Hilltop Elementary School
August 30th
Thank you for a great first week of school!
Announcements and Updates
Labor Day Parade
Mayor Christine Serrano Glassner has graciously invited Hilltop Elementary to march in this year's Labor Day parade to commemorate the Blue Ribbon Designation last school year. We are extending the invitation to any students and their parent(s) who would like to march along with the Board of Education members and myself. I ask that parents escort their child(ren) during the parade as a chaperone so all children are supervised.
If you are interested and plan to join us, please make sure to assemble with Hilltop at the intersection of East Main Street and Tempe Wick Road prior to 9:30 am on Monday, September 2nd. Please wear a Hilltop shirt or blue and gold to show your school spirit. Thank you.
Room Parents
Please contact Mrs. Jen Walsh (jenwalsh29@gmail.com) if you are interested in becoming a room parents for your child's class!
Crunch and Sip (snack time)
Crunch&Sip is a set time i for students to ‘refuel’ on a healthy snack (fruit,vegetable, cheese stick, beef stick) and ‘rehydrate’ with water. Students who are not hungry and are well hydrated perform better in the classroom, show increased concentration, and are less likely to be irritable. Classrooms are nut free, so please make sure your child's snack does not contain any nuts.
Walker Safety
Local Girl Scout Troop 6072, which includes several MBSD alumni, has created a video on Pedestrian Safety. The video will be shown to students in PE class. It can also be viewed here: https://youtu.be/1Ml81YWESAY.
Pick Up Patrol
Please note that any changes regarding your child’s dismissal plan MUST be entered in Pick-Up Patrol. After 1:00 p.m. any changes must be called into the main office. Staff will send your child to the designated area as specified in the daily dismissal report.
Volunteer Training
Please fill out the linked form to reserve a spot for volunteer training. All volunteers must be BOE approved, complete vector training, and receive in-person training to assist in the lunch room, library, and go on your child's field trip.
School Picture Day
Hilltop Highlights
Check out some picture from our first week!
Literacy Corner
Summer Reading Results!
It was a fantastic first week back! This week, I collected all summer reading logs or bingo boards, and those students chose from my prize box! Three-fourths of the fourth graders handed in their Summer Reading logs! Great Job, 4th Graders!!
All students who handed in their summer reading logs or bingo boards were also entered in a schoolwide raffle. Four winners were chosen, and each won a gift card to The Mendham Creamery!
This year's Summer Reading Raffle Winners:
Imran Muradi
Lydia Walsh
Patrick Lynch
Alyssa Shutzman
Promoting all types of reading at home is important, whether it's through listening to audiobooks, enjoying being read to, or reading independently.
HSA Happenings
The HSA funds the many programs presented throughout the year including Enrichments, Cultural Arts In-School Assemblies, School Community events, and much more. Your membership serves as a donation to ensure these programs are made possible throughout the year.
In addition to the membership benefiting the schools and community, only HSA members can access and sign up for Enrichments, including 4th grade and Middle School TREP$. Members also receive access to the membership directory!
HSA Enrollment is now open: click here to renew for the 2024/2025 school year!
Around Mendham
"Mendham Patriots Basketball 2024-25 registration is open for all grade levels (Prek to 8th grade). The travel registration deadline is 9/17/24, and all other programs will start early December."
Thank you for your consideration and I hope you have a great opening!
Follow Us!
Mark Your Calendars
9/2- Labor Day- School Closed
9/3- Delayed Opening- Drop off at 10:15
9/10- Picture Day
9/19- Back To School Night