Term 2, Week 10 Newsletter
14 June 2024

Term 2, Week 10 Newsletter
(Friday 21 June)
Absentee Line - 6350 2500 (option 2)
Dates to Remember - Term 2
Friday 28 June
- Year 5 Assembly (9:00 am)
- Last Day of Term 2
Monday 15 July (Term 3)
- Pupil Free Day (Teachers only at school)
Tuesday 16 July (Term 3)
- Term 3 Commences for students
Principal's Message
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for bringing us together today
in a spirit of joy and generosity.
May we honour each other
by keeping an open mind.
May we speak and listen
with an open heart.
School Breakfast Program Volunteer Award
Congratulations to Mrs Ty who received the School Breakfast Program Volunteer Award for St Jude's School. This award recognises the outstanding contribution that volunteers make to our School Breakfast Club. Mrs Ty received a certificate of recognition and a small gift. Thank you Mrs Ty for everything you do for our students and community.
We are looking forward to our School Disco sessions this afternoon. May thanks to our volunteers, and our FOSJ committee for preparing the hall and the exciting disco activities to ensure that the boys and girls have an AMAZING time. Parents are welcome, as always, to stay and join in the dancing with their child (ren). We look forward to seeing you there!
Last Week of Term 2 and Reports
Next week is our last week of school before the holidays. Children have been working very hard all term, and it will be lovely for them to have a break to refresh before we begin again. School finishes at 3pm on Friday 28 June. Students will return to school on Tuesday 16 July.
Today at our Making Jesus Real Assembly, we talked about the importance of being extra kind next week, and for looking out for our friends who might be sad or lonely. We can say hello, welcome them into our eating group or our game. Some of us are tired at the end of a long school term. Let's find ways to show little acts of kindness to everyone we meet.
Semester 1 Reports will go live at the end of next week. We will advise parents via sms once this happens. It is important that we have your current email addresses so that you can access them from the SEQTA Engage website.
Refer A Friend Discount
Did you know that we offer a $100 discount on the eldest child's fees for any family who refers a friend resulting in an enrolment at St Jude's School? The form is available at the school office, and conditions do apply. You can receive this discount more than once (one for each new family you refer). The family you are referring must bring this form to the enrolment interview, unfortunately, we cannot pay this retrospectively.
Happy Birthday to the following students who have recently celebrated their special day!
Houston (K)
Camilla (1)
Jason (1)
Hargun (1)
Japinder (4)
Johanna (4)
Dash (5)
Denzel (6)
Community Code of Conduct
This week's focus is:
Trust and Privilege
At St Jude's we:
- We protect every child from harm.
- We respect boundaries between adults and students and support each other to do the same.
- Don't approach other people's children - speak to teachers if there are issues.
- We provide all information necessary to support our children during their schooling.
- Keep information about others confidential - including staff, parents and students (no gossip!)
Have a wonderful weekend.
Jonnda Simpson
Sacrament of Confirmation - Important Dates
Wednesday 17 July
- Confirmation Retreat - Mary MacKillop Centre
Wednesday 21 August
- Confirmation Rehearsal @ 6:00 pm
Sunday 25 August
- Sacrament of Confirmation @ 9:00 am
Graham Maher
Assistant Principal
School Reports - Are you ready?
School reports will go live at the end of the term and now is a good time to check that you are ready for this:
- Have you downloaded the SEQTA Engage App?
- Do you remember your username and password
- If you are new to SEQTA Engage or in Pre Primary, have you setup the app?
If you answered 'no' to any of the above, please make an appointment through the front office to see Mr Maher who will be more than happy to guide you through the setup process or reset passwords.
Merit Awards
Congratulations to students who received Merit Awards at today's Assembly
Kindy Enrolments 2025
4 Year Old Kindy
Please see Mrs Dique in the Office for an enrolment pack if your child will turn 4 years old on or before 30 June 2025. If you are aware of any families who would like a place in our fabulous Kindy, with Mrs Bollen and her amazing education assistants, please let them know to contact the school office on 6350 2500 for an enrolment pack or for more information.
Kindergarten days will operate on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8.40am to 3.00pm in 2025.
3 Year Old Kindy
Half-Day Sessions Run on Tuesdays 8.45am - 11.15am
Our 3 Year Old Kindy is up and running with our AMAZING teacher, Mrs Trethowen. Our program is play based and provides meaningful experiences that promote the development of spiritual, social, emotional, language, intellectual, creative and physical skills. Your child must be 3 years of age to attend this session.
If you have a child who has turned 3 or will be turning 3 years old this year or next year and would like to be a part of this program, contact Mrs Dique in the office. The program is an excellent opportunity to settle and prepare the little ones for Kindergarten.
Enrolment packs are available at the office. Please call on 6350 2500 for any enquiries.
Kristy Madafferi
Assistant Principal
2024 Term Dates
Please note the following dates may be subject to change.
Term 2: Monday 15 April β Friday 28 June
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July β Friday 20 September
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October β Friday 6 December
Please visit our website for a 'live' calendar for the most updated dates and events.
Canteen News
The Canteen will be open on Monday and Friday in 2024.
Uniform Shop News
Fleecy Lined Winter Jackets
Winter and wet weather is upon us! Our jackets are fully lined and can be worn over the school jumper. They can be very useful to keep the children dry and warm during the rainy season.
Unfortunately due to an increase in pricing from our supplier, the cost for the jacket has had to increase slightly to $41.00.
If you are interested in purchasing a jacket for your child please submit your order at the school office or the Uniform Shop.
We have limited stock in some sizes if you wish to
Current Uniform Shop Hours
Monday 8.00am to 9.30am
Thursday 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Thank you so much!!
Our Disco was a huge success. Thank you to all parents who gave their time to set up and assist on the night. The children had an amazing time!
Playgroup @ St Jude's - TERM 3
St Jude's Parish News
St Jude's Parish Mass Times
Weekday Masses: Mon to Fri 9.00am, followed by Recitation of the Rosary
Weekend Masses:
6.30pm Saturday
7.30am Sunday
9.00am Sunday
5.30pm Sunday
Community News
"Better Health Program
An 10-week free healthy lifestyle program for children 6-12 years who are above a healthy weight.
π Online places available year round!
πGroup base places at:
Β· Cannington Program - Bounce Cannington, starting July 16th or 18th, every Tuesday 4pm-6pm OR Thursday 4pm- 6pm.
π https://betterhealthprogram.org/wa or 1300 822 953