCz/view?usp=sharing
- MMHS Spirit Days every Friday! Make sure you wear your Mashpee gear or colors on Fridays!
Cell Phone Use Reminders
Breakfast, Homeroom, and Lunch - That's all, folks!
Since vacation, we've noticed an increase in students using their cell phones in the hallways and during classes. Please remember that students are only allowed to use cell phones during breakfast, homeroom, and lunch. Students are not allowed to use cell phones at any other times throughout the school day.
Mashpee Falcon Media & The Mashpee Minute
Did you know that we have our own YouTube channel called Mashpee Falcon Media? We would love for you to subscribe to our channel! Our goal is to get at least 1,000 subscribers. Currently, we have 472. Please help us reach our goal! https://www.youtube.com/c/MashpeeFalconMedia
Here is this week's edition ofThe Mashpee Minute, Season 6, Episode 16
MMHS Blues Brothers Fundraiser!
Come support our school by attending this amazing fundraising event! Some of our amazing band and chorus students will be performing with the Blues Brothers right here at MMHS. How awesome is that??? Fundraising proceeds benefit many of our clubs, classes, and programs right here at MMHS. To purchase tickets, click here! https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/31107748/sweet-home-chicago--blues-brothers-musical-revue
When: February 8th
Time: 7:00pm
Where: MMHS Victoria Vieira Auditorium
Reusable Trays and Composting in MMHS Cafeteria
Beginning next week, the MMHS cafeteria will begin using reusable trays for all lunches. When students are finished eating lunch, they should bring their lunch trays to the washroom area, scrape them clean and then stack their trays on the counter. All food waste should go in the marked compost bin and any trash or plastic in the trash. Any food waste, like fruit, bread, fries, pizza and leftover food scraps are perfect compost material. Just be sure there are no stickers on the leftover fruit. Peel them off and throw them away. Even meat and cheese products can be added to our bins. The trays are then washed and sanitized and reused again the next day. Milk cartons, plastic forks, chip bags, and anything plastic cannot be composted. Those have to go in the trash or it will contaminate the compost and we get a fine from the Black Earth Compost Company that collects our compost. When in doubt, throw it out. And be sure you don’t throw out the tray by accident! Thank you! Check out our presentation here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGbvPIk6Qo/8FsuznLd21j5HgrwEZB2VA/view?utm_content=DAGbvPIk6Qo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h8875be7455
Y Achievers Program
MMHS is collaborating with YMCA of Cape Cod to bring an exciting opportunity for our BIPOC students here at Mashpee. The Y-Achievers Program is a college prep and career readiness program aimed to motivate BIPOC teens by giving them the support and resources to pursue and achieve their personal, academic, and career goals. Please see Ms. Almeida in Guidance B if you are interested in joining this program which is set to start in January.
MPS Portrait of a Graduate: MMHS as Engaged Citizens
Congratulations to Mr. Zuaro and our chorus students for an amazing concert last Thursday night!
Congratulations to Colby Rogers and Brodie Perry, team 63857D, Out of Stock, who received the Excellence Award at Mashpee Middle High School's Robotics Team's most recent competition at Nauset Regional High School. This team has shown that they are able to compete at a high level winning both tournaments and recording their processes in their engineering notebook! Mashpee Robotics has been busy, they hosted a 38 team competition here at MMHS, the Winter Classic, on Saturday, January 4th and are hosting their next competition starting on Tuesday, January 28th, the Cape Cod VEX League 2.0, which will continue into February with 24 teams from around Cape Cod. Please wish them well as they try to secure their spots at Regionals!
MMHS Builders Club visited Barnstable High School to help with ideas to build our Mashpee Cares Closet. Barnstable has an amazing program and we're so happy they were willing to share their ideas. Thank you, Barnstable High School! MMHS Students: If you need clothing, hygiene products, or food items, always feel free to visit the Mashpee Cares Closet located in A-wing first floor! It's open every day during homeroom. MMHS Families: If you would like assistance accessing items from our Mashpee Cares Closet, please contact Builders Club Advisors Casey Lynch (clynch@mpspk12.org) and Laura Taylor (ltaylor@mpspk12.org).