This Week at GLOBE
News & Notes | January 29, 2025
Key dates
January 29
Spirit Night at SALARYMAN - Toco Hills, 4pm–9pm.
January 31
Deadline to complete 'Intent to Return' form (see Admissions).
February 6
Band and winter sports team picture day.
March 22
PTCC Auction at Napoleon’s.
Thank you to all of our Mandarin track families who attended today’s Lunar New Year performances. Look out for video coverage and photos in next week’s newsletter.
Students participate at DeKalb County Technology Fair
A small group of GLOBE students participated in the DeKalb County Technology Fair. Archer Hankinson participated in the category of Game Design. The category of Video Production saw Piper Dinet and Nora Reynolds participate as a group, as well as Riley Dickman and Caroline Monroe. We are still awaiting results, but GLOBE is very proud of these students for doing a super job and representing GLOBE!
DeKalb County Reading Bowl
Last weekend GLOBE students from 4th through 8th grade participated in the DeKalb County Reading Bowl. For many of our students, it was their first time. We would like to recognize these teams of readers for reading 10 plus books, memorizing facts and representing the GLOBE Community at the district competition.
Elementary School: Christian Kirouac, Mahia Jimenez, Azaila Girma, Olivia Chatman, Beatriz Teixeria-Staples, Dalia Cohen, Mahder Fanta, Makeda Fanta, Lisa Durgin, Yves Saint- Louis.
Middle School: Lucas Teixeria- Staples, Eshan Parajuli, Levi Arslanian, Zoe Levine, Laylaa Elder, Kira Torres, Yanglha Lamo, Yididiya Melese, Samhitha Maddu, Anthony Cherry, Tenzin Dolkar.
Thank you to Mr. Cunningham, Ms. Hardnett and Mrs. Anderson for coaching the Elementary team and Ms. Braun for coaching the Middle School team.
Atlanta School Choice Expo
GLOBE's Admissions Team along with Madam Hibo attended the 2025 Atlanta School Choice Expo. Over 900 families attended the Expo this year where they were able to learn about various school options. The team were happy to be able to represent GLOBE at this year's Expo.
Georgia Department of Education Climate Survey
DCSD Family Assessment Quarterly Newsletter
DeKalb County School District’s (DCSD) Assessment Administration Department has introduced the inaugural quarterly issue of the DCSD Family Assessment Newsletter. This newsletter is a new communication tool designed to ensure that parents receive assessment related information in a timely manner. To view the latest newsletter, click here.
Campus notes
Lower Campus
This month’s Community Circle will be held on Friday, January 31. Be sure to check our Instagram page.
Black History Month
Stop by the LC Front Office to pick up a door decoration kit for Black History Month. Check out the PTCC section of this newsletter for further details as well as other volunteering opportunities.
Message from the LC nurse
If your child has to borrow clothes from the clinic, please note that you do not need to return any underwear items, as they will be discarded. Thank you.
Upper Campus
February is Black History Month
Check out the image below for ways to get involved in Black History Month at Upper Campus.
You can order a BHM t-shirt here.
We need your help: We are looking for volunteers to help set up this Friday around Upper Campus.
Other volunteering opportunities: Parents to come in and read to the students and helping out during the first week of March for the classes and grades that win the following contests:
Door contest: Pizza Party - March 7, during class W.I.N. time.
Wall contest: Ice cream social - March 7 - during grade lunch.
If you are interested in volunteering, please send us an email.
Orchestra News
The GLOBE Academy is extremely proud of Ethan Waithe, Aidan McKeown, and Kevin Soto-Pineda for representing GLOBE’s orchestra program at the final state-level audition last weekend. Following the event, 6th grade double bassist, Kevin Soto-Pineda, was accepted and placed as 5th chair in the state. In March, Kevin will join other selected musicians in Athens to prepare and perform a concert!
Band News
Group band photos will be taken for the yearbook on Thursday, February 6. Please send your band student to school wearing their GLOBE Music Ensembles shirt.
Intent to Return form is due this Friday!
GLOBE has sent out an email requesting that current GLOBE families complete the “2025-26 Intent to Return” form. If you have not yet completed the Intent to Return, click here to complete and submit the form. The Admissions Team must receive your response by Friday, January 31. Thanks to everyone who has already completed the form.
The Lottery is now Open!
Open Enrollment has begun. If you have a New student to enroll for the 2025-26 school year, you must register your child for the Lottery via Lotterease. All applicants must register during the Open Enrollment period: January 27 - February 18. The Lottery drawing will take place on Friday, February 28, 2025. If you have any questions, please send an email to Admissions.
Yard Signs
If you have a GLOBE yard sign, please add the “APPLY NOW” topper. Thank you for your support in spreading the word.
Breakfast and lunch menus for February are now posted on GLOBE’s website, here. If you have any questions regarding nutrition please send an email to our Nutrition Director, Briana Caddell.
Winter sports team photos
Winter sports team photos have been re-scheduled to take place on Thursday, February 6.
Spring Sports Registration
Registration for spring sports tryouts is open.
For a quick snapshot of all spring sports, click here.
For an in-depth look and to register, click the relevant link below to find out more.
Boys Volleyball | Flag Football | Girls Soccer | Golf | Tennis
Basketball team makes it to the finals!
The Boys Basketball A Team won their semi-final game against Atlanta International School, 53-30, on Tuesday. They will now play Ridgeview at 7.30pm on Thursday, January 30, at Lakeside High School. Come along and show your support!
You can view the final two quarters of Tuesday's boys semi-final game here.
Swim team success!
GLOBE’s Swim Team attended the MAAC Conference Championship last Saturday at Georgia Tech. The boys took 1st place, and the girls 2nd place runner-up. Overall GLOBE are Co-Champions with Galloway having achieved the same points during the season. Congratulations to the teams and coaches on another hugely successful swim season! The team will take time to celebrate at their swim team banquet this-evening.
Visit the athletics website for information.
Support GLOBE athletics
Visit our Sideline store for GLOBE athletic wear | Join GLOBE Athletic Club.
Parent Teacher Community Council
Tonight is Spirit Night at SALARYMAN
Join us from 4pm - 9pm for spirit night at SALARYMAN - Toco Hills. Call in and take out included 10% of proceeds will be donated to GLOBE. No flyer is needed, just mention you are with GLOBE.
Volunteer for Black History Month
Stop by the Lower Campus Front Office to pick up a door decoration kit for Black History Month. We will also distribute them at the walker doors tomorrow morning during drop-off. We need volunteers to hang the decorated door sheets on Thursday, 2/6. Sign-up here.
Volunteers needed for spring events
PTCC Auction
Mark your calendars! The online Auction is set for March 21–22, with our live event celebration happening at Napoleon’s on Saturday, March 22. Calling all artisans, business owners, vacation rental owners, and season ticket holders - we’re looking for donations! Reach out to the Auction Committee here.
Online spirit wear store
Shop tees, sweatshirts, accessories and more. Orders placed by Wednesdays at 11:59pm will be delivered on Friday of that week. Shop now! To view the spirit wear store, you must first create a profile on the PTCC website. Questions about an existing Spirit Wear order? Contact the spirit wear team here.
Shop Our Loyalty Rewards Programs
Are you registered for Publix, Kroger, or BoxTop Rewards? Sign-up for these programs and more loyalty programs to support our school. Find the complete list of the PTCC loyalty programs here.
Register on the PTCC Website
Calling all parents and caretakers! Please register for the new PTCC website to stay informed on upcoming events, volunteering, shop spirit wear, PTCC news and more. Log your volunteer hours to show your community spirit and support of our school. You can also email PTCC Officers at any time. Visit the PTCC Website | Follow us on social media: Facebook | Instagram.
GLOBE 2024/25 Yearbook
Our yearbook orders are down from last year, so we may be printing fewer books. If you think you will want a yearbook, please order it soon, or you may not be able to get one. Click here to reserve your 2024/25 yearbook.
Have a question?
You are welcome to submit it here, or consult this chart to find out who to contact.
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