
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9
Morning Devotion
We can't thing of a better way to start the day than with singing and scripture!
Some of the verses used this week in devotion time were:
- James 4:10
- Philippians 2:3-5
- Philippians 2:6-11
- Philippians 2:12-13
- 1 Timothy 4:12
Student Column: The Importance of Church Membership
Editorial by: Cooper Williams, CCS Junior
Is Church Membership necessary? This question is asked way too often and it is because Church leaders do not emphasize the importance of membership in the local church as it was in the past. Their reasoning is because we are already members of the Universal Church upon conversion. While this is true, we show this by being a part of the local Church. As followers of Christ, we are commanded to be with the local Church and to be an active member of it. I believe this is very clear, and is outlined and demonstrated in Scripture.
First of all, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, churches in America began to watch Church from home. This affected many Christians. Virtual Church gave people the idea that they did not need the local Church and not only that, but they didn't realize they were being disobedient to scripture. I say this because in Hebrews 10:24 we are told to stir up one another in love and good works, and we can not do that from home. Hebrews 10:24-25 says “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the Knowledge of the Truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries.” I believe the author of Hebrews takes this seriously. He says that if we go on sinning by not doing these things- including not gathering- then we should expect God's judgment.
Church membership is also seen in many passages in the New Testament. In 1 Peter 5:2, we see that we should be getting discipled by qualified men, who've been commanded to ‘Shepherd the flock of God that is among them’. If we are not called to be members of the Church, then how are these men supposed to know who is in the flock. Additionally, In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul tells the Church at Corinth that a certain person has his father’s wife and that he should be excommunicated from among them. If this man was not a member of the Church of Corinth, then Paul would have made no mention of this. I am certain of this because he makes it clear in verse 13 that the leaders are to judge those inside the Church and those outside the Church are God’s to judge. I would argue that it is unhealthy for a Christian to not be with like-minded believers. I say this because the Christian needs encouragement and people praying for them, and you don't get that from just anybody.
Communion and Baptism are also integral parts of Church membership. Lots of times Churches will baptize people into Church membership, and the Lord's Supper is a privilege of Church members, whether it's one’s own Church or when visiting another. These two things separate the people of God. God always draws a line around his people. He makes known who are and who are not His people and He does so for His own glory.
While Church membership is very important, going to Church is not what makes you a Christian. If the Holy Spirit is in us, then we should desire to be with the Body of Christ. There may be days when you don't feel like going to church- which happens to most in our fallen state- but the desire for the Christian should be to go to Church. It is difficult to live out your faith with fear and trembling if you are outside the Church without any support from fellow Christians. This is especially true when you consider the fact that many Christians who attempt this usually fall into heresy and even apostasy.
Looking Back on Last Week
Balloons, Balloons, and More Balloons
Lower school PE students had fun with the leftover fair parade balloons on Monday!
Preschool Activities with Purpose
Students in Mrs. Snow's preschool class used their fine motor skills to make pattern bracelets, worked on letter sounds, and made water color leaves with Mrs. Griffin in art class.
Playground Fun
Lower School students (and teachers) have been enjoying the more mild weather temperatures at the playground. It's still hot outside, but the fall weather will be here soon!
Working Hard
Students are working hard to finish out the final days of the first quarter of the school year. The end of Quarter 1 will be Friday, October 11th. Any missed assignments should be completed and turned in to teachers by that day.
Fall Portraits - Check your email!
Fall Portraits were taken on Wednesday by Spoiled Rotten Photography and many are already ready for viewing! Please be sure to check your email for a link to view and order your child's portraits.
(Check your spam/junk folder too!)
Helping Hands....and Fingers!
A large section of the gym floor had a super adhesive sticker advertisement that needed to be removed before sanding. Pealing up the pieces was a tedious task, but these diligent volunteers worked until the job was done. Thank you, students!
Bye, Bye Green Lobster
Thanks to CCS Parent, Kyle Scheer and the guys from GAF Marine, the sanding job is complete on the gym floor. Although we hate saying goodbye to the green lobster, we sure are looking forward to seeing our CCS Lion in the center of the court!
30 Day Challenge
Students in the upper school began a 30-day challenge on October 1st that will focus on spending time reflecting on our circumstances and finding ways to see opportunities for thankfulness, kindness, and mercy. This project to find peace was introduced by Mr. Roy during devotion on Monday and students will be doing some journal writing in Mrs. Robertson's English classes for reflection. At the end of the 30 days students will have the opportunity to share in chapel what God has shown them throughout the challenge.
MAP Growth
Lower school students have been enjoying the chance to show off their academic skills and use the new computers for MAP Growth assessments. The students are being assessed in Reading and Math. This data will be used by teachers to determine next steps in classroom instruction. Each assessment only takes around 40 minutes and the kids love using the touch screen computers! The next assessment will be in January (midyear) to see student growth.
Color Theory
Mrs. Ayers' photography students had fun this past week learning about color theory.
College Exploration
Juniors and Seniors had the chance to learn more about Mississippi College from an admissions counselor who came to visit this week. Information sessions like this are a great way for students to explore the differences between what the different colleges have to offer.
*Mrs. Yearwood's College Visiting Recommendations for High School Students:
- Seniors: By the fall of senior year, students should already have some idea about what colleges they are interested in. However, it's hard to know if it's the right college unless you visit. So, many colleges offer special preview days for seniors. CCS seniors are also allowed 2 excused days to visit colleges to help them determine what the right fit might be.
- Juniors: Junior year is the year to raise your ACT score and build your resume! ACT scores serve two purposes: 1) college admission and 2) college scholarships. Student resumes should be filled with accomplishments during high school like: awards, leadership positions, and volunteer service. Juniors should start visiting colleges in the spring and summer before senior year.
- Sophomores and Freshman: 9th and 10th grade are critical for establishing a strong GPA. Grades are a key component in determining future opportunities. Sophomores and Freshmen should be working on community service hours too. As far as college exploration, online browsing is the way to go at this age. Through college websites students can find answers to many questions and get an idea of what college might be like at the respective campus.
XC Meet
Coach Smothers and the Cross Country team had a great showing on Saturday at the Guntersville Invitational. They are getting better and stronger with each meet. Many have been achieving their PR at practices and events. Next Saturday runners will compete at a meet in Decatur.
This week our Cullman County Fair Representative, Evelyn Griffin got to participate in the Oktoberfest activities.
As a side note regarding Oktoberfest, THANK YOU Upper School Parents for your patience with the traffic at Depot Park! The festival certainly has grown over the years and we could definitely tell a difference in traffic delays. Hopefully a lot of the clean up will be done by our return on Tuesday.
Cooking Skills
Students in Mrs. Haynes Life Skills class had fun this week making grilled cheese sandwiches! After learning about food groups and meal ideas, this activity gave students the skills they needed to make themselves (or their families) a meal that is easy and tasty too!
See More Photos from September 30 - October 5, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Oct 8, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- October 4-11 - Gym Floor Sanding, Painting & Varnishing ---Gym Activities will be adjusted.
- October 7 - NO CLASSES
- October 7-11 - Free College Application Week (Seniors)
- October 8 - Fair Queen Pageant at 7 PM (Go Evelyn!)
- October 8 - Volleyball at Addison (JV, V)
- October 10 - 4H Robotics after School
- October 10 - Volleyball at Holly Pond (V)
- October 11 - $1 Dress Down Day
- October 11 - 4D Farm Field Trip
- October 12 - Cross Country at Decatur
- October 15 - ACT with Writing (Seniors)
- October 15 - University of West Alabama High School Leaders Day
- October 16/17/18 - PSAT/NMSQT (10th and 11th Grade)
- October 20 - Fall Festival
Looking Ahead
CAUTION! Gym Activities this Week
The crew working on the gym floor sanding, painting and varnishing ran in to a delay on Saturday. This delay means that our gym will have wet paint and varnish into next week, October 7th-11th.
We will have to adjust our drop off, PE, and lunch activities until everything is dry. We will send out details on Monday.
Fair Queen Pageant
Miss Evelyn Griffin, CCS Senior, will be representing our school in the 2024 Cullman County Fair Queen Pageant. The pageant will be on Tuesday, October 8th at 7 PM at the fair grounds.
We can't wait to see you shine, Evelyn! Thank you for representing CCS, but more importantly, for your Christlike character and representation of Him!
ACEA Academic Competition
The Alabama Christian Education Association (ACEA) has announced that the 2024-2025 State Academic Testing will begin November 18 through December 18. All tests will be taken online at our school. Students in grades 3-12 are eligible to participate.
A parent letter will be sent home this week with more information and sign up options.
PARENT Ambassadors
This will not take the place of our current PTF, it will simply enhance it by assisting us to reach families in a more individualized manner. It will help us to ensure information is being communicated more efficiently.
As the school grows, communication is becoming more important than ever. I look forward to the great things we will be able to accomplish by working together.
Mrs. Candase Wilkins
Fall Festival
Mark your calendar and invite your friends and neighbors!
Our annual Fall Festival will take place on Sunday, October 20th from 3:00-5:00 at the Beech Avenue Campus.
This event will be held in the afternoon and be filled with lots of good, old-fashioned fun! All games and the petting zoo are FREE! We will also have concessions for purchase.
**If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Brittany Smith or Mrs. Candase.*
Veterans Day Program
This year's Veterans Day Program will be held on Friday, November 8th.
Details will be released soon.
**We will have the picture slide show of veterans again this year. Any additional pictures not sent in last year can be emailed to Mrs. Yearwood.**
Check your SPAM!
We seem to be having an issue with school emails from Gradelink going to spam/junk folders. This can happen when emails are sent out in bulk to a large number of email addresses. Please check your email spam folder for missed emails.
A few more items...
A Treat for Teachers
On Monday, September 30th, Amber Campbell with Integrity Real Estate treated teachers to fresh, homemade sausage balls. Thank you, Amber for taking the time to take care of our teachers!
Upper School 30-Day Challenge
Please be in prayer for the students in 7th-12th grade as they seek God to find opportunities for thankfulness, kindness, and mercy.
Leading and Conquering Fears
CCS students continue to step up and share at devotion and chapel time! They have been teaching, singing, playing instruments, and sharing the word of God. Having the courage and boldness to lead is tough, even for adults. We are so thankful and excited to see what God is doing in the lives of our students as they take a stand for Him. Please continue to pray for God to use them to be a light in this world!
Visitors & Volunteers
We love having visitors and volunteers on campus!
If you are visiting, please be sure to check in at the main desk.
If you would like to volunteer, applications are available.
Tell Your Friends
We’ve had lots of phone calls and questions about future year waitlists at Cullman Christian School. If you know someone who would like to receive notification of when lists open, they can sign up to receive information. This will help us plan space for the growth we are experiencing.
College Admission & Scholarship Applications
College applications for current seniors (Class of 2025) are underway!
Parents of Seniors need to be aware of the following:
- Opportunities are Posted in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom for Students AND on the CCS Guidance & Counseling Website
- FREE College Application Week is October 7-11, 2024. During this week the admission application to most colleges in Alabama will be waived. (Special Note: Mrs. Yearwood will be advising students to apply to at least 5 colleges!)
- Transcripts Needed for Applications can be Requested from Mrs. Yearwood
The Latest Video Message
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu