EMSC Connects
January 2021; Vol.10, Issue 1
Pedi Points - Tia Dickson, RN, BSN, Primary Children's Hospital
Last year Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) had quite a bit of funding that wasn't used due to Covid-19. We asked our County Coordinators (your representatives in EMSC) and our Advisory Committee how we should spend that money. We requested they choose something they thought would benefit the entire state and improve pediatric care. These folks are EMTs, paramedics, and nurses who live in your counties. They unanimously voted for the Handtevy Mobile App.
This is the tool I have been looking for for our EMTs! It not only offers all the benefits of a pediatric drug card but it can be tailored to your agency concentrations and protocols. It also provides guidance on those protocols and takes the pressure off the pediatric call. As a bonus, it will upload directly to ImageTrend.
In partnership with Primary Children's Hospital, we are purchasing this App; it is our gift to you and we think it will change the way you treat the pediatric patient!
What is Handtevy Mobile
Mobile Features
Rapid Dosing in Volume
Consistent Mixing Instructions
But What Size
Document in Real Time
Integrates Seamlessly
- How is this App different from all the rest? This is not a reference book, a pediatric drug calculator, or even a communication tool. This is your agency drugs and guidelines at the bedside and it documents for you too!
- Is this a digital Broselow tape? While the Broselow tape is a valuable pediatric tool, it cannot be used until you are on scene and able to measure the patient. The Handtevy Mobile App figures weight based on age and therefore allows you to prep meds and equipment on your way. The Handtevy App will have drug dosages calculated to your agency customization so it will tell you in milliliters how much drug to draw up.
- Does Handtevy comply with PALS guidelines? Yes and the Handtevy support team will provide continuous updates as needed.
- Will this work off-line? Yes, the tool does not require WiFi and will save information until you are able to upload to ImageTrend.
- Will this work for adults as well as pediatric patients? Yes!
- How does the customization work? Once EMSC makes the statewide purchase and your agency has signed our terms letter (see below), your agency leadership will receive an electronic questionnaire to help the Handtevy team begin to build your customized Handtevy App. Their clinical team of experts will then set up a virtual meeting to review and refine the selected medications, concentrations, drips, electrical, and equipment. The customization process is what makes the Handtevy System so unique and the process is very detailed.
- What if our drugs or protocols change, will they update the App? Yes, and most updates will go live within 24 hours.
- How do I download Handtevy Mobile to my agency's platform? The App is free to download from iTunes, Google Play, or the Window store. Whether it’s a toughbook, tablet or personal device, once the App is downloaded to the device it’s ready to use. You only need a username and password to get started (obtain this from the Handtevy Administrator at your EMS Agency).
- How much does it cost? There is no cost to individual first responders. EMSC in partnership with Primary Children's will be purchasing the first year and customization for all Utah EMS agencies, a $29,000.00 investment. Ongoing maintenance fees after the first year will be figured based on size of the agency and how many calls they go on per year but the Handtevy team estimates $300-$1,000 per year. EMSC is looking for a year 2 commitment but after that it will be up to each agency to decide if they want to continue it. Also if this tool has the impact we think it could, EMSC may look for ways to subsidize those maintenance fees but we would need usage and data to pave the way.
Feedback from those already using it
Research, Posters and Articles on Handtevy
Prehospital Emergency Care
Comparison of Errors Using Two Length-Based Tape Systems for Prehospital Care in Children
2014 NAEMSP Scientific Assembly
Comparison of Two Length-Based Tape Systems for Pediatric Resuscitation
EMS World
Denver Study Reports Superiority of Handtevy System in Simulation Study
Colorado Children's Hospital 2013
Errors in Pediatric Prehospital Simulation Scenarios
Poster Presentations
Confidence in Prehospital Pediatric Emergency Care Improves with the Handtevy System
Use of Fentanyl in Pediatric Trauma Patients Post Implementation of the Handtevy™ Field Guide
The Doc Spot - Peter Antevy MD
How Does my agency get this app?
What's the catch?
1. Designate a PECC, a pediatric champion (detailed below) within their agency to act as a point person for EMSC and the Handtevy team.
2. Participate in EMSC surveys and data collection on the App usage when requested.
3. Consider the year 2 maintenance fee so we can give this App a "hard try."
Want more information?
- Our January 11 PETOS topic is Handtevy. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to use the demo and practice with the App. See events below.
- In September, Dr. Peter Antevy and EMSC held a virtual demo to introduce the App. Follow this link https://register.gotowebinar.com/recording/4248070236387080459
Protocols in Practice - Pediatric Assessment
The Latest on Covid-19 and kids
Utah's Vaccine Roll Out
Utah’s first shipment of COVID-19 vaccine arrived the week of December 14. The first vaccines were given to healthcare workers at Intermountain Healthcare and the University of Utah Health on December 15. Second doses for this group are expected to arrive next week.
Nearly 24,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been given to Utah’s hospital healthcare workers, long-term care facility residents and staff, non-hospital healthcare workers, public health and Tribal healthcare workers.
EMTs, paramedics, and EMS personnel are now eligible for vaccination. Visit the local health department where you live or work and make an appointment. Vaccines are free but you may be asked for proof of employment in one of the eligible categories.
Later in Phase 1, likely in late January, K-12 teachers and school staff will begin receiving vaccines. This coordination is happening between school district administrators and local health departments.
Phase 2 vaccinations are expected to begin as early as mid-February. Utah residents who are 75 and older will receive the vaccine first once Phase 2 vaccinations begin.
Stand as an example for community members in this fight against Covid-19
As medical providers, it is OUR responsibility to rely on evidence-based sources when gathering and sharing information about the virus. We need to be a united team and support each other and our communities in a positive way. Please work to spread truth instead of rumors. Some suggestions for evidence-based information are listed here.
- Utah Department of Health
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- IntermountainHealthcare.org
Coronavirus avoidance, a few things teachers can learn from healthcare workers
The Utah Department of Health EMSC put together a training toolbox for teachers and anyone else needing instruction on use of PPE.
Covid-19 Trackers
Johns Hopkins Global tracker (desktop)
The EMSC Survey Open Now
What's the point?
The answers to this survey help identify priorities for funding and tell us what agencies are doing well and what challenges they are facing. This survey is important and the results are used to make real decisions at the state and national level. We urge you to take 15 minutes to complete the survey when you receive it. Our staff are available to help answer questions. Please contact us for any help you might need!
Brianne Glenn, EMSC Program Manager
Ask Our Doc
Want Follow up on Patients brought to Primary Children's?
Are you interested in joining our EMSC team?
Looking for a PEPP class?
Pediatric Education for the Prehospital Provider
Register online at www.peppsite.com. Look up classes in Utah and find the one that works for you. Once you find the class, go to jblearning.com, and look up pepp als in the search tool. Purchase the number ($18.95). Return to peppsite.org to register for the class and follow the prompts.
If you have any questions, please email Erik Andersen at eandersen@utah.gov or text/call 435-597-7098. Continue to watch the website for additional classes.
Pediatric Education and Trauma Outreach Series (Petos)
Utah EMS for Children (EMSC), Primary Children's Hospital (PCH) and Utah Telehealth Network (UTN) have partnered to offer free Pediatric Emergency and Trauma Outreach Series (PETOS) to EMS providers that provide 1 CME from the Bureau of EMS and Preparedness in the Utah Department of Health. The lectures will be presented by physicians and pediatric experts from Primary Children’s Hospital. The format will be informal, inviting questions and discussion.
Join us on Zoom each 2nd Monday at 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 981 9375 7707
Password: EmscPCH
Archived presentations can be viewed and also qualify for CE. Access at https://intermountainhealthcare.org/primary-childrens/classes-events/petos
To obtain a completion certificate
- For live (virtual) participants: To receive a certificate of completion for attendance be sure to include your email address when the host requests it in the chat during the live presentation. Certificates are e-mailed out after verification of attendance and processing.
- For archived viewing: After viewing archived presentations (link above) e-mail utah.petos@gmail.com with the date and title of presentation viewed, you will receive a 3 question quiz to verify participation and once the quiz is returned, certificates are e-mailed out.
We try to have certificates out within a week but will occasionally have delays.
Monday, Feb 8, 2021, 02:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
University of Utah's EMS Grand Rounds (Offered every 2nd Wednesday of even months)
Virtual-Zoom Meeting Meeting
ID: 938 0162 7994 Passcode: 561313
“Care of TBI in Trauma Patients”
Presented By: Dr. Ramesh Grandhi
Assistant Professor, Division of Neurosurgery
Wednesday, Feb 10, 2021, 02:00 PM
Emergency Medical Services for Children, Utah Bureau of EMS and Preparedness
The Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program aims to ensure that emergency medical care for the ill and injured child or adolescent is well integrated into an emergency medical service system. We work to ensure that the system is backed by optimal resources and that the entire spectrum of emergency services (prevention, acute care, and rehabilitation) is provided to children and adolescents, no matter where they live, attend school, or travel.
Email: tdickson@utah.gov
Website: https://bemsp.utah.gov/
Phone: 801-707-3763
Facebook: facebook.com/Chirp-UtahDepartmentofHealth