STAR Parent Weekly Updates
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sunday, September 15, 2024 Weekly STAR Family Updates
Good afternoon parents! This is Mrs. Traumuller, the Proud Morehead Principal, with the weekly reminders and updates!
Let's start with a few "Thank Yous" to our Morehead Community. First up, a huge shout out to a Morehead Alumni parent, Mr. Scott Neely, and the Guilford College Women's Soccer Team who put up our soccer goal nets that PTA purchased to make our playground just THAT MUCH BETTER! They are amazing and the STAR Students will love not having to chase after the ball. A second HUGE community shout out is to the PTA and all of the volunteers for our Morehead Mingle event this weekend. The student art on the pavers as well as the campus clean up was well needed and now our campus looks BEAUTIFUL! We are such a great team - and we thank you again for all of your support.
This week is Sandy Hook Promise Week. We will focus on being kind and acts of kindness throughout the week.
Meet-n-Greet Monday: Meet someone new, use your own personalized “Hello Style!”
Upstander Tuesday: Show appreciation to the Upstanders in your school community.
Wear Green Wednesday: Green Out! Wear green today as a symbol of unity and solidarity with Sandy Hook Promise.
Trusted Adult Thursday: Thank a Trusted Adult today. Trusted Adults are always spreading the Start With Hello spirit!
Moving Forward Fri-Yay: Make a Start With Hello Promise Pledge to keep the Start With Hello spirit going throughout the year
This Thursday is our third Annual Skate through the Curriculum night where we combine Curriculum Night, Title One Night, and a PTA fundraiser all in one to help assist with everyone's busy schedules. Please come out to learn more and see our STAR students having fun with each other after hours. The event is at the Skateland USA located at 200 Stagecoach Trail. If you cannot make it, please let your child's teacher know and we can send all of the information home in the Monday folder the following week.
On Friday, our school Fall Bookfair kicks off in the media center with a preview day for our students. Please do not send any money to school with them until it is their assigned buying day. The classroom teachers will let you know when they are signed up to go for buying. You will have the opportunity to put money on an electronic wallet and/or send in cash. More information is to come, so keep an eye out on DOJO.
PTA NEWS Check out the link to ensure that you get the latest news from our Morehead PTA.
That is all that I have for you this week. We will see our STARS bright and early Monday morning. Have a great night and as always, thank you for your support and partnership with Morehead!
Hi, everyone! It’s almost book fair time again. Here is the link to Morehead’s page:
Expect fliers to come home by early next week.
The fair is from 9/20-9/27. Preview days (browsing only) are 9/20 and 9/23. Shopping days are 9/24-9/27. Shopping will be available after school 5-6:30 on 9/24 and 3-4:30 on 9/25 during Arts Academy orientation.
Payment methods are cash, eWallet, and credit cards. Here are instructions to set up an eWallet:
Parent volunteer form:
So you’re aware, purchases at the fair are taxed!
My email is if you have any questions, or you can reach out to me on Dojo. Thanks, and see you at the fair!
MOREHEAD ELEMENTARY - An Expressive Arts Magnet
Location: 4630 Tower Road, Greensboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-294-7370
Twitter: @MoreheadStars