Head's Highlights
February 7, 2025
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
Thank you so much to the families who donated items for us to have a fabulous "Souper" Bowl lunch today. It was really special, and we raised money for fifth grade in the process. We hope you've made plans to join us for the Sweetheart Luncheon next week. There will be ice cream on sale (cash only) for $1, and do not forget about the Book Fair! The kids have been SO excited this week! Have a wonderful weekend!
PTA News You Can Use
Yearbooks are a fun way to look back on each year as you grow, so make sure you order one for your student today! Each book comes with 2 free Custom pages for you to include your own special photos and memories of the year, but those pages don’t have to be created until April. So purchase at this link in the meantime!
And please send any photos you’d like included in the book or questions you may have to Meghan Chambless at rdyearbook@gmail.com
The link to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences opens on Feb 7 at 3:00 PM. It will close on Friday, February 28th. After this time, you will need to contact your child's teacher to schedule a conference time. The conference link is shown below. It has also been posted on the Head Elementary website.
You will need Internet access and a valid email address to complete the sign-up process.
For additional directions, a step-by-step handout can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/y556m8vr (SPANISH)
Additional Information:
Parent-Teacher Conferences are Wednesday, March 5th and Thursday, March 6th. Parents may select to have the conference virtually (via Zoom) or in-person. When signing up for your conference time, please enter VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON in the Special Request area.
Wednesday, March 5th and Thursday, March 6th are Early Release Days. Head Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:50 PM. If your student is a walker/car rider/day-care rider, please make any necessary transportation arrangements for your child. Buses will drop students off at their stop at the earlier time.
We will not have lunch guests on Early Release Days due to changes in the lunch schedule.
Be sure to select your preference!
Please enter your preferred conference format (in person or virtual) when signing up online.
GCPS Educational Effectiveness Surveys in February
Each year, to help improve our schools, Gwinnett County Public Schools collects feedback from our families, students, and staff members about their school experience. This year, the school district is giving Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) to get feedback on nine characteristics of high-performing schools. Students, families, and staff will have the opportunity to respond in February.
Here are key dates and valuable information regarding the survey process for our families and students:
- February 3–28: Student Survey is open for students in grades 3-12. Students will complete the survey here at school.
- February 3–March 7: Family Survey is open. All GCPS Families receive a link to the survey via ParentSquare. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese. The link to the survey will also be available in ParentVUE.
Learn more about these surveys, review the Student Survey, and how the opt-out process works if you do not wish for your student to participate. Please note that parents/caregivers may opt out if they do not want their child to participate in the EES Student Survey.
Join Our Team Today!
Mark your calendars today!
Make note of our very important Spring testing dates!
Connecting With the Community
Five Forks Middle School is inviting your family/community to participate in their Cultural Celebration event. It is on February 27th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
2/7 - Conference Sign Ups Begin
2/11 - Sweetheart Luncheon Grades 1,4,2 (Ice Cream Sold DURING lunch in the Cafe)
2/12 - Sweetheart Luncheon - Grades 5,3,K (Ice Cream Sold DURING lunch in the Cafe)
2/13-2/17- Student/Teacher Holidays
2/14 - Happy Valentine's Day!
2/18 - Dogwood Pizza Night
2/19 - Talent Show Auditions
2/20 - School Council Meeting at 6:00 PM
2/21 - Western Wear Day - $1 donation for PBIS
2/22- Run the Reagan