PL News 8/12
Time is drawing near! The first day is right around the corner. Please be sure to see the important information listed below regarding the start of the school year!
Stephanie Loth
Language Translation - Traducción Española
Important Dates and Times
Wednesday, August 9
Skyward Family Access Open
8:00 AM
View Student Homeroom Assignments
Thursday, August 10
PL PTA Kindergarten Playground Playdate
South Playground
6:30-8:00 PM
Sunday, August 13
PL PTA Party at the Playground (for all)
PL PTA School Supply Pick-up (if you ordered)
3:30-5:00 PM
Tuesday, August 15
Student Supply Drop-off (not mandatory)
8:45am - 9:15 AM
Wednesday, August 16
First Day of School
Kindergarten: 8:30-11:45
1st - 5th Grades: 8:30-3:15
Thursday & Friday, August 17 - 18
Kindergarten 8:30-11:45
Monday, August 21
First Full Day of Kindergarten
Saturday, August 26
PL PTA Welcome Back Pool Party
Lombard - Paradise Bay
7:00-9:00 PM
Thursday, August 31
Curriculum Night
Times vary, see below
Friday, September 1
Early Release Day
1:15 Student Dismissal
Childcare not available
Supply Drop-off
PL Spirit Wear!
- Store Link:
Special Kindergarten Hours First 3 Days
Wednesday, August 16
First Day of School
Kindergarten: 8:30-11:45
Thursday, August 17
Kindergarten Hours
Friday, August 18
Kindergarten Hours
School Hours
8:28 - Doors open to allow student entrance to school
8:30 - Transition to homerooms and preparation for the day
8:35 - Attendance is taken and submitted to the office
11:45-12:35 Lunch and Recess
3:15 Dismissal from school
Doors of Entrance & Exit
Door 2
South Side of the Building
1st Grade
Door 3
Southeast Side of the Building
2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades
Door 5
North Side of the Building
5th Grade
Door 6
North Side of the Building
Parking Around Pleasant Lane
The streets with access "closest" to the school are designated as drop-off or pick-up and do not allow for parking. Please follow the rules, it makes the whole process run more smoothly. Pleasant Ln and Berkshire have some designated parking areas, but not directly in front of the school. If you'd like to park and walk up to drop-off or greet your child at the end of the day, please follow the parking signs on Charlotte.
Parent Handbook
Curriculum Night at PL
Thursday, August 31
6:00-8:00 pm
For parents with children in grades 1-2, please join your child's teacher in his/her classroom from 6:00-6:45. Please join the staff and parents of Pleasant Lane in the Large Gym from 6:50-7:10.
For parents with children in grades 3-5, please join the staff and parents of Pleasant Lane in the Large Gym from 6:50-7:10. Please join your child's teacher in his/her classroom from 7:15-8:00.
*Information for specialized classrooms may differ from the general schedule.
The evening has been designed to accommodate as many families as possible. If you have more than one child in the same grouping, please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements to obtain distributed information. All teachers can be reached by calling the main office, 630-827-4640 or on the website at
Lunchroom Monitor
This is a great way to see and interact with our children throughout the week. If you are not available five days a week for this time period, I would consider working with any qualified individual in finding a schedule that works to meet all of our needs.
Employment Opportunities
As an added note,Lombard District #44 recently increased the pay per hour of many of these positions. To see all of the opportunities in District #44, please use the following links:
- Classroom Substitute Teacher
- Instructional Assistant (Paraprofessional)
- Substitute Instructional Assistant/Health Office
- Bus Driver
- Crossing Guard
If you have questions regarding District 44, please call the District Office at 630-827-4400. The Regional Office of Education is also an important place in which to receive information regarding positions. They can be reached at or by calling 630-407-5800.
Paraprofessional Information and Instructions
Paraprofessional as a sub with a bachelor's degree
Paraprofessional with Associates as a Short Term Sub
Short Term Substitute Information and Instructions
Substitute Information and Instructions
Illinois PTA School of Excellence
Virtual Backpack
Glenbard Parent Series (GPS)
Upcoming Glenbard Parent Series
For information, please access:
Pleasant Lane Elementary School
Laura Sullivan, School Secretary.
Location: 401 North Main Street, Lombard, IL, USA
Phone: 630-827-4640