Bobcat Bytes
We are down to the last week of the 3rd marking period. This is just another reminder that Bobcat Virtual follows the same marking period schedule as the rest of the district. The 3rd marking period officially ends March 24th which means any assignments, quizzes and/or tests not submitted by the deadline will result in a zero.
I hope you and your family enjoy a nice warm Spring Break, even the one's who are staying in Michigan like me :(.
Best Regards,
Kevin Keilitz
More Fun Pics from Mrs. Stuck's class.
2022-2023 Yearbook
Your Yearbook Team is hard at work designing the GBCS Innovative Programs Yearbook for 2022-2023. This yearbook will combine Perry Innovation Center and K-8th grade Bobcat Virtual Learning students. We understand that your Bobcat student may not have been able to take a portrait photo with Lifetouch this year and we would like to give you the opportunity to submit a portrait photo of your student. Photos do not need to be professional, but please consider lighting when taking photos as they can become grainy/low quality.
Guidlines for portrait photo:
- A head and shoulder picture
- Solid background color (white, gray, or blue are preferred)
You will also have the option to upload an additional photo of your student for yearbook consideration. Suggested ideas for this include, but not limited to: An original artwork, a sport photo, hobby photo, playing a musical instrument, field trip photo, etc.
5th and 8th grade families, we have brief survey questions for your student in the link below as well. Please take a moment to have them answer the questions for our “graduation” pages! They have another opportunity to submit a fun photo of themselves to accompany their survey.
Please note that all submissions must be in by March 24th through this form only.
Please be sure to have your photos readily available before clicking on the link below!
Thank you for helping create memories for our students!
- The Yearbook Team
High School State Testing
On April 12th, high school students will be required to come to the high school for state testing. We will be administering the PSAT9, PSAT10 and SAT that day. We have made arrangements with the transportation department so that Bobcat Virtual students can ride the bus with GBHS students that day. Please fill out this survey below if your student will need to ride the bus that day.
Upcoming Events
3/24 - End of 3rd Marking Period
3/27-31 - Spring Recess
4/12- High School Testing