Viking Vibes
Staying Connected with Beck Centennial
December 20th, 2024
Happy Holidays!
Dear Beck Families,
As we approach the holiday season, I want to take a moment to express my warmest wishes for a joyful and restful break. This week has been truly magical for our students, filled with excitement, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
One of the many highlights of the week was our Staff Spirit Competition assembly today, where students had the chance to cheer for the staff member with the most spirit. Our 22 "Principals of the Day" left class for a bit to help Mrs. Parker with the judging to narrow down our contestants. At the assembly, the energy was contagious, and the event culminated with a whole-school sing-along that brought everyone together in celebration. It was a wonderful display of school spirit and community!
A special congratulations to Mrs. Andrus for winning the coveted Beck Viking Cup for the most spirited attire!!
Take a look at the video below to watch some of the competition!
We hope you and your family enjoy a well-deserved holiday season filled with joy, relaxation, and time spent together. Thank you for being a part of our wonderful school community.
Warmest wishes,
Mrs. Parker
As we are experiencing colder temperatures, I would like to remind everyone that students must wear proper clothing for cold weather. This includes winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, and boots. District protocol states that students are to enjoy outdoor recess if the temperature is above 10 degrees. It's important for their comfort while they are outside to be properly dressed.
Mother Son Bowling
Sign Up is now open!
Character Strong January Focus in ISM
Multiplication Facts Help?
Practicing our multiplication facts by skip counting through song is an easy way to practice facts! Mrs. Parker's favorite video by Mr. D is Up Town Funk: Practicing 3s. Take a listen! From young 5s through 6th grade, it's always important to practice our math facts and these SKIP counting videos put to popular songs are an easy and fun way to do it! Try it out in the car!
If your child just needs practice with a specific math fact, click on the link below. They can play free math games, tailored to the facts they need practice in! Mrs. Parker's Favorite game is "Happy Burger!"
Mark Your Calendars
- 6th: Back to school!
- 16th: Bagel Day
- 20th: Martin Luther King Day No School
- 22nd: BFV meeting 6:30pm
- 28th: 5th grade to DIA 8:30am- information will be sent out later
- 29th: Kindness Gram Sale Begins (til 7th)
- 4th: Skate Night, 6-8pm
- 5th: Young Fives and Kindergarten Open House 7-8PM
- 7th: Kindness Gram Sale ends
- 13th: Bagel Day
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
March: Reading Month!
- 13th: Bagel Day
- 17th: 2nd grade/VanDeWinkle to Troy Historical Village- information will be sent out later
- 19th: BFV meeting @6:30pm
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 16th: Kindergarten Field Trip to Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center 9:30- 11:45am- information will be sent out later
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 22nd: Earth Day
- 25th: Skate Night 5-7pm
- 27th: Daddy Daughter Dance. Theme will be decided soon and the name will be changed. Much like how last year was "VIP and Me"
- 29th: 3rd/4th grade concert 7pm
- 15th: Bagel Day
- 21st: BFV meeting 6:30
- 22nd: 3rd Grade field trip to the Zoo- information will be sent out later
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 30th: Skate Night 5-7pm
- 2nd: 5th Concert/6th Band Concert, Time TBD
- 10th: 6th Grade Graduation
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 11:29am
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 11:29am- LAST DAY!
Community Opportunities
PowerSchool Help
PowerSchool Help
Creating an account- PowerSchool / Creating a PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How to Create a Parent Account (iorad.com)
Parent sign in- Parent Sign In (misd.net)
Adding a student- PowerSchool / Adding a Student to PowerSchool Account (uticak12.org)
Resetting a password- PowerSchool / Resetting a Password (uticak12.org)
Click through tutorial- PowerSchool - How To Reset a Password (iorad.com)
Mobil app- PowerSchool / Mobile App (uticak12.org)
Security Procedures
We are asking for your assistance to ensure that our security procedures during the school day are effective. As many of you know, our school has a security camera, intercom, and buzzer at the front entrance for use during the school day. To help us assist you when you would like to enter the school:
1. All guests must enter through the main office door
2. Please press the buzzer to speak with someone in the office
3. You will be asked to state your name and reason for visiting
4. Each time you come to the office you will be asked to show your photo ID into the security camera above the outside door and once again at the main office.
5. Office staff will assist you.
6. Guests must have an appointment to meet with a staff member during instructional hours
In addition, we are asking you to not let any visitors in the door as you enter (and they come up behind you) or as you exit the building.
Finally, all exterior doors are to remain locked and secure daily. Teachers will not prop doors open and any door that is open is to have a staff member monitoring it at all times.
The teachers and staff are committed to student safety and security and we would like to thank you for your assistance in helping keep the students of Beck safe.
Beck Centennial Elementary
Entry Bell: 8:20AM
School Starts: 8:25am
Dismissal Bell 3:15pm
Beck Attendance Line: 586-797-3999
Email: officebeck@uticak12.org
Website: beck.uticak12.org
Location: 54600 Hayes Road, Macomb, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-3900
Facebook: facebook.com/BeckElementarySchool
Beck Family Volunteers Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BeckFamilyVolunteers
Twitter: @beckelementary
UCS Mobile APP: Download at the App store here and Google Play here.