AISW Weekly Parent Update
Week of May 13, 2024
Avon Intermediate School West
All belong. All learn. All grow.
Laura Lee, Assistant Principal
Stephanie Mackenzie, Dean
Location: 176 South Avon Avenue, Avon, IN, USA
Phone: (317)544-5900
Twitter: @avoniswest
Mark Your Calendar
- 6th gr- grade checks & IXL data sheet (Teachers check to make sure these are being completed please by the students each week- please initial or check mark, etc)
- 6th grade to AMSS 945-11am
- Pine Tree 4th gr visits AISW 945-11am
- Choir Concert @ 6pm
- Hickory 4th Gr visits AISW- 945-11am
- Chamber Orchestra 230-320 pick up at door 1
- Show Choir 230-320 pick up at door 1
- Cedar 4th gr visit to AISW 945-11am
- Incoming 4th grade parent night @ 5:30
- Orchestra Spring concert at 6pm
- IMPACT & STRIVE & Functional visit AMS North
- SOAR ambassadors 215-315pm
- 5-6pm Food Pantry @ door 13 @ AIS East * Anyone want to Volunteer? Sign up!
- 5th gr- grade checks & IXL data sheet (Teachers check to make sure these are being completed please by the students each week- please initial or check mark, etc.
- National SLP Day! Thank you, Kim Waldo for all you do!
Mark Your Calendars:
- May 13- 6th grade students visit AMS South
- May 14- Choir Concert @ 6pm
- May 16 Orchestra Concert @ 6pm
- May 16 STRIVE & IMPACT classrooms visit AMS North
- May 20- Field day
- May 23 5th grade Awards @ 8am
- May 23 6th grade Awards @ 12:30pm (UPDATED DATE AND TIME!)
- May 24 6th grade Finale
- May 24 5th grade Kickball Championship
- May 24 Last Day of School
Check out these incredible Robotic Animals from Ms. Bischoff's Innovation Class!
Sign up to volunteer at Field day on Monday, May 20 (rain date is Wed May 22)
Congratulations to our 14 ML students who have graduated from ML Services!
We are so proud of you!
Do you have your 23/24 yearbook? BUY ONE IN THE OFFICE TODAY $25
Parents we need your help! Students MUST have an ID each day!
We have many students without an ID right now. For safety reasons, they MUST have an ID at lunch and breakfast. IDs are $1. Please talk to your child and make sure they have an ID or $1 to buy one asap.
Parent Action Items:
_____ Do you want to volunteer at Field day? Sign up here:
* You must have a completed and current background check on file.
___ Check to see if your child has WIRED earbuds/headphones at school that work. They need these for ILEARN testing! We will begin ILEARN testing on 4/15!
_____Make sure your son/daughter charges his/her laptop each night and brings their laptop AND charger to school each day
_____ Check your child's grades in Power School at least one x per week
Check out the many amazing SUMMER CAMPS available ! CLICK below!
Register for NIke Softball Camp!
Students of the week: Week of May 13
.5th Grade
Monroe Garner
Harley Kraemer
Harlem Bunn
6th Grade
Simon Fisher
Milan Holmes
Jarek Martinez Sanchez
Bianca Pernalette Segovia
Ivan Adjei
Johnson Adebiyi
Jamerson Tate
Esbelda Castilblanco
Related Arts
Innovation with Bischoff: Trajan Baynes
PE with Porep: Kristin Williams & Hunter Cole
PE wtih Rasheed:Mary Mockler & Gabriel Hoffman
Art with Wolf:Evelyn McAdam & Ariel Woods
MLM Community Pantry is always looking for volunteers!
Share with your friends and family, too!
Children under 18 are not permitted to volunteer on Thursdays.
2023-2024 Avon Intermediate Parent Student Handbook
Other volunteer opportunities available at WEST:
There are also some spots here to sign up to help out at our quarterly celebrations to pass out ice cream in the cafeteria during lunch!
Dont forget ! you must have a completed background check on file to volunteer! Complete the process here:
6th grade athletic opportunities at AMS South:
How to stay informed about Athletic opportunities at AMS South?
As always, our athletic webpage is a great resource for all information regarding athletics at South.
AMS South Athletic Director- Will Mahan, p: (317) 544-5727
Fall Sport Opportunities at AMS South have started:
** communication is sent via Parent Square- make sure your parent square information is up to date.
Transportation to or from practice will NOT be provided. You will need to provide transportation and drop your child off at door 14 at 4:15pm. AMS South school buses leave from their normal school day at 4:10pm. Please do not enter the parking lot until the buses leave.
After the athletic physical is completed, it must be uploaded to PRIVIT. Our Athletic Trainer will then approve the account once all necessary documents and signatures are uploaded. Please see the link below to access PRIVIT:
There are two participation cost associated with athletics that must be paid:
Corporation Athletic Fee - $50 (this is paid every sport your participates in)
South Athletic Fee - $25 (this is paid once per year)
These must be paid in full before the first game of the season.
Participation in games will not be allowed until this fee is paid.
Other Athletic Opportunities later this year for 6th grade students:
Wrestling (Winter 23-24)
Boys Golf (Spring 24)
Girls Tennis Spring 24)
Track & Field (Spring 24)
Are you going to pick your child up early for an appointment?
If you are going to pick your child up at 2pm or after, you will need to pick them up from the car rider line. We apologize for the inconvenience. Dismissal is a busy time in the office and our student safety is our #1 priority.
** Anyone picking up a student from school must have a photo ID
Weekly Grade Checks Start this week: Ask your child to see them!
They will be recording their grades on a sheet like the one below. If they have any missing assignments, they will write down those missing assignments and make sure they have what they need to complete that assignment. This sheet will then be placed in their yellow gold take home folder. Every Friday we hope that you will ask your child to also see this folder to see their grades and to make sure they dont have any missing assignments. If they do, please make sure they get these completed and turned in asap.We ask that you initial/ sign next to the date at the top of each column of grades each week after reviewing the sheet with your child.
Also, remember as their parent to check Power Parent frequently to monitor their grades and any missing assignments.
With the weekly grade checks we are working to teach each student how to be accountable for their grades and all assignments. Thank you for your help and support with this.