Clinton-Massie High School
September 27, 2024
September Students of the Month
Clinton-Massie Homecoming
2024 Homecoming - Neon Nights
Join in the homecoming week festivities for CMHS as students celebrate with spirit week leading up to the big homecoming game against Goshen. The annual parade will be Thursday, October 3rd at 6 p.m. on the Clinton-Massie campus. There will be a parade route will start at the event entrance closest to the high school baseball diamond and wrap around the frond of the school and conclude behind the elementary service drive.
The game on Friday, October 4th, will begin at 7 p.m. with the presentation of homecoming court at 6 p.m. Gates will open at 5:00 p.m.
The homecoming dance will be at 7 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th, in the high school auditeria, and it will end at 10 p.m. Tickets will be $20 and will go on sale during school lunches. Off-campus students will need to check their email for a ticket reservation form.
We look forward to celebrating an amazing homecoming event!
Homecoming Spirit Week: M 9/30 - F 10/4
Show some school spirit each day leading up to our homecoming game against Goshen!
Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Twin Day
Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday
Thursday- Neon Day
Friday - Falcon Friday: show your red, white, and blue Falcon spirit!
Homecoming Court 24/25
Freshmen Attendants: Makenna Bennington & Carson Long
Sophmore Attendants: Kaylee Jones & Isaiah Preston
Junior Attendants: Baylie Wulf & CJ Sheldon
Senior Court: Reese Byington, Sydney Doyle, Brylie Green, Addison Swope, Gracie Wallen
Gabe Black, Logan Chesser, Wade Collett, Avden Faucett, Hunter Monds
Positive Behavior Recognitions - Momentum Awards
Grace Adams - Responsible (Morgan)
Saydi Hall - Responsible (Wissman)
Caleb Stykes - Caring (Adams)
Alanna Ritchie - Responsible (Wilkinson)
Marshall Hunter - Willing to Learn (Rolf)
Elijah Martin - Problem Solver (Rolf)
Korrinne Thesken - Caring (Hales)
Clinton-Massie Local Schools - Rated 4.5 Stars
PSAT Test - Register by October 1st
The PSAT will be offered on Tuesday, October 29th. If you plan on testing, please register using the link in the student inbox and bring $18 (cash or check) to Miss Sercu in the guidance office by Tuesday, October 1st.
District Finance Presentations
Recently Carrie Bir, Treasurer and David Moss, Superintendent held district finance presentations. This short informative video and FAQ page are available on the school website. If you would like to ask a question or give feedback, please share those inquiries/thoughts here.
School Picture Re-take Day
Picture Day re-take will be held at Clinton-Massie High School on Friday, October 18th.
PE Waiver
If you are planning to apply for the PE Waiver, please see the attached form. You must complete this application and return it to Mr. Carey within 10 calendar days following the first official date for coaching and instruction. (OHSAA)
Update Final Forms
Please visit our school website to update your student's final forms account. If you are having difficulty with this update, please contact our office for assistance.
Outlaw Leather Supports CMHS Student
Falcon Pack Sign-Up
Our goal is to provide students with additional food on weekends throughout the school year. When students are fed with proper nutrition it will help them meet developmental milestones, be more attentive and retain learned information. To sign-up your student for our weekend Falcon Pack program please click here.
Packs are sent home on Fridays in students back packs.
**Please complete a new form for each of your students in need of food assistance.
Alumni Veteran Wall Update
We are working to update our Alumni Wall for Veterans Day. If you are a graduate of Clinton-Massie High School and have served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, we would like to recognize you on our Clinton-Massie Alumni Veteran Wall. Please complete the submission form(here) or on our website for inclusion. Thank you for your service to our community and country.
New School Website Under Construction
Please visit our redesigned school website. If there is information or features that you are unable to find, please let us know as we make improvements to this resource.
Upcoming Dates:
October 3rd - Homecoming Parade
October 4th - Homecoming Pep Rally, Coronation, & Game
October 5th - Homecoming Dance
October 11th - Staff Inservice (No School)
October 14th - Fall Break (No School)
October 18th - HS Picture Re-take Day
October 29th - PSAT Test
November 5th - No School (Election Day)
CMHS Awareness Project
Don't be afraid to utilize the resources provided by our new Clinton-Massie Awareness Project! The new program is designed to bring awareness to the resources that we offer here at Clinton-Massie. You can access a free shower, washer and dryer, hygiene products, food pantries, and more through our new website that you can find here. We are here to help all of those in need, no shame!
Contact: @cmhs_awarenessproject
Leadership Clinton Youth Collaborative
Congratulations to this year's 24-25 Leadership Clinton Youth Collaborative delegates! The following students submitted applications and were chosen by staff recommendations: The team attended the first session at Wilmington College on Tuesday, September 10th. (L to R: Cassie Hargis, Malea Beam, Shelby Robinson , and Lauren McCreary). They are advised by Ms. Sam Beres.
ProgressBook Log-In Information
Student/Parent/Guardian Concerns
Clinton-Massie High School
Email: aaron.seewer@cmfalcons.org
Website: cmfalcons.org
Location: 2556 Lebanon Road, Clarksville, OH, USA
Phone: 937-289-2109 ext: 2410
Twitter: @cmhsprincipal
AJ Avery
Assistant Principal
Email: aj.avery@cmfalcons.org
Website: cmfalcons.org
Location: 2556 Lebanon Road, Clarksville, OH, USA
Phone: 937-289-2109 ext: 2414
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