CHIPS Weekly Update
February 7, 2025
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Due to the snow day on February 6, all conferences scheduled on 2/6 will be moved to our next scheduled Professional Development day on Wednesday, March 12. If you had a conference scheduled on 2/6, it will be held at the same time on 3/12. If this new time doesn't work for you, please contact your child's teacher to reschedule.
CHIPS Snow Day Procedures
It seems that winter has finally arrived in New England! Below is a link to the CHIPS snow cancellation procedures. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Winter Wonderland
The PTO has transformed the CHIPS hallway into a winter wonderland! For the past 2 weeks, our students have had fun with the motor and sensory experiences in the hallway. Thanks so much to our PTO for this exciting enrichment!
Important Upcoming Dates
- February 17-21- NO SCHOOL- February Vacation
- March 12- NO SCHOOL- Parent-Teacher Conferences (rescheduled)
From the PTO
Thank you CHIPS Families! Our PTO Sock Drive was a huge success! We delivered 629 pairs of socks to the Wish Project!
Our next meeting will be on Monday, February 10 at 6:30pm at CHIPS. As always, there will be a link for those who would like to attend virtually. The meeting link is below.
Health News
Please see the link below for Cold & Flu Information from the CPS School Nurses.
Please use our absence line (978-251-5188 Option 0) or use our attendance email (chipsattendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us) to report your child's absence from school and be sure to state the reason for the absence (illness, appointment, travel, etc). If your child is out due to illness, please let us know the nature of the illness (fever, vomiting, cough, etc.).
Nurse Kristen can be reached by calling the CHIPS main number (978-251-5188) and selecting option 3.
Chelmsford Integrated Preschool
Email: mcguirkm@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://chelmsfordschools.org
Location: 170 Dalton Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5188