What's the Buzz?
Upcoming Dates
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (click here to view), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.
Jan. 17 -9 am School Mass led by St. Sebastian Faith Family (Mr. Reeds)
Jan. 17 -December Virtue Awards Presented following Mass
Jan. 20 -NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 24 -9 am School Mass led by St. Thomas Aquinas Faith Family (Mrs. Baker)
Jan. 24 -HSA Parent Winter Social, Pizza Making Night
Jan. 26 - 9am - Catholic Schools Week Opening Mass, all students please attend in uniform
Jan. 26 - 10 am - 12 pm Donut Sunday in the school cafeteria! Sponsored by the HSA
Jan. 26 - 10:30-12pm - Open House - invite friends who are looking for an education that shares their family values!
Jan. 27 - Special Persons' Lunch - 5th Grade
Jan. 28 - Special Persons' Lunch - Montessori, 2nd, 6th
Jan. 29 - Special Persons' Lunch - Kindergarten, 3rd, 7th
Jan. 30 - Special Persons' Lunch - 1st, 4th, 8th
Jan. 31 -9 am School Mass -led by ALL GRADES, parents welcome!
Jan. 31 -11:30 AM Dismissal for MCH full day - Grade 8
Jan. 31- 1:30 pm HSA Ice Skating Party, Northtown Center
Feb. 2 - 9am - Catholic Schools Week Closing Mass
Feb. 2 - 10am - HSA Catholic Schools Week Family Breakfast
Feb. 4 - 7pm - HSA Meeting
Feb. 5 - First Weds. Teacher Breakfast
Feb. 7 -9 am School Mass led by St. Scholastica Faith Family (Mrs. Laderer)
Feb. 12 - Flavors of Fellowship International Night - 5:30-7pm
News from the Cafe
February Lunch Order
Lunch orders for the entire month of February are due Monday, January 20th, by Noon. No school 2/17 thru 2/21. Click here to order/see menu.
Lunch Room Volunteers
If you are interested in helping out in the lunchroom and are VIRTUS trained please sign up below using the buttons. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Mangione at attendance@st.maryschoolswormville.org.
Be sure to read to see if you will have TRANSPORTATION on LUNAR NEW YEAR - Jan. 29th
Public school districts have no school on January 29th (Lunar New Year). Below please find a list of districts that are providing transportation for our students on that day, and those that are not. If you are in a district that is not providing transportation on Jan. 29th, you will need to find other means to transport your students to & from school that day.
Districts providing transportation: Akron, Williamsville
Districts not providing transportation: Alden, Clarence, Ken-Ton, Lancaster, Lockport, Starpoint
Help us spread the word about our AMAZING SCHOOL!
Enrollment season is upon us, and we have a fantastic Open House coming up to showcase our school. Please LIKE & SHARE our social media posts about Open House and INVITE friends with school-aged children to the event (there will be DONUTS!), either on Facebook or with a quick in-person conversation. You never know who may be considering a change or new start for their family, or who may not now where to start to explore a Catholic education for their child. NEW prospective families who use the Diocesan referral card that was sent home last week and attend ANY Catholic school open house this Spring will be entered to win $5,000 towards their tuition! More info on our Open House is below:
OPEN HOUSE: (Grades Montessori Pre-K3 - 8) Sunday, January 26th, 2025, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. Families interested in learning more about Pre-K Montessori through grade 8 are welcome to come, tour the school, meet with teachers and current parents, and find out why SMS is the place to "bee", all while enjoying FREE donuts!
Be sure to RSVP below to let us know you'll be attending here: https://www.stmaryschoolswormville.org/o/school/page/open-house
SIGN UP TODAY for the SMS Spring Musical "THE MUSIC MAN JR."! Auditions will be 1/21 2:30-3:30pm. Students will go down to the gym after dismissal. Please send a snack for your student before we begin.
Open to all grades! Please fill out the form below to sign up.
All students who audition will be given a part.
Any questions? Please email Mrs. Baker lbaker@stmaryschoolswormville.org
Be looking for a flyer in your child's backpack soon.
Please see the NYS Catholic Conference Action Alert below. Please consider clicking the link provided - https://www.votervoice.net/NYSCATHOLIC/campaigns/119871/respond - to send a prewritten email to your US Representative and Senators urging them to support the federal Education Choice for Children Act (ECCA). Once your home address is entered, the process takes less than a minute to complete.
There’s still time for SNOW ME THE MONEY!
Thank you to all of our school families who have purchased tickets. If you didn’t purchase your tickets yet, you still have multiple opportunities to win cash prizes totaling $15,000, just get your tickets in during the month of January.
Snow Me the Money is one of our HSA’s largest fundraisers, so we appreciate your support - please remember to ask friends, family & neighbors if they would like to purchase tickets - it’s easier than ever this year to purchase them online at stmaryschoolswormville.org/snow! An easy way to spread the word on the raffle and encourage ticket sales is to SHARE the posts on the raffle that you see on the SMS social media channels, and invite your Facebook friends to the grand prize drawing at our school’s Open House event and HSA Donut Sunday on 1/26!
REMEMBER - SMS students have the special opportunity to win a snowball fight with our principal & priests if they are the in the class selling the most tickets! Be sure to put your student’s last name down as the “seller” on any tickets you sell - all students in a family will receive equal credit for any tickets sold by that family.
Click here to purchase SNOW ME THE MONEY Tickets online
We still need volunteers to help count & sell tickets... please consider donating a few hours of your time to help count tickets for the drawing. Please click the link below to volunteer.
Volunteer to count & sell ticketsVolunteers needed for our Snow Me The Money Donut Sunday
...on January 26, 2025! HSA is sponsoring yummy treats after 9:00 and 11:15 mass, while our school families and staff show off our school during Open House. SMTM tickets will be sold up until the time of the drawing. Volunteers are needed to help serve food and drinks and sell SMTM tickets. Please use this link to sign up! Thank you for your support! SUG Link to Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C044CAEAD2CA3F94-54466889-smtm
TOMORROW is the last day to RSVP & send in payment- join us on Jan 24th from 6-9 pm!
Join us at Terra House in Akron for our annual Winter Parent Social Night! Indulge in a pizza making extravaganza - pizzas, appetizers, water, coffee & tea included, soft drinks, beer, cider & wine available for purchase. $15 INDIVIDUAL / $25 PER COUPLE, Terra House, 25 Buffalo Street, Akron, NY 14001. Street parking available. Questions? Call/text or email Margaret Terrill at 716.908.7684 or mterrill44@yahoo.com
Click here to view the event flyer that came home.
Please make checks payable to St. Mary School HSA, payment by cash or check can be sent into school marked "Winter Parent Social”. This event is included in the “All-In’ & “Social Event” Donation for two people. Please remember to send payment in with any RSVPs.
Save the Date for our HSA Ice Skating Party! Fri. Jan 31, 1:30 - 2:30 pm
All SMS students, from Montessori Pre-K up to grade 8 are invited to our annual HSA Ice skating party! This event is a well-loved SMS tradition! Join us on the afternoon of the half-day of school, Friday, January 31st from 1:30-2:30 pm at the Northtown Center. No RSVPs are necessary, just pay $5 per skater at the door. Skate rental if needed is additional. Admission to this event is Included in the “All-in” & “Social Event” donations. Dress down passes will also be sold at the door for $2 each to benefit SABAH (Skating Association for the Blind and Handicapped). Hope to see you there!