Hosford Middle School
January 13th - 17th
Dear Families,
Are you wondering what your child's binder should look like? Well, we've got you covered! This week in advisory, students are reviewing binder expectations. If you'd like to review this with your child, please check out this slide deck.
Organization is a skill, and just like every other skill, it takes teaching, practice, feedback and includes some moments of failure and resetting. So, if your child is in the moment of failure. . . stay calm. Go back to reteaching and setting the expectation. Look at the binder each evening and ask them to tell you, "What do you need to do? And, when will you do it?" As they answer these questions, they should reflect on each class and look through each folder. Then, they should make a list of what needs to be done, and give you materials that are ready to come out or need to be signed.
Really struggling with organization? Add an incentive that is daily. Skills take 21 days to develop. So develop a plan of support and stick to it. Things will improve!
Remember, everyone wants to succeed. If they're are not yet succeeding, they need more instruction and practice in the skill.
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Jill Liddle, Principal
What's Included This Week?
- Important Dates
- Oregon Game Project Challenge
- New After School Activities
- Forecasting
- Pencils Please
- PTSA Treasurer - We need you!
- Standards Based Grading - District Wide
- Oregon Civics Bee
- Special Education Recruitment Day
- Cognizart Opportunity
- Jewish Student Union Dates
- Cleveland Junior Tenacity Dance Clinic
- Baseball and Softball Registration
- Afterschool Theater
- Logging into Canvas @ Home
- Outdoor School Dates & Information - 6th Grade
- The Greater Middle East Student Union
- Student Vaccinations
- Parent Resource
- After School Activities
- Join the Hosford Community Loop
- Donations
Important Dates
January 15th & 16th - 8th Grade Field Trip
January 20th - Martin Luther King Day - No School
January 14th - Cleveland HS Forecasting Information Shared with Students
January 21st - Cleveland HS Forecasting Due at Hosford
January 22nd - Franklin HS Forecasting Information Shared with Students (not sure of the due date yet)
January 24th - End of Quarter 2
January 27th & 28th - No School (Grading and Planning Day for Staff)
Oregon Game Project Challenge
Do you like Video games? Want to make your own video game? Join one of Hosford's video game design teams. We will compete in the 2025 OREGON GAME PROJECT CHALLENGE in May. Starting Monday 1/13.
Not into coding? That's OK. We need game designers, artists, digital musicians and project managers.
No experience necessary. Come check it out to see if it is for you.
Room B1
Mondays starting 1/13 through May.
$30 to join for the season
Just show up and we'll figure out payment and registration later. See Mr. Wadnizak with questions. mwadnizak@pps.net
After School Activities
Please visit the Hosford After school program website,
to sign up for new classes starting in January
Forecasting (class preferences process)
8th grade:
- Cleveland high school forecasting presentations in social science classes 1/14
- Completed forecasting for CHS needs to be completed & will be checked on 1/21 by CHS counselors
- Franklin forecasting 1/30, students will be called down
- Other schools forecasting done individually with Hosford counselor help
6th & 7th Grade:
Forecasting in social science classes in late February/ early March.
Please reach out to Cara Benny Leo or Sahjo Brown with questions around forecasting. sbrown3@pps.net cbennyleo@pps.net
Pencil Requested
If you're willing and able, we could use a refresh on pencils. Thank you!
Hosford Middle School
2302 SE 28th Place
Portland, OR 97214
Proficiency Based Grading District Wide
(Hosford already uses proficiency based grading.)
Dear PPS Middle Grades families,
PPS is moving to a new Standards-Based Grading System for all 28 middle schools. The purpose is to provide clearer and more meaningful feedback to students. Some of our middle schools are already using this approach, and research supports its benefits. Our K-5 schools have also made progress in this direction with their report cards.
We invite you to visit our middle grades Standards-Based Grading website at pps.net/sbg. There, you can find updates, resources, timelines, materials, and FAQs.
There will be three family and community engagement events in person and virtually at the Prophet Education Center (501 N. Dixon St.) in the PPS Boardroom. We invite all who have current middle grades students or students entering into the middle grades to these presentations where we will provide updates as well as listen to feedback and answer questions.
Family and Community engagement (Virtual and in person)
February 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
March 13, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
May 8, 2025 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
We believe grades are an important way to communicate with students and families. This new system will make it clearer what students need to do to meet academic expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact Richard Smith at rsmith5@pps.net. Check the website often for updates. We look forward to working with you during this exciting transition.
Oregon Civics Bee
Middle school students throughout Oregon are invited to participate in the second annual Oregon Civics Bee. Organized by the Oregon Business & Industry Research and Education Foundation and presented by U.S Bank, this competition will give students a chance to share their ideas for improving their communities and show their enthusiasm for civics. Participants will have a chance to win cash prizes of up to $1,000.
The Oregon Civics Bee is part of U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s National Civics Bee. The winner of the Oregon Civics Bee will be invited to participate in the national round of the competition in Washington, D.C. in fall 2025. Top performers in the National Civics Bee will get to compete for grand prizes.
Any 6th, 7th or 8th grader who’d like to participate in the Oregon Civics Bee should identify a problem in their community and write an essay of no more than 750 words about how it could be addressed. The essay can be submitted by means of an online portal that can be accessed through the Oregon Civics Bee website. The website provides guidance for participating students, including an essay guide, an application toolkit and answers to frequently asked questions.
Essays are due Feb. 4.
A panel of judges will review submitted essays and select finalists to participate in regional civics bees to be held in several locations around the state. The top performers in regional bees will be invited to participate in the state bee, which will be held in Salem in spring 2025. Both regional and state civics bees will feature a quiz-style competition and engagement with judges about the students’ essays. The winner of the Oregon Civics Bee will be invited to participate in the National Civics Bee.
There is no charge to participate.
For questions about the Oregon Civics Bee, please contact Linda Navarro at lwnavarro@outlook.com.
Baseball & Softball Registration
Registration for the 2025 Spring Season for Cleveland Youth Baseball & Softball is officially open. When you register before December 10th, you will receive a 15% discount off your registration fee. This registration process is for ALL baseball and softball players, grades Pre-K - 8.
Click here to register for the upcoming 2025 spring season or visit https://www.clevelandyouthbaseball.com/
After School Theater
Logging Into Canvas @ Home
To log into Canvas at home, students need to sign into Google with their user name and password. Then, go to my.pps.net.
Outdoor School - 6th Grade
Plan ahead families. 6th Grade students will travel to various outdoor school camps the week of May 18th - 23rd. Students get dropped off on a Sunday and picked up at school upon return on the 23rd - usually around 1 pm or so. Below is more information about Outdoor School and all the fun 6th graders will have.
The Greater Middle East Student Union
The Greater Middle East Student Union is looking for money donations to help fund lunches and field trips. We are a new student affinity group this year and can use all the help we can get. If you feel called to help support us, please donate here. Anything helps! Thank you so much!
Student Vaccinations
Vaccines play a crucial role in protecting our students from serious illnesses and help keep our community safe. Parents/ Guardians of students who are due to receive vaccines should receive a letter in the mail. Please check if your child’s vaccinations are current, including their recommended flu shot, and contact your medical provider or any of the resources listed below.
Multnomah County Student Health Centers
Multnomah County Vaccination Clinic (English)
Parent Resource
After School Programs
Thank you to Chris Tyler for organizing After School Programming for our students. Please click the link below to review and read about how to sign up.
Remind will be the PPS communication platform. You may click here to read more and download the app.