Key News for Families

District News and Information
A Message from Superintendent Joe Koch
We've had a great start to the second semester of our school year! While the weather has been cold and snowy, spring is on the way and there is much to look forward to as we near the end of February.
Next month, our Mukwonago High School juniors will take the statewide ACT test on Tuesday, March 11. While there will be no school for freshmen, sophomores, and seniors, this is a very important day for our juniors and our district.
Later in spring, our students in Grades 3-8 and 10 will participate in the Wisconsin Forward Exam while students in Grades 9-10 will take the PreACT Secure test. Please watch your school's communications for specific dates and information, in addition to how you can prepare your child to be at their best for testing!
Thank you!
Dr. Joe Koch
Spring 2025 School Board Election Information
The tragic passing of board member Vito Schwartz in November means there will be two West Region seats up for election in April, along with the regular elections for the Central Region and At-Large seats.
There are four candidates for the two West Region seats. Per state statute, these seats will be filled by the two candidates with the highest vote totals. The candidate with the most votes will fill the standard three-year term currently held by Craig Vertz while the candidate with the second most votes will serve the remaining two years of Mr. Schwartz’s term.
Click here to learn more about the candidates on our Board Candidate Information webpage.
Candidate Information:
West Region Candidates:
Craig Vertz (inc.)
Jason Bennett (inc.)
Aaron Hackett
Chris Nowak
At-Large Candidates:
Carolyn Simon (inc.)
Kyle Schmidt
Central Region Candidate:
Dale Porter (inc.)
2025-26 School Calendar Released
The 2025-26 school calendar was approved by the school board on January 13. Click here to view the calendar.
Middle School Construction Progress Reports
Preschool Screening is March 10
Do you have concerns about your child’s development? The Mukwonago Area School District will conduct preschool screening for children between the ages of 3-5 years old, or children not attending 5 year old kindergarten. If you have concerns about your child's development, you are encouraged to register. If the child is not an MASD resident, they must be in an MASD school aged program.
District staff will screen your child in the areas of cognitive development, personal/social skills, fine motor (small muscle), gross motor (large muscle), adaptive, speech/language, hearing, and vision.This screening is NOT 4K or 5K kindergarten screening. There is no cost, and takes approximately 45 minutes.
To schedule a required appointment, please contact Gina Berka at 262.363.6300 x24201, or by email at berkagi@masd.k12.wi.us.
District and School Events
The Mukwonago Fine Arts Boosters presents the first ever 24-Hour Musical Fundraiser on March 15 at the Greenwald Foundation PAC. Buy a ticket, vote for a show, and see what happens!
Community Events and Information
Are you ready for a summer of STEM excitement? Sign up for Camp Invention!
We sure are! And we can't wait to see you there! Camp Invention will be held at Rolling Hills Elementary School in Mukwonago, July 21-25. Incoming 1st-6th grade campers have fun collaborating with friends, thinking creatively and inventing their own solutions to real-world challenges.
Use this limited time code to register for a summer filled with BRAND-NEW experiences that inspire creativity, boost confidence and bring tons of hands-on STEM fun.
Use code SUMMER25 now to instantly get $25 off!
Signing up siblings? Use SIBLING30 to save $60 on two registrations or SIBLING40 to save $120-plus on three or more.
Friends of North Prairie Native Gardens Native Plant Sale
Think Spring! The Friends of North Prairie Native Gardens has released preorder information for their 2025 Native Plant Sale. Click here to learn more or click here to view the preorder form!
Parents United Events for 2024-25
Parents United is a coalition of 26 school districts in collaboration with educators, community resources and related service providers focused on empowering parents of children
with disabilities to become effective advocates and informed decision-makers. This non-profit community-based organization provides regular informational workshops featuring experts presenting a wide range of topics relative to students with disabilities and their families.
Click here to view Parents United free programs for 2024-25.
Check out the Muk Ready Digital Job Board
The Mukwonago Area School District and Muskego-Norway School District have united to create a digital job board for current students and recent graduates.
If you're an employer and would like to get involved, email Dustin Lehman, the district's Coordinator of College and Career Readiness, at lehmadu@masd.k12.wi.us.
If you are a job seeker, go to wijobboard.com and view available jobs in the Mukwonago area. New jobs are added all the time, so be sure to check frequently!
And parents, be sure to have your son or daughter check for summer employment opportunities!
Upcoming Events in the MASD
Mukwonago Community Bulletin Board
As a service to our community, don't forget that MASD hosts a virtual Community Bulletin Board that is regularly updated with information from organizations providing services or activities. Be sure to bookmark the page and watch Key News for Families all year long for updates.
Important Links
School Websites:
Big Bend | Clarendon Avenue | Eagleville | Prairie View | Rolling Hills | Section |
Park View Middle School | Mukwonago High School
Other Important Links:
Mukwonago Education Foundation | MASD Community Education | Lunch Menus | Ask MASD
School Calendars | Infinite Campus Parent Portal | School Board | School Board Agenda/Minutes