Welcome Back Letter to Families
Let's Get Rolling, 2024 - 2025!

September 2nd Edition
Dear Winston Campus Families,
As we prepare to welcome back our students in just a few days, our staff is hard at work putting the final touches on everything to ensure a smooth start to the school year. We wanted to provide you with some additional information on various aspects of middle school life to help navigate these first few days.
We are excited to see all of our students soon and can't wait for the wonderful year ahead!
Warm regards,
Maricela Macias
Principal, Winston Campus Middle School
WCMS Bell Schedule
Winston Campus is eligible to participate in the National School Breakfast and School Lunch Programs called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
What does this mean?
All enrolled students will receive a free breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household. Your child(ren) will be able to participate without having to pay a fee, but we ask that you still complete the Fee Waiver form here to determine if your family qualifies for other financial assistance such as school fees, athletic, and activity fee waivers. Again, completing the application is still necessary for other programs and assists with funding for educational programs in District 15.
If you have any questions about this communication or anything as it relates to Nutrition Services, please visit our website or contact Nutrition Services at (847) 963-3929. We are here to help ensure our students get the nutrition they need so they are able to focus on learning.
Breakfast Procedures
If students would like to eat breakfast at school, we will have designated breakfast areas around the building. As students enter the building, they can grab a breakfast bag and head to class. Hallway supervisors will be available to help direct students to the breakfast carts and their classrooms.
Lunch Procedures
Sixth-grade students will have lunch during 5th period, seventh-grade students during 6th period, and eighth-grade students during 7th period. For the first few weeks of school, all students will sit with their previous period classes for lunch, with tables reserved for each class. After the initial weeks, students will be able to choose their own seating arrangements in the cafeteria.
If your child forgets their lunch, they will be able to get a lunch from the school. If parents wish to drop off their child's lunch, it must be properly labeled with the student's name and grade and dropped off no later than 10:30 AM. This ensures that the lunch will be delivered to them on time.
Students will receive their locker assignments during first period on Thursday, September 5th. Their first period teacher, homeroom teacher, will assist students in learning their locker combination, practicing opening a locker, and how to organize their locker. Teachers will continue to help students practice their locker combinations the first few days of school.
Students are expected to keep their backpacks in their lockers during the school day. Students are not permitted to carry backpacks and bookbags to class during the school day. All backpacks and bookbags must be placed in students’ lockers during the day. Purses or handbags may be carried during the school day; however, such items must not be larger than 8½″ x 11″.
Cell Phones
Cell Phone Rules in District 15
As we prepare to welcome students to the new school year, I want to emphasize the importance of creating a focused learning environment for all students. To ensure that our classrooms are conducive to learning, the expectation is that cell phones must be kept powered-off or silenced and out-of-sight during the regular school day. Please review the student-parent handbook for additional details. By following these guidelines, we can create a positive and productive classroom community where students can fully engage in their education.
School Arrival
The Transportation Department will be releasing route information in Infinite Campus later this week.
If you are driving your child to school, please use the church parking lot for drop-off. Students should then enter the school through Door 8, which is located on Rolling Street.
Thank you for helping us ensure a smooth and safe arrival for all students.
**NEW THIS YEAR** We will be using an app called "MyRIDE K12". It is the same app that District 211 and 214 are using, so if you have a high schooler, you may already be familiar with it. Details on the new app are available on the transportation page of the D15 website linked HERE. Parents will be able to get LIVE transportation information for their student(s), in English or in Spanish. They will also be able to track their student(s) bus, and the app will give them a real-time ETA to their stop.
Students riding a bus home will load the buses that will be parked in our lot outside door 8. Our staff will list the bus order on our Bus Board every day for students to know the location of their bus. Staff will be present to assist students in finding their buses to ensure that they are able to arrive back home safely.
The school will have activity buses for students who stay for clubs, sports and activities after-school Monday - Thursday. In an upcoming newsletter, we will provide the bus routes for the activity buses. Please review the route with your student prior to staying for an after school activity. Parents can expect the after-school activity route to leave at approximately 3:55 each day.
If you are driving your child to and from school, please use the church parking lot for drop-off and pickup. Students should then enter the school through Door 8, which is located on Rohlwing Rd.
Thank you for helping us ensure a smooth and safe arrival for all students.
Tuesday 11/19 - Student Preview Day
Wednesday Thursday Friday 11/20- 11/22 - Student Purchase Days
Monday 11/25 - During Parent/Teacher Conferences - Student Purchase Day
School Supplies List
Our school supply list can be located on our website. Each middle school student will be provided a planner on their first day of school.
Walk your schedule day!
When: September 3rd from 12:45-1:30 PM
Enter through door# 8
All you need is your schedule! Please do not bring school supplies because students will not receive their locker information until the first day of school.
Lifetouch School Picture Day is Coming!!
School Name: Winston Campus Middle School
Picture Day Date: Monday, September 30th
Order Pictures online at: MyLifetouch.com
The district sent out information this week in regards to our fall sports. All students participating or trying out for sports must have a current physical on file. All physicals for sports need to be dated 8/15/2023 or later to be considered current. Updated physicals can be emailed to our school office. There is an activity fee to participate of $85 per student per sport.
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to join. All runners will be expected to run either the 1.5 or 2 mile distance. There are NO tryouts. This is a NO-Cut sport. All abilities and experience levels are welcomed and encouraged to register. Practices will take place Monday -Thursday {2:15-3:45}
COACHES:Alex Soto, Susie Gronwick, Kyle Reid, Parker Buetow & Gina Ruta
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to try out. There are 4 teams, that are arranged by different grade levels. (6th/7th Team; 7th/8th Team). This is a cut-sport and the coaches will post the team roster after tryouts are completed.
Tryout Schedule: September 9 - 12, 2024 {2:15 - 3:45 pm}
COACHES: 6th/7th: Emmie Galan & 7th/8th: Kristina Wagner
All 6th - 8th grade students are welcome to try out. There are 4 teams, that are arranged by different grade levels. (6th/7th Team; 7th/8th Team). This is a cut-sport and the coaches will post the team roster after tryouts are completed.
Tryout Schedule: September 9 - 12, 2024 {2:15 - 3:45 pm
COACHES: 6th/7th:Michael Mauro & 7th/8th: Diane Hellard
MAP Testing September 9th
We will be conducting the NWEA MAP testing in Reading and Math for students in grades K-8. This assessment is an important tool to help us understand your child’s academic progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. Testing will take place during the week of September 9th. To ensure your child performs their best, it's important that they attend school during this week and are well-rested each day.
We appreciate your support in making this a successful testing experience for all students. If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to your grade level assistant principal.
Administrative Team
Our administrative team is here to help you with any questions. Earlier this summer, we shared which administrator to contact for various questions. All of us are here to help and assist but to streamline regular communication, and questions; our administrators work closely with designated teams.
Starr Caldwel - 6th grade Assistant Principal caldwels@ccsd15.net
Tomas Reyes - 7th grade Assistant Principal reyest@ccsd15.net
Adam West - 8th grade Assistant Principal westa@ccsd15.net
Courtney Mangognia - Special Education Coordinator mangognc@ccsd15.net
Cecilia Flores - Bilingual Resource Coordinator floresa3@ccsd15.net
Our Office Team
Mayra Gomez- Secretary gomezm@ccsd15.net
Lizeth Flores- Clerical Secretary floresl@ccsd15.net
Elizabeth Malagon - Lead Nurse malagone@ccsd15.net
Sunah Kim - Nurse kims@ccsd15.net
Upcoming Dates to Remember,
- September 3rd-Walk Your Schedule 12:45-1:45 pm
- September 5th-First Day Of School
- September 9th- NWEA MAP testing
- September 12th- Parent Orientation 6:00 pm
- September 18th-PTA General meeting 7:00-8:00 in the school Library
- September 26th-Half Day Of Student Attendance
September 30-Picture Day