DECEMBER 12, 2024
We will release @12:30 pm on Thursday December 19th for the start of Christmas Holiday.
Buses will run @ 12:35pm
Class parties will begin @ 11:45 next Thursday December 19th.
Information will be sent home from your child's teacher with party details.
Thank you to all our parents, families & friends that came out last night to our music performance of Elflandia & our Pre-K musicals.
Thank you Mrs. Estrada and all the staff for all the hard work that was put into making it a
great music program
December 19th - 1st Semester Ends - Holiday break begins
December 20-January 3rd - Christmas Holiday
January 6 - 2nd Semester Begins
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Bronco Family! Whether you are staying home or traveling during the upcoming break, I want to wish you all a restful and safe one. I also can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store for our Burleson family.
Thank you for allowing us to continue to be a part of your child’s life. The smiles of success are the best thing for an educator’s hearts. And, we get lots of smiles that warm our hearts daily.
Remember, you can always find the latest Meadow ISD news on the MISD website and Facebook page, so go check them out! Also, check your kiddo’s backpack and folders for any important paper notes that may have gone home.
Don’t forget to contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about what is going on in the classroom. We are always here to help.
See you next year and remember it’s ALWAYS great to be a Bronco!
Mrs. B
My phenomenal Pre-K students are working hard. Please practice the following skills at home.
· Letter: Aa, Hh, Vv, Xx, Zz, Ll, Nn, Ff, Tt, Ee, Kk, Ww, Yy, Mm, Ii, Dd(recognition & sound)
· Number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
· Shape: triangle, square, rectangle, oval, star, circle, star, diamond or rhombus, crescent, hexagon
· Color: red, blue, orange, purple, gray, orange, gray, black, brown, green, yellow
Please read every day and write down words on new reading log.
Thank you, parents, for all your support!
Mrs. A 😊
Mis fenomenales estudiantes de Pre-K están trabajando duro. Por favor practique las siguientes habilidades en casa. · Letra: Aa, Hh, Vv, Xx, Zz, Ll, Nn, Ff, Tt, Ee, Kk, Ww, Yy, Mm, Ii, Dd (reconocimiento y sonido) · Número: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 · Forma: triángulo, cuadrado, rectángulo, óvalo, estrella, círculo, estrella, rombo o rombo, media luna, hexágono · Color: rojo, azul, naranja, morado, gris, naranja, gris, negro, marrón, verde, amarillo Lea todos los días y escriba palabras en un nuevo registro de lectura.
¡Gracias padres por todo su apoyo!
Sra. A 😊
Math- This week we are learning to create and read graphs. The students learned about surveys, picture graphs, and real graphs. We have also worked on reading and identifying which had more, fewer or the same when reading a graph. This week we have also worked on numbers 11-15. The students will continue to practice counting and writing those teen numbers.
Phonics- In Phonics we will work on the letters Cc, and Ee. The students will learn more about when to spell with a /c/ or a /k/. Our focus will be final and then medial sounds. As always, we will continue to tap those sounds and especially now that we are working with medial sounds.
Reading- We are listening to our Interactive Read Alouds- IRA's. The students will continue to work on story comprehension, genre, type of genre and point of view. For the past few weeks, we have also worked on making connections with the story, or with other books.
AR Reading- All the Kindergarten students need to be read to for 20 minutes and then they need to take an AR test. The students also need to study their high frequency words. The HFW’s test will be this Friday.
Science- This week we will focus on Weather. We will learn about the clothing needed for each season.
-Please send a refillable water bottle each day.
Thank you,
Mrs. Sanchez
This week in First Grade we traveled all around the world! We visited five countries and learned how they celebrate Christmas.
We visited Australia, Mexico, The Netherlands, Sweden and Italy- some places we made crafts, and for Sweden we made Rice Porridge!
We had lots of fun seeing the beautiful landscapes of all of these countries and learning how we have similar and different traditions. We also learned how to say Merry Christmas and Santa Claus in four languages!
¡Esta semana en Primer Grado viajamos por todo el mundo! Visitamos cinco países y aprendimos cómo celebran la Navidad. Visitamos Australia, México, los Países Bajos, Suecia e Italia; en algunos lugares hicimos artesanías, ¡y en Suecia hicimos gachas de arroz! Nos divertimos mucho viendo los hermosos paisajes de todos estos países y aprendiendo cómo tenemos tradiciones similares y diferentes. ¡También aprendimos a decir Feliz Navidad y Papá Noel en cuatro idiomas!
Super Second Grade!
I need this year to slow down! We are almost halfway done with 2nd grade! We have taken full advantage of these weeks before Christmas break and we're having so much fun with so many hands-on activities. We've made 2-digit addition wreaths, a snow globe expository writing craft, our Christmas around the world research project, math review Christmas trees, and introduced author's purpose by making our own P.I.E foldable!
We took our spelling test on 12/11. Next week students will be quizzed on ALL sight words from the semester and given a timed math addition quiz!
Please encourage your child to read every night! Even 10 minutes can make a difference!
Thank you for all you do!
¡Súper Segundo Grado! ¡Necesito que este año baje el ritmo! ¡Ya casi hemos terminado la mitad del segundo grado! Hemos aprovechado al máximo estas semanas previas al parón navideño y nos lo estamos pasando genial con tantas actividades prácticas. Hicimos coronas de suma de 2 dígitos, una manualidad de escritura expositiva con una bola de nieve, nuestro proyecto de investigación de Navidad en todo el mundo, árboles de Navidad de repaso de matemáticas y presentamos el propósito del autor al hacer nuestro propio P.I.E plegable. Tomamos nuestra prueba de ortografía el 11 de diciembre. ¡La próxima semana los estudiantes serán interrogados sobre TODAS las palabras reconocibles a la vista del semestre y se les dará una prueba de suma de matemáticas cronometrada! ¡Por favor anime a su hijo a leer todas las noches! ¡Incluso 10 minutos pueden marcar la diferencia! ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces! señora Alaniz
3rd Grade ELAR:
Our words this week have vowel/consonant patterns eigh, ough, and ight. Please help your child study each evening, ready for a test on Friday. Next week we will have Christmas words, and our final test will be on Thursday.
As 3rd Grade are taking practice STAAR tests tomorrow and Wednesday, we will use any extra time for some fun Christmas activities and then finish the week with a Christmas themed Comp-A-Day mini passage.
We will continue identifying complete sentences, i.e. subject & predicate on Thursday after testing is over.
AR Reading:
We are almost at the end of the 2nd 9 weeks. Please, please, please help your child be successful by reading with them every evening. Reading is the key to all learning.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. McCormick
ELAR de 3er grado: Ortografía: Nuestras palabras de esta semana tienen patrones de vocales/consonantes ocho, ough y ight. Ayude a su hijo a estudiar todas las noches, listo para el examen del viernes. La próxima semana tendremos palabras navideñas y nuestra prueba final será el jueves. Lectura: Como el tercer grado tomará los exámenes STAAR de práctica mañana y miércoles, usaremos el tiempo extra para algunas actividades navideñas divertidas y luego terminaremos la semana con un mini pasaje de Comp-A-Day con tema navideño. Idioma/Gramática: Continuaremos identificando oraciones completas, es decir, sujeto y predicado el jueves después de que finalicen las pruebas. Lectura AR: Estamos casi al final de las segundas 9 semanas. Por favor, ayude a su hijo a tener éxito leyendo con él todas las noches. La lectura es la clave de todo aprendizaje.
Por favor contácteme si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.
Sra. McCormick
We have our Christmas party next week. Thank you to Traci Furgeson for volunteering to plan the food. We will send out a sign up in the next couple of days. Also, thank you to Ashley Berch for volunteering to plan some fun activities for us. During our Christmas party we will also have a "White Elephant" Gift Exchange. Boys will bring a boy gift and girls will bring a girl gift. Please keep to a $10 limit. I will be giving the kids white gift bags to put their gift in. Do not write their names on them. I want all of the packages to look the same. I will write Boy or Girl on the bag. Message me privately or email me if you are unable to purchase a gift. I will happily provide one. Be looking for the food sign up in the next couple of days. I will post it to ClassDojo. I know we will have a really fun time.
Tenemos nuestra fiesta de Navidad la próxima semana. Gracias a Traci Furgeson por ofrecerse como voluntaria para planificar la comida. Enviaremos un registro en los próximos días. Además, gracias a Ashley Berch por ofrecerse como voluntaria para planificar algunas actividades divertidas para nosotros. Durante nuestra fiesta de Navidad también tendremos un Intercambio de Regalos "Elefante Blanco". Los niños traerán un regalo de niño y las niñas traerán un regalo de niña. Manténgase en un límite de $10. Les daré a los niños bolsas de regalo blancas para que coloquen sus regalos. No escriban sus nombres en ellas. Quiero que todos los paquetes tengan el mismo aspecto. Escribiré Niño o Niña en la bolsa. Envíame un mensaje privado o envíame un correo electrónico si no puedes comprar un regalo. Con mucho gusto le proporcionaré uno. Esté atento al registro de comida en los próximos días. Lo publicaré en ClassDojo. Sé que lo pasaremos muy bien.
Fantastic 4th & Marvelous 5th Grade Math
-In 4th grade, we are still working on fractions. They are taking them in stride. Most of the 4th grade students tend to always keep a positive mindset in class. I like that because their positivity is contagious, it helps the students that do not have the confidence working Math, the encouragement to give Math a chance and not just shut down.
-In 5th grade Math, we are working on fractions, too. Hopefully we will be able to provide a fun fraction recipe before Christmas Break. Fifth graders will still be working on fractions after Christmas Break because they will need to learn to multiply and divide fractions.
The Christmas Party will be on December 19th @ 11:45.
The class did vote to draw names for a $10 gift exchange. As for the gift, they did decide on, but not on the refreshments. I will send a note by Friday for sure.
Fantásticas matemáticas de cuarto y maravillosas de quinto grado -En 4to grado todavía estamos trabajando con fracciones. Se los están tomando con calma. La mayoría de los estudiantes de cuarto grado tienden a mantener siempre una mentalidad positiva en clase. Me gusta porque su positividad es contagiosa, ayuda a los estudiantes que no tienen confianza para trabajar en matemáticas, el estímulo para darle una oportunidad a las matemáticas y no simplemente cerrarlas. -En Matemáticas de 5to grado también estamos trabajando con fracciones. Con suerte, podremos ofrecer una receta de fracción divertida antes de las vacaciones de Navidad. Los estudiantes de quinto grado seguirán trabajando en fracciones después de las vacaciones de Navidad porque necesitarán aprender a multiplicar y dividir fracciones. La fiesta de Navidad será el 19 de diciembre a las 11:45. La clase votó para sortear nombres para un intercambio de regalos de $10. En cuanto al regalo, sí se decidieron, pero no por los refrescos. Seguramente enviaré una nota antes del viernes. Gracias por tu apoyo, Stacy Gamez.
4th and 5th:
We are all starting to study the earth and the processes that form it! Students are always excited to start space and all that comes with it. I am so thankful for this time of year spent with the kids!
Caitlyn Guzman
4to y 5to:
¡Todos estamos empezando a estudiar la Tierra y los procesos que la forman! Los estudiantes siempre están emocionados de comenzar con el espacio y todo lo que conlleva. ¡Estoy muy agradecida por esta época del año que pasé con los niños!
Caitlyn Guzmán
I am excited to share that we now have telehealth through Goodside Health available for students. If your child is not feeling well at school, I can have them do a telehealth visit that you can join in on from wherever you are. Your child can be tested for the flu, strep, or covid at school and the provider can treat them by ordering over the counter medications that we have in stock here or by sending a prescription to your pharmacy. Goodside Health bills your insurance just like a normal doctors office would so your co-pays will be the same as they would at your child's primary care physician. They do accept most insurances. If you would like to register your child for this service so that they can receive medical care before they leave school, please go online and register your child here: https://goodsidehealth.com/families/
If you have any questions regarding telehealth, please contact me. Thank you!
Rae Campbell, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Me complace compartir que ahora tenemos telesalud a través de Goodside Health disponible para los estudiantes. Si su hijo no se siente bien en la escuela, puedo pedirle que realice una visita de telesalud a la que usted puede participar desde donde quiera que esté. A su hijo se le puede hacer la prueba de gripe, estreptococo o covid en la escuela y el proveedor puede tratarlo solicitando medicamentos de venta libre que tenemos en existencia aquí o enviando una receta a su farmacia. Goodside Health factura a su seguro como lo haría un consultorio médico normal, por lo que sus copagos serán los mismos que lo harían con el médico de atención primaria de su hijo. Aceptan la mayoría de los seguros. Si desea registrar a su hijo en este servicio para que pueda recibir atención médica antes de dejar la escuela, conéctese en línea y registre a su hijo aquí: https://goodsidehealth.com/families/ Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la telesalud, comuníquese conmigo. ¡Gracias! Rae Campbell enfermera escolar
Friday November 15th Broncos & Lady Broncos travel to Patton Springs
Varsity Girls: 6:00
Varsity Boys: 7:30
For all the Meadow ISD parents here is a calendar reference.
Student's are off on the Light Blue days.
Purple days are staff development days but student's are still off.
Black bold week's mean we have school all week.
Student's will have school on Monday's on these days:
August 26
September 23
October 21
December 9 & 16
January 6
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 19