Welcome to Kindergarten!
August 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Del Prete
Whether this is your first time at Bridgeview School, or you are a veteran Bridgeview parent, I am so glad you are here!
I am Candice Del Prete, and I am the Principal here at Bridgeview School. This is my 21st year in the district and my eighth year as head Bobcat. I am so excited for you and your child to start your journey here with us. We have an amazing Kindergarten team (whom you will see later in this newsletter). For now, I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself and give you all the info you will need to start your school year.
Our first day of student attendance will be Wednesday, August 21st. We will be in school full-time each day. Our school day runs from 8:00AM until 2:30PM. Students will enter through the main entrance (if they are a car rider or walker), or Door 3 (if they ride the school bus to school). They will make their way right to their classroom. We will have plenty of extra staff members around the first couple weeks of school to help our little Bobcats to their classroom, if they need support. Parents are not allowed inside the building to assist their student to class. At dismissal time, bus riders will be escorted by a staff member to the bus daily for the entire year. Walkers and car riders will be dismissed out of Door 9, which can be accessed via the playground around the back of the school.
Breakfast and lunch are served at school daily, free of charge to every student! You can find a menu for the month of August below. Please note that although students can bring in a "cold lunch" from home, there is not option for students to bring in their own breakfast. They can either eat breakfast before they leave for school, or eat a school-provided breakfast with their classmates in their classroom as they start their day. I also attached a current school supply list, for your convenience.
You will receive (minimally) monthly communication from me throughout the school year. Information will come to you just like this message did, via text and/or email. It will include all the important info you need to know for the upcoming month, as well as reminders about days off, and more!
We hope you can join us for the Kindergarten "Pop and Drop" on Monday, August 19th between 3:00-4:00pm. See the flyer below for more information about this upcoming event. Please make sure to label your student's supplies with their name.
We are still working on getting all of our students into classrooms for the school year. You will receive an email from me later on this week (Friday, August 16th) letting you know how to access the name of your child's teacher along with the room number. If you have elected to have your student ride a bus, you should have received a call from Mrs. Jill Borst, our Instructional Support Services teacher, regarding your child's bus stop. A second communication will be released later this week with more bus information.
I thank you for your support. Your Kindergarten teachers and I look forward to a great first year!
See you soon,
Ms. Martinez, Ms. Beggs, and Mrs. Montalvo
Come POP in, MEET your child's teacher, and DROP off their school supplies!
This event is for incoming Kindergartners and their parents ONLY (see flyer below for details). We look forward to seeing you!
Mrs. Del Prete & the Kindergarten Team
Bridgeview Elementary School
Jill Borst, Instructional Support Services
Email: cdelprete@isd109.org OR jborst@isd109.org
Website: www.isd109.org
Location: 7800 S Thomas Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455
Phone: 708-496-8713
Follow us on Instagram: @BVGoBobcats