November Parent Newsletter
Manvel Public School 2024

Team Manvel!
What an amazing night with the Manvel community, family, and friends!
So much FUN had by all! Thank you for all of the donations for the Raffle fundraiser for PTO/Wolf Ridge and for the classroom baskets!
In honor of our local veterans, we will be having a Veteran's Hero Parade on Tuesday, November 12th at 2:30 pm (see flyer below for details). In case of rain, we will ask Veterans to come inside the halls of the school so students can thank them for their service.
We have No School on Monday, November 11th, or Wednesday-Friday, November 27th-29th, for Thanksgiving break.
The last day of school for 2024 is Friday, December 20th for the Holiday Break.
Winter is right around the corner...please remind your child/children to bring their winter gear daily as the weather may change throughout the day. If you are a family in need of winter clothing, please reach out to me or our school office.
The school will send out winter weather and school updates on Remind and Facebook. You will also receive an email, text, and phone call with these updates. If you do not receive these messages please reach out to the school.
Remind, email, or a phone call is the best form of communication that is used by our entire staff. As parents if you have questions or concerns regarding your child we prefer you use Remind or email, rather than other social media platforms.(Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc) If you are not connected to classroom or school Remind please let the school know. If it is at the end of the day please call the office. Thank you for understanding!
November is the time of year to give thanks and show gratitude. At Manvel School we have so much to be thankful for. We have amazing students and families to support this great school. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Manvel Team.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Stevens, Principal
CONGRATULATIONS to the students of the month!
Shout Out to Mr. G! October Staff of the Month!
Important Dates:
November ~ SEL Skill-Responsible
Friday, November 1st- Monthly Assembly
Friday, November 1st- SUPER APPLEMAN Assembly-PreK-4th Grade
Friday, November 1st- Report Cards sent home.
Sunday, November 3rd- Daylight Savings- Turn your clock back an hour!
Monday, November 4th- Lions Vision Screenings- PreK-absent students
Monday, November 4th- Boys Basketball game @ Emerado 4:00
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day! GO VOTE! (Election South Portable)
Tuesday, November 5th- Boys Basketball game @ Lakota 4:00
Wednesday, November 6th- Student Council Meeting @ 7:30
Wednesday, November 6th- SumoBot Tourney @ 2:15 in the gym
Thursday, November 7th - Turkey Bingo!!!! Yay! 5:00-7:00 pm ~ Everyone Welcome!
Friday, November 8th- 5th Grade Maturity Presentation-1:00-2:00
Friday, November 8th- Lockdown Drill @2:30
Friday, November 8th- Boys Basketball game @ Fordville 4:00
Monday, November 11th- No School-Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 12th- School Board Mtg. 5:00 pm
Tuesday, November 12th-December 5th- Student Council/Salvation Army Food Drive & Angel Tree(see flyer)
Thursday, November 14th- *Changed Time* - Connections @ 10:00
Thursday, November 14th- 5th-8th Grade UND Men's Basketball Game- leave @ 11:15
Wednesday-Friday, November 27th- 29th- NO SCHOOL- Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, December 14th- "Sox for Kids" Auction-6:00 in Thompson
Saturday, December 21st- Shop for "Sox for Kids"
Sox for Kids!
Sox for Kids is a charitable organization that collects funds to take eligible children Christmas shopping. Manvel has about 40 children that participate. Please consider donating money to this worthy cause.
You can help meet the needs of our children by...
1. Donate to Sox For Kids when you consider your charitable contributions this holiday season. It is important that the Manvel community does its part by financially supporting the program. Please send donations to Dr. Wheeler at Manvel School, 801 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, N.D. 58256 and he will forward them to Sox for Kids.
2. Attending the fundraising auction on Saturday, December 14th, beginning at 6:00 PM in Thompson, N.D.