News from Winfield Elementary: November 8, 2024
From the Principals, Mrs. Alonzo & Mrs. Hall
Dear Families,
Thank you for an incredible turnout for our Grandparent's & Special Person Days! We hope you enjoyed your special visits as much as we enjoyed hosting! We look forward to making this an annual event!
Grandparent's/Special Person's Day by the numbers:
- 3 days, 6 sessions, 9 total hours
- 20+ volunteers to run Book Fair, serve cookies, take pictures
- 1,000+ guests RSVP'd and attended
- 2,000+ cookies purchased and enjoyed (thank you PTO!)
- $20,000+ Book Fair sales
If your student wasn't able to get the items they wanted from the Book Fair, you can still shop online until November 14th here: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/winfieldelementaryschool3! Shop online for an expanded selection of exclusive books, new releases, value packs, and more. All orders ship home and book-only orders over $25 ship free.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Alonzo and Mrs. Hall
ILEARN Checkpoints
As we shared in August, CPCSC students in grades 3-8 are participating in the pilot of Indiana’s new ILEARN Checkpoints this school year. During the week of November 18, your student will bring home their individual student report detailing their performance. More information about the reports and ILEARN Checkpoints is available on our website.
Purple Star School
Candy Collection
Do you have leftover Halloween candy? Send it to school next Monday & Tuesday! Candy will be donated to NWI No Child Hungry to add to their weekly Buddy Bags!
Important Dates
11/11: Veteran's Day
11/11-11/12: Kindergarten CogAT Testing
11/16: Midwest Gymnastics Open Gym Night
11/18 -11/19: InView Testing Grade 2
11/18 & 11/20-: InView Testing Grade 5
11/19: 5th Grade Musical Field Trip
11/27-11/29: Thanksgiving Break; No School
12/2-12/6: PTO Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
12/4: December PTO Meeting @ 4:15 pm
News from the Cafeteria, Ms. Polly
Student Lunch: $2.45 Student Breakfast: $1.60
Additional Options Available:
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase chips ($0.75-$1.00) or a Rice Krispie treat ($0.75) every day.
- Students in grades 2-5 can purchase ice cream ($1.00) on the following days:
- Mon.- grade 2, Tues.- grade 3, Wed.- grade 4, Thurs.- grade 5
Birthday Ice Cream:
Students can purchase ice cream for their classmates to be served on their birthday during lunch. Tickets are $1.00 per student, and the order must be received one-week prior to the date to be served.
*Please note, to ensure safety with food allergies and to protect instructional time, we do not permit edible birthday treats from home to be brought in to the classroom.
Bulldog Buddies Preschool
Monthly tuition fees are loaded on the 15th of the previous month and due by the 1st of every month. Please check your child's PowerSchool account for balances due. Payment can be made online or at the school office. Failure to pay by the 10th of the current month will result in your child not being able to attend preschool until the balance is paid in full.
Supply Fee - $65 yearly fee for all students in preschool
Monthly Tuition - $180/3 days per week, $300/5 days per week
The Free & Reduced Application can be found here: https://www.cps.k12.in.us/district-departments/food-services. If you have any questions, please contact the preschool office at (219) 663-4330.
Bulldog Buddies Newsletters:
Other Preschool News:
Winfield Elementary PTO
The next PTO meeting will be held on December 4th at 4:15 pm in the Winfield Elementary media center. All families are encouraged to get involved and see how our PTO supports our students and staff. New faces are always welcome to help hear about upcoming initiatives and to share ideas. More hands make for lighter work!