Marysville Message
April 12th, 2024
Dear Marysville Families
Happy Friday.
This month we are celebrating Arab Heritage Month. Thank you Sakura and one of our wonderful 4th grade students for creating an informational bulletin board for the school.
Upcoming Marysville Events
4/15 Marysville Family Association Meeting Library 6- 7:30 pm
4/17 Marysville Site Council Meeting Cafeteria 9 - 10 am
4/19 Popcorn Friday
4/25 Marysville Celebration - Diversity Night 5- 7pm
Damaged or Lost Chromebooks and Chargers
- As we are nearing the end of the 2023-24 school year, questions are surfacing about students who have lost or intentionally damaged their chromebook or their charger/adapter. In October, the School Board updated the board policy on instructional materials, 6.40.010-P, to include charging students for lost or damaged equipment.
- Unfortunately, the district will no longer cover the cost for replacement chromebook technology. If your child has borrowed a device, please return it at the end of the school year.
- Also encourage your child to take good care of the technology that they use at school. Each one costs over $500. If we have to buy many replacements as a school, we will not have funds available for other things. Thank you for your help.
Lost and Found -
Please look for missing items in the lost and found. It is overflowing, despite teachers efforts to remind students to get their coats and sweaters after every recess!
Please label your child's outerwear. Thank you.
Summer Acceleration Academy
Dear Families,
Once again the district is offering a Summer Acceleration Academy (SSA). It is a supplemental, focused, high quality summer learning for students who need additional support to master grade level standards in reading. Students are chosen for SSA through testing data. If your child is chosen, you will receive an invitation from the district.
When: July 1 - August 1
Time: 7:45-1:00pm
Where: There will be 11 sites with Arleta being the closest
Details: Breakfast and lunch will be provided along with transportation being provided in the morning and after lunch. There is no cost. There will be an optional afternoon enrichment program with community partners until 5pm with a pick up window of 5-5:30pm.
We are excited about this opportunity for our students.
Public Notice of Pest Management
Dear PPS Staff and Community,
The Portland Public Schools pest contractor Western Exterminator Company will be setting out rodent bait stations to a limited part of your campus. This letter is to inform you of this event and provide you with the proper notification as stated in the PPS Integrated Pest Management Plan, ORS 634.740(3).
Date of Application: 4/04/2024 - 6/30/2024
Target pest: Rodents
Location description: Along the school building and around dumpsters. What prompted Application: Rodent activity
Chemical Description: Bell Laboratories Inc.
Fast Trac All Weather Blox
CAS# 63333-35-7
All products that we apply have been approved for use in Oregon school grounds by the State of Oregon. This state wide approval is based on the “low impact” characteristics of the product as designated by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Peche Barteaux
Risk Management/EHS II
IPM Coordinator