Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | April 1, 2020
Welcome, Remote Teaching Colleagues!
During this time of social distancing and trepidation, let’s focus on human connection and positivity. Our Kapi‘olani Community is vibrant and strong. It’s full of amazing people doing good in our world…and it includes you. Take a moment to reflect with gratitude and to connect with each other. Please visit our Kapi‘olani Community space and share some aloha!
E mālama pono ♥
A heartfelt thank you for all incredible volunteers (list of helpers' names) who stepped up and helped us out during the Teaching and Learning Contingency (TLC) support sessions (face-to-face & online). Because of your dedication and excellent work, we have helped 75 individuals in 128 separate sessions to date. We really appreciate the support you have developed and are providing for each other at this unprecedented time. It is so important to have opportunities to connect, build community, and support each other at this challenging time as everyone navigates various changes to schedules, work, and parenting/caregiving demands.
Mahalo nui loa for all you do for our students, our colleagues, and our college through your volunteer efforts and ongoing excellent service to the Kapi‘olani ‘Ohana. Stay safe and healthy.
note: Images were taken at our first counseling support session (prior to social distancing and shelter-in-place implementation).
Preparing to Teach Online This Summer
TLC Support via Zoom Will Continue for Another Week
We're deciding week-to-week whether to continue these drop-in hours, based on need and usage. Right now, we're planning to continue through Thursday, April 9 (Friday, April 10 is a holiday). Watch the Bulletin for updates to this schedule.
Remote Exam Planning
Laulima Tests & Quizzes Tutorial
Need to put your test(s) online? UH ITS has created instructions and videos to help you get started:
Create a test in Laulima Tests & Quizzes (Google Doc)
Create a test in Laulima Tests & Quizzes (Video, 1:52)
- Editing the Test Settings and Publishing the Test (Video, 2:26)
There’s a fun new word to expand your vocabulary in 2020! Don’t fret - “Zoombombing” isn’t as dramatic as it sounds (think of it like photobombing, but with audio and video), but it can be annoying if it happens. Luckily, there are some simple solutions in the (mostly unlikely) event that it does happen.
Zoom has provided some helpful tips on their blog on How to Keep the Party Crashers from Crashing Your Zoom Event.
As you may have noticed, Zoom has set your screen sharing settings to Host Only by default in response to the "Zoombombing" issue. If you want to maintain the “safeguard mechanism” put in place by Zoom lately and also enable your meeting guests to share their screens as needed, you can manually adjust the screen sharing option inside a meeting on a meeting-by-meeting basis. Check out how to adjust the sharing option inside a Zoom meeting.
If Zoombombing is not really a concern for you at this point, there is a way to revert back to “Allow all participants to share” in your Zoom Settings. Check out how to adjust the sharing option in my Zoom setting page.
For more tips and resources on how to establish Zoom netiquette and have a successful synchronous experience, please reference the Zoom section of Student Success in Learning Remotely.
Zoom: Basic vs. Pro
Are you in love with Zoom yet? We are hearing many positive reports of how Zoom has improved attendance (from the F2F days) and has kept faculty and students connected. Here’s what one faculty shared after the first Zoom meeting with her students:
“I think the students really just wanted to connect with each other and maybe with me too. They seemed super excited to see the inside of my house, and leaned in very close to the screen to see more closely. It was so funny & I actually got emotional telling them how happy I was to see them. I'm no fan of online instruction but today I felt truly grateful for this technology that allowed me to connect with my students and offer some comfort, even in just a small way, by providing the normality of classroom instruction. It was such a huge success that I've decided to use Zoom every day.”
Do you know the difference between BASIC (free) and PRO (licensed or paid) accounts?
1) BASIC Account includes:
Hosting up to 100 participants
Hosting meetings with no time limit (the 40-min time limit has been temporarily removed for edu accounts)
Hosting unlimited number of meetings
Online support at the Zoom Help Center
Screen sharing & whiteboard
Breakout rooms
HD video & audio
Virtual background
Personal meeting ID
2) Pro Account is recommended only for those who need to:
Use Zoom's polling feature (there are many alternative free polling apps such as Polleverywhere, Kahoot, and Google Forms)
User management
Some admin features
Host meetings of 3 or more participants for longer than 40 minutes, after the COVID-19 emergency is over.
The Basic account, with its 40-minute time limit removed for now, will be sufficient for most classes. However, if you need a Pro account, please submit a request to CELTT.
Zoom Professionalism
Student Success in Learning Remotely
During this time of transition, we all care about our students’ well-being and success. A resource geared toward students, Student Success in Learning Remotely, contains:
timely announcements
student success tips
campus, community, and online resources related to students’ academic and personal well-being
Urgent Student Relief Fund
Supporting Our Students (SOS)
COVID-19 Student Information Page & Directory
New Deadline to Withdraw & Change Grade Option
The deadline for students to withdraw or to change their grade option to credit/no credit (CR/NC) or audit for regular, 16-week courses has been changed from March 27 to April 30. More info on new Spring 2020 deadline.
What We Are Reading, Listening to, or Watching Now
- Free and Discounted Ed Tech Tools for Online Learning During the Coronavirus Pandemic (article, Campus Technology)
Find out what Web tools are free or discounted during the COVID-19 crisis.
- 9 Thoughts for Dealing with Online Learning in a Crisis (article, Campus Technology)
- NPR's Coronavirus Daily Podcast (audio podcast)
This daily podcast summarizes in about 15 minutes important COVID-19 news of the day.
The Friendly Faces of Your DE Implementation Team
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
youxin@hawaii.edu, x9822
Jamie Sickel
jsickel@hawaii.edu, x9849
Helen Torigoe
htorigoe@hawaii.edu, x9855
Melissa Nakamura
mchar@hawaii.edu, x9252
Kara Plamann Wagoner
karapw@hawaii.edu, x9778
Kristie Malterre
kristies@hawaii.edu, x344
Nadine Wolff
nwolff@hawaii.edu, x9787
Kelli Nakamura
kellinak@hawaii.edu, x9420
Leigh Dooley
ldooley@hawaii.edu, x9703