Richardson Terrace Elementary
May 17, 2024

Class Placements for the '24-'25 School Year
Terrace Parents,
During the first few weeks of school next year, all students will be temporarily assigned to a teacher’s class. Throughout the first weeks students will have the opportunity to spend time with different teachers and to interact with friends from other classes. The purpose of this is to allow the teachers time to observe students to learn about each child's personality, strengths, and how they interact with other students. Around Labor Day we hope to place each student in the class that he/she will remain in for the rest of the year. It is possible, however, that students will be moved to a different class, if necessary, to ensure that the needs of students are met.
Michele Zupa, Principal
Familiar Faces in New Places
Some of our Terrace Teachers will move to new positions next year. We are excited to for them to have new experiences at Terrace Elementary.
Kristina Russell will move to PE.
Hannah Hogg will move to 4th grade RLA.
Renay Wambsganss will move to 3rd grade RLA.
Natalie Kennedy will move to 3rd grade Math.
Kinsley Roderick will move to 5th grade RLA.
Claudia Behm will move to 5th grade Math.
Karen Moore will move to 4th grade Science and Intervention.
Hayley Medina will move to Special Education Resource.
Meagan Stanaland will move to Structured Learning.
Once a Tiger ALWAYS a Tiger!!!
Please wish these Terrace Tigers well as they engage in new experiences next year. We will miss them and are so thankful for all they have done for our Terrace Tigers.
Mrs. Liz Press, Special Education Resource Teacher, is retiring after 22 years of teaching. She was blesse to spend th elast 9 years at Terrace Elementary in a variety of positions. As much as she loves all of her students, she is ready to spend time wtih family and friends, especially her 3 year old grandaughter and 1 year old grandson, plant flowers, catch up on reading, and travel.
Dawn Ardila will move within the district to serve as the GT teacher at a different RISD school.
Jennifer Smith accepted a position teaching 4th grade RLA at Merriman Park Elementary.
Alicia Salazar has accepted a bilingual 4th grade position at Dover Elementary.
Christine Medaris will teach high school biology.
Desiree May will be a Principal Resident at Big Spring Elementary.
Sandi Barr has accepted a PE position near her home in Community ISD.
Dorothy Rhoads is retiring at the end of 25 years in public education. The next chapter may include working at a public library, volunteering, and more time to read!
Wildflower Festival Art Contest Winners
Terrace Elementary had two winners from the Wildflower Festival Student Art Contest. Please congratulate Samuel G. who won 1st Place in the 5th Grade category and Emme B. who won 3rd place in the 4th Grade category!!! We are so proud of you!!!
"Students, kindergarten through 6th grade, participated in this year’s Elementary Student Art Contest, A Walk in the Park. Richardson has so many wonderful and diverse parks! From urban parks to nature trails to playgrounds, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The winning masterpieces are available to view inside the Eisemann Center Lobby during the festival."
Thank you to these businesses who donated gift cards for Appreciation Week
Important Information Regarding Enrollment for Next Year
The number of sections and teachers we have in a grade level is based on the number of students enrolled in that grade level. If we do not have enough children enrolled to support the number of classes we have on a particular grade level, we must close the class and move the teacher. Students who enroll after these classes are closed may be sent to a different RISD school. The students that move to other RISD schools are determined by the date that enrollment is complete and approved. The last students to complete enrollment are the first to move to another school.
Please take the time to enroll your children for next school year OR let us know that your child will not return. We want our students and teachers to have a place at Terrace if they want to be here. Enrolling early helps us to plan appropriately for next year. If you are unsure of your plans for next year, please enroll anyway. We would rather plan to have a place for your child than have to move your child to another RISD school because we do not have space.
We are available to help with enrollment in the Terrace Office. We can provide the necessary snapcodes, provide a computer, or help upload documents. Please stop by the office between 8:15 - and 2:15 if you need help with enrollment. You are also welcome to call the office at 469-593-8700. We want to do whatever we can to help you enroll your children.
Thank you in advance for enrolling your child or informing us that your child will not return.
Upcoming PTA Events and News
Volunteering at Terrace
If you would like to volunteer at Terrace Elementary, you must complete a volunteer background check EVERY new school year. Volunteering could include helping with behavior bashes, attending field trips with your children, working in the library, helping at Field Day, Turkey Trot, or many other activities. We will not allow anyone who has not completed and passed the volunteer background check to volunteer. Please click on the link below to complete the background check. You MUST also watch the very short powerpoint at the end to complete the entire background check. Failure to watch the powerpoint will make your application incomplete and you will not be able to volunteer.
When your background check is complete in Voly and you are ready to volunteer, you should be able to click on My Applications and receive a Ready to Volunteer message like the picture below...
New Visior System Requires Picture ID
We have a new visitor check-in system at Terrace Elementary that requires a picture ID. When visiting Terrace, please ensure that you have a government-issued picture ID with you. This system will be used to check-in visitors for meetings, conferences, volunteer opportunities, lunch visits, classroom visits, and anything else that requires people to enter and remain in the building.
Below is the QR Code that allows visitors to sign in beginning at 7:00 AM on the morning of a school visit. Submitting this prior to arriving on campus will ensure a badge is ready and waiting when you arrive. Please do not submit and print unless you are sure you are coming to campus. We do not want to waste the printing materials.
Terrace Elementary Senior Breakfast to Honor Class of 2024
Please share this information with any Seniors who went to Terrace Elementary. We would love to see them at our Senior Breakfast on May 23rd.
Have you Enrolled for '24-'25?
Terrace Families,
Have you enrolled your child(ren) for the '24-'25 school year? At this time, only about 50% of our students are completely enrolled for next school year. We base the number of classes and teachers we have at Terrace on the number of students enrolled. If you wait to enroll, there may not be space for you at Terrace. We want all of our students and teachers to have a place at Terrace. Please take a few minutes to enroll your child(ren). If you need help, please contact the Terrace Office. We can help with uploading documents, providing snapcodes, and we have a computer for parents to use for enrollment.
Save Your Seat for the '24-'25 School Year
Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year opened on Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 8:00 a.m. Whether you’re new to RISD or returning for another year of school, parents can take advantage of convenient online enrollment using a PowerSchool registration account. Enrollment for returning students will require a “snapcode” that was emailed to current parents on February 26. Please look in your email for an email from PowerSchool Enrollment.
Enrollment for next school year is ow open for all current or future students in Pre-K through grade 12. Please click here for more information about the enrollment process and what documents are necessary to complete enrollment.
Contact your current (2023-24) RISD school for questions or assistance with enrollment, including help submitting necessary documents.
May 23 - Senior Breakfast for any High School Senior that attended Terrace. Terrace Library from 7:45 - 9:00
May 24 - Early Release and Last Day of School; 6th grade Good Bye Party at 9:00 am on the front lawn
Mid-Year Reminders:
As we adjust to the start of a new semester, please keep these things in mind:
- Class STARTS at 7:50 which means that students should ARRIVE by 7:40.
- Breakfast is served from 7:20 - 7:40.
- Students who are not eating breakfast are allowed to enter the building at 7:35.
- We do not allow students into breakfast after 7:40.
- Students who arrive from 7:50 - 8:05 will receive a tardy.
- Students who arrive at 8:06 or after are considered absent for part of the day.
- If your child arrives after 9:00 he/she will be considered absent for the day.
- If your child is absent you must submit an excuse note within three school days.
- A doctor's note is required for any absence longer than three days.
- Not all absences are excused even if the parent submits an excuse note.
- Excuse notes can be uploaded directly to your child's FOCUS account or sent with the child to give to the teacher.
- We have a new cafeteria system this year. All families MUST set up a new breakfast/lunch account and apply for meal benefits by visiting schoolcafe.com/RICHARDSONISD
- Dismissal begins at 3:00 for car and bus riders and 3:10 for walkers.Please be on time to pick up your children.
- We appreciate patience and kindness as we work to ensure that we dismiss all students safely. If your child is in the carpool line, please do not get out of your car and do not walk up to take students from the car rider line. This poses a safety concern and will delay dismissal.
- If you need to change the way that your child goes home, please email the teacher and copy ashley.plant@risd.org and iris.perry@risd.org on the email. Emails MUST be received before 2:30 pm. We will not change dismissal plans after 2:30.
- If your child has to leave early for an appointment, please be here before 2:30. We will not get children from class after 2:30. Additionally, we will not get students from class until the person picking up the child is here in the office. We do not allow children to wait in the office for their parents to arrive for an early pick up.
Lunch Visitors at Terrace
Please adhere to the following procedures to ensure parents enjoy lunch visits with students:
- Arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your child’s lunchtime. It will take some time to get through sign-in at the office, and we want to ensure students are not late getting back to class after lunch.
- To accommodate for limited spacing and to avoid overcrowding, it is expected that the following schedule be adhered to:
- Student with last names A-L: Monday and Wednesday
- Student with last names M-Z: Tuesday and Thursday
- Friday: No Lunch Visitors
- Our cafeteria cannot accommodate additional lunch guests. Parents who want to eat with their children will eat lunch at a table on the front porch. Please keep this in mind as the weather may dictate when you do or do not want to visit for lunch.
- Lunch visitors may only eat lunch with their own students. No friends will be permitted to eat with lunch visitors.
- Parents are responsible for watching their children and any younger siblings. Please be mindful of the people working in the office and keep voice levels down while on the porch.
- For capacity reasons, we ask that each student has lunch visitors no more than one time per week.
- The school requests that each visitor comply with a no cell phone policy while eating lunch with your student to ensure student privacy as well as quality time with your child. Taking pictures and/or video of students other than the lunch visitor’s own child is not permitted.
- Please help your child to follow our Tiger Pride and our cafeteria expectations that we reinforce throughout the building by ensuring that all trash is thrown away and tables are left clean for the next group.
- After lunch, children will go back to class with their teacher. Lunch visitors must sign out in the office and the students will return to class.
- Students will only be allowed to go to lunch during their lunch time. We will not take students out of class to attend lunch with siblings or at a time other than their own lunch period.
Join the Terrace PTA
Terrace Families and Community Members, Please use the link below to join the Terrace PTA. Our PTA helps to provide programs and events for our school. Some programs and events include our annual Mean Green vs Orange Crush Kickball Game, supplement Field Day activities, provide teacher appreciation, supplement the cost of field trips for students, and so much more. Join is very easy and is only $10 per person. We would like ALL of our families to join our PTA.
RISD Mobile App is Here!
The new RISD Mobile Parent App is now live for our school and available to parents of enrolled students. Created through RISD’s Blackboard system, this app allows parents of enrolled students to easily view important information related to your student’s education, like classes, assignment grades, attendance, cafeteria balance, bus stop info, an archive of messages sent from the school or district, and more. Use of this app is optional, and parents who have tested it have found it to be a useful and convenient way to keep track of their student’s information.
RISD parents were sent an emailed message that included login information and instructions to download the app and view information about enrolled student(s) within the app. The app is available for Apple and Android devices.
For more information and a QR code to download the app, please see the flyer here, or visit the RISD website here. Parents of enrolled students who did not receive a message with login information, or who need support viewing student information within the app, may contact the RISD Technology Support Center at 469-593-4357.
Important Information Regarding School Hours and Absences
- Doors open for breakfast at 7:20.
- Doors open for students who do not eat breakfast at 7:35. Students who do not eat breakfast will wait outside until 7:35.
- Breakfast ends at 7:40.
- All students should be in their classrooms and ready for learning by 7:45.
- Tardy bell rings at 7:50.
- Students that arrive at 8:06 or after are considered absent for a part of the day.
- Attendance is taken at 9:00 each day.
- Automated calls regarding student absence go out at 11:00 each day.
- Dismissal is staggered and begins at 2:55 and ends at 3:10. Please look for more information from your child's teacher regarding specific dismissal information.
Parents MUST send an excuse note for an absence within 3 days of the student returning to school. These notes can be uploaded to the Focus Portal or sent with your child. Please be aware that all absences are not excused even when a note is sent. Vacation is not considered an excuse for an absence. Family emergency is not necessarily considered an excuse for an absence. You will receive an automated call regarding your child's absence even if you call the school to alert us that your child is absent. Additionally, the letters that are sent out regarding absences are automated through a 3rd party. Many of these letters are sent as warnings when a child is tardy, late, or absent a certain number of times. Please use this letter a reminder of the importance of proper attendance and ensure that your child is at school on time every day possible.
In the interest of safety & security, every visitor to a Richardson ISD campus must present a valid form of identification and be processed through the Raptor background check system each visit, regardless of previous checks. Please be sure that you have your valid identification with you every time you visit Terrace Elementary. Thank you for your patience and understanding as RISD works to ensure the safety of students and employees. Volunteer questions may be directed to the office of Strategy & Engagement.
Additionally, the front office staff will use the intercom system to ask visitors to identify themselves and the purpose of their visit before granting access to the office. This is part of our heightened security measures. Please be cooperative and patient as we all get used to these new measures. As you enter the building, please do not allow others to enter with you or to follow you through the doors as you enter or leave. Everyone who enters should ring the buzzer and speak to someone in the office before entering the school building.
Armed Officers on Campus
Parents, staff, and students have likely noticed an increased presence of uniformed, armed officers at our school this year. RISD is working to comply with a new state law requiring armed personnel at every school, and our campus will be visited each school day by a uniformed, armed, off duty police officer. The officer may not be the same person every day, but they are here to provide a visible deterrent, help ensure our doors and grounds are secure, and support our campus safety protocols.
RISD is using rotating off duty police officers as a temporary measure while the district hires and trains campus security officers (CSO) as new RISD employees. Eventually, the district’s goal is to be able to assign an armed campus security officer to our school, and once fully staffed, CSOs will replace the rotating off duty police officers at our school. When we are assigned our CSO, we will introduce them to our school community, and they will become part of our campus staff.
If you have questions about armed officers on our campus, any of four safety-related drills or protocols, or how RISD is approaching the new law, please ask your campus principal or visit risd.org/safetysecurity and check out the FAQs.
RISD Guidelines for Elementary Student Dress
Clothes must be worn in a way that private areas are all fully covered. Undergarments, except straps and waistbands, should not be visible. All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet this basic principle.
Student must wear (while following the basic principle above):
An opaque top with a sleeve or strap and must cover the stomach, back, and chest area
An opaque bottom, such as pants, jeans or the equivalent of a skirt, sweatpants, joggers, leggings, dress, or shorts
Closed-toe shoes
Students may wear, as long as these items do not violate basic principle above:
Fitted pants, including leggings, yoga pants, and skinny jeans
Ripped jeans as long as underwear and private body parts are not exposed
Athletic shorts and athletic skirts
Religious headwear
Students cannot wear:
Images, language or symbols that depict tobacco products, drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, violence, hate speech, profanity, pornography, gang symbols, or other illegal activities
Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on a
protected class or group.
Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon
Focus Parent Portal!
Focus Parent Portal is free!
Parents of enrolled RISD students are encouraged to sign up for an account or add a student to an existing account by visiting www.risd.org/focus.
Student Info at Your Fingertips
Class schedule
Upcoming assignments
Current grades
Transcript grades
Attendance and absences
Report cards
Assessment results
Online absence note submission
Focus Parent Portal is accessible through any web browser, the Focus App, or the RISD Mobile Parent App.
Have a question? Let us know: FocusParent@g.risd.org or 469-593-0811
Richardson ISD Student Cell phone Guidelines
To promote the best possible learning and social environment in Richardson ISD, students will not use their cell phones/air pods/smart watches during the school day, unless provided permission from an authorized district employee during the instructional day. The intent of the cell phone policy is to establish a cell phone/air pod/smart watch-free environment and avoid cell phones/ air pods/ smart watches distracting from learning as well as causing a loss of instructional time.
Statement of Expectations
Statement of Expectations
Campus administrators will state expectations clearly and reinforce the importance of maintaining a cell phone/air pod/ smart watch-free environment at the beginning of the
year. Administrators will monitor cell phone/air pod, smart watch violations to inform the need for reinforcement and support. Also, any headphone usage will occur based on the approval and expectations set by individual classroom teachers. RISD’s continued focus will be on the mitigation of educational distractions precipitated by the use of cell phones/air pods/ smart watches during instructional time.
If a student uses their cell phone/air pods/smart watch during the school instructional day without the explicit permission of an authorized district employee, it will result in the confiscation of the cell phone/air pods/ smart watch and adherence to the following graduated offenses stated below. Authorized district employees who will be responsible for cell phone/air pods/smart watch confiscation will include: administrators and teachers.
1st Offense
- Cell phone/air pods/smart watch will be kept in the assistant principal’s office for the day, parent is contacted.
- Parent MUST retrieve cell phone/air pods/smart watch at the end of the day (No students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
- Warning to students and parent about additional consequences that will happen for non compliance of cell phone-free environment.
- Offense noted on Focus with cell phone violation action code chosen.
2nd Offense
- Cell phone/air pods/smart watch will be kept in the assistant principal’s office for the day, parent is contacted.
- Parent MUST retrieve cell phone/air pods/smart watch at the end of the day (No students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
- Student assigned school detention.
- Offense noted on Focus with cell phone violation action code chosen.
3rd Offense
- Cell phone/air pods/smart watch will be kept in the assistant principal’s office for the day, parent is contacted.
- Parent MUST pick up cell phone/air pods/smart watch (no students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
- Offense noted on Focus with cell phone violation action code chosen.
- Student assigned 1 day of ISS.
4th Offense
- Cell phone/air pods/smart watch will be kept in the assistant principal’s office for the day.
- Parent MUST pick up cell phone/air pods/smart watch (no students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
- In-person meeting scheduled with parent.
- Offense noted on Focus with cell phone violation action code chosen.
- Student assigned 1 - 3 days of ISS.
5th Offense
- Cell phone/air pods/smart watch will be kept in the assistant principal’s office for the day, parent is contacted.
- Warning to parent that the creation of a cell phone plan may be created for the student.
- Parent MUST pick up cell phone/air pods/smart watch (no students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
- Offense noted on Focus with cellphone violation action code chosen.
- 3 days of ISS assigned.
6th Offense and beyond
- Violations of the cell phone policy beyond the fifth offense may result in the assignment of out-of-school suspension.
- Creation of a cell phone plan for student.
- Parent MUST pick up cell phone/air pods/smart watch (no students will be allowed to retrieve their phone).
AT TERRACE ELEMENTARY: This cell phone policy will be in effect from the time the student steps onto the campus until the student leaves the campus and/or is out of the care of the school. In addition to cell phones and air pods, smart watches are included in the Terrace Elementary Student Cell Phone Guidelines. If cell phones/air pods/smart watches become a pervasive problem in a grade level, the teachers will collect devices from students at the beginning of the day and keep them in locked storage until the end of the school day when they will be returned to the student.
Terrace Family Handbook Now Available
Please click on the link below to access the Terrace Family Handbook.
Please Label Student Belongings
Please be sure to label all belongings that your children bring to school including coats, sweaters, water bottles, backpacks, lunchboxes, sweatshirts, etc. We have several items in our lost and found that have do not have names on them so they cannot be returned.
All families are asked to join the Terrace PTA. The cost is $10 per person. The Terrace PTA helps to provide programs and events for our students and teachers such as our annual Terrace Kickball Game, field trip buses, Donuts with Grown Ups, teacher appreciation events, behavior bashes, STAAR snacks, field day, Turkey Trot, choir and musical performances, and so much more. Our goal is to reach over 500 PTA members this year. Please help us reach our goal by joining today!
Want to Sign Up for This Newsletter?
Got this newsletter as a forward and want to sign up to receive future editions? Please click here to subscribe. Please note that parents of currently enrolled RISD students and current RISD employees are automatically sent newsletters from RISD and their school. It’s not necessary to subscribe. Parents or staff who wish to receive news from other RISD schools may subscribe using the link above.
This newsletter was sent through RISD’s Blackboard system, and current parents should be aware that unsubscribing from Blackboard messages at the link at the bottom of this message may prevent parents from receiving future messages from their child’s school.