Charger Report
January 2025
Happy New Year!
Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership, which have been instrumental in our school’s success. We are proud of the progress our students have made during the first half of the year and are excited about the opportunities ahead. Together, we will continue to create a supportive environment where every student feels valued and empowered. Here’s to a positive and successful remainder of the school year!
What's Happening in Class?
Check out the December newsletters to learn more!
Winter Assessments - January 2025
During the month of January our students will be taking AIMSweb and iReady assessments. Students in grades 1 - 8 are assessed with our iReady diagnostic assessment.
The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort.
Here are a few things you can do to help support your student:
- Make sure they get a good night’s rest before taking the Diagnostic!
- Talk to your student about why the second Diagnostic is important. You can say things like:
- The second Diagnostic helps you find out how much progress you’ve made since the beginning of the year.
- It allows your teacher and I to celebrate your accomplishments!
- Try your best, and do not rush
Like a portfolio of pictures, the above two assessments are two snapshots of your child's learning progress. It is our hope that we continue to partner with you to ensure that your child is challenged and supported in their learning throughout the school year. Additionally, Lake Park High School will use winter iReady scores as one measure to guide academic placement in 9th grade.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your student’s learning.
Required Community Service Hours
Friendly reminder all Peacock students are required to complete community service hours. Students will have a requirement of 6 total service hours for the 2024-2025 school year. Summer and school breaks are a great time to start completing these hours! 8th grade students must complete a total of 18 community service hours to graduate. If your child did not attend Peacock for all three school years, required community service hours will be prorated.
Additional information can be found on Peacock's website linked below.
Cold Weather Reminders
Please ensure your child has the necessary winter clothing everyday.
every day: winter coat, hat and gloves
on any day when it snows: winter coat, hat, gloves and boots
When weather permits, students will have outdoor supervision 7:20-7:45 a.m. before school and outdoor lunch activity if the temperature is 20 degrees or above, factoring wind chill. If the temperature drops below 20 degrees, factoring wind chill, students will remain indoors.
Volunteers Needed!
The libraries at Peacock, Franzen and Benson are always looking for an extra hand. As a volunteer you might check out books for the students, help shelve library materials, listen to a small group of children read aloud, assist with library projects … The possibilities are endless!
Volunteers are needed each day in some capacity. Your help would be appreciated one morning or afternoon each week, once or twice a month, during your student's library time or whenever you find you have some free time to spend at the school with the children!
Please complete the form below to volunteer in your child's library. Training will required prior to volunteering. Volunteers will be invited on an as needed basis. The school librarian will contact you to get you started!
Thank you,
Ashley Darling - Peacock Librarian
Anita DeValk - Franzen Librarian
Jennifer Susina - Benson Librarian
Upcoming Dates
6 - No School (Winter Break)
7 - School Resumes (Tuesday)
7 - Virtual Parent University
8 - Choir & Band Field Trip
9 - Home Basketball Game vs Wood Dale
10 - Lake Park Counselors visit 8th Grade
10 - Trimester 2 Midterms
14 - Home Basketball Game vs Medinah
15 - Board of Education Meeting at Benson Primary, 7 p.m.
16 - Home Basketball vs Spring Wood
20 - No School
21 - Home Basketball Game vs Westfield
21 - Field Trip Chaperone Training, 4:30 p.m.
22 - Early Release
22 - District-Wide Spelling Bee, 7 p.m.
23 - Chargers Basketball @ Wood Dale
23 - IPTO Meeting, 6 p.m.
24 - 6th Grade Field Trip - Field Museum
27 - Chargers Basketball @ Westfield
28 - Chargers Basketball @ Medinah
30 - Home Basketball Game vs Roselle
8th Grade - Important Dates!
Friendly reminder 8th grade graduation and celebratory event dates have been updated. Please see the memo below for more information.
Lunch Update
We’re thrilled to announce an exciting update to our school lunchroom! New round tables have been added, creating a more inviting and collaborative space for students to enjoy their meals. Students were notified of the upgraded tables prior to winter break and will experience their use when they return. Thank you for supporting these improvements that benefit our students!
Attendance matters!
Peacock's Average Daily Attendance currently stands at 96%. Our school goal is to always be above 95%. THANK YOU for helping us maintain our goal!!
Students must be in school at least half of a school day in order to participate in after school events and have an overall attendance of 92% present to participate in extracurriculars/school events.
In order to attend school, students must be in compliance with all DuPage County Health regulations. See the Health section for more information related to deciding when your child is too ill to be in school.
Attendance patterns are monitored regularly by school staff. If the number of days missed to school is equal to 5% of the total days that school has been in session, a referral will be made to the DuPage County Truancy Office. This means that the truancy officer will contact you for problem solving in order to improve the child’s school attendance. A student who misses 5% or more of school every year will lose ONE FULL ACADEMIC YEAR of learning before reaching high school graduation.
If your child has a medical condition that is contributing to missed school days, contact the school nurse.
Student Information & Supports
Student Late Bus - Any student can ride!
Runs on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 4 pm
ANY student is eligible to ride the late bus throughout the school year. Your child does not need to be an established bus rider that takes the bus to/from school. The late bus will run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and leave school at 4:00 p.m. Tutorial (homework help) also runs on these days from 3:00-4:00. You can sign your child up for the bus service here. This service is FREE to students.
Peacock Musical
The Peacock spring musical is Grease. Audition information is now available on the school website. Scripts are available in the music room for $10 and must be purchased to participate (due to the requirements of the license). Scripts may be purchased online here, or with check/cash at school.
Any student may sign-up to be part of the musical production in the chorus numbers. To hold a character role, however, a student must audition. Auditions will be held in January, 2025, with audition sign-ups on the music room doors. Production work will begin in February, 2025. More audition information may be found on the school website.
Student Clubs
We highly encourage your student to get involved and try something new this year! Students can join any of the following clubs below by emailing or speaking with the listed club sponsor:
- Kindness Club- meets Tuesdays from 3-3:30 with Mrs. Jomarron
- Choir - Mr. Travis
- 6th Grade: Monday & Wednesday @ 7:10 a.m.
- 7th/8th Grades: Tuesday & Thursday @ 7:10 a.m.
- Band - Mr. Ranz
- Concert: Tuesday & Thursday @ 7:10 a.m.
- Symphonic: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday @ 7:10 a.m.
- Film Club- meets Tuesdays from 3-4 with Mr. Travis
- Newspaper Club- meets Wednesdays from 3-4 with Mr. Travis
- Library Helpers- meets M-F after school with Mrs. Darling
- Book Club- meets once a month with Mrs. Darling at lunch
- Battle of the Books- see Mrs. Darling for more information
- IMSA- applications will be available in September from Ms. Hill
- Intramurals meet before school starting at 7:25 in the gym. Student sign-up will be available soon!
- Young Authors- meets twice a month after school with Mrs. Darling
Homework Help
We strongly encourage students to take advantage of homework help during morning and after school tutorial. Students can drop-in to this support on an as needed basis.
Morning Tutorial:
- Begins 7:20 a.m. Monday - Friday
- Students will work with Mrs. Jomarron or Mrs. Rathje.
After School Tutorial:
- Begins 2:50 - 3:50 on Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's
- Students will work with Mrs. Kusmierz, Mrs. Rathje, or Mr. Falasz.
Spectators at Athletic Games
We appreciate your partnership with reminding students that the school expectations of acting with integrity and speaking with good purpose when cheering on Charger athletic teams at home games. As we enter this season, please be reminded that any student who is absent during the school day is not eligible to attend extra curricular activities. Students must also meet eligibility criteria per the student handbook to participate as an athlete and attend as a spectator. We are excited about the basketball season and wish our Charger teams the best!
Additionally, all Peacock students attending away athletic games at Wood Dale JH, Roselle Middle, Medinah Middle, Westfield, or Spring Wood must have an adult supervisor accompany them.
All HOME athletic games are live streamed during the event here: https://itasca10.org/live.
Let's go Chargers!!!
Itasca PTO
Marla's Lunch - Hot Lunch information
Questions or comments, reach out to denisedicianni@hotmail.com
District 10 Spirit Wear
District 10 Spirit Wear
The IPTO is proud to announce online clothing store that will also be linked on their website. Here are some details
- Store never closes
- Items ship directly to your house
- Shop from several school stores and all items will be placed in one shopping cart
Below are links to our school stores:
District 10 Employment
Interested in a career with us? We are currently looking for paraprofessionals & substitute teaching staff. Building principals would be happy to answer any of your questions on potential employment opportunities. See this link for additional information & how to apply.