June Weekly Update
Week of Monday, June 3rd - Friday, June 12th, 2024
What's Happening This Week:
📆 Our Schedule This Week
Please mark your calendars!
Beginning on Monday, June 10th - June 12th we will be on MODIFIED Day schedule. Students will be dismissed from school every day at 1:50 p.m.
"Learning is a TREASURE that will follow its owner EVERYWHERE."
Beginning today, La Primaria students will have a busy schedule.
June 3rd - YEARBOOKS will be delivered. We have only 10 yearbooks left and if you would like to purchase a yearbook the cost is $15.00. Please stop by the office to pick up the yearbook.
June 4th - RIF Book give-away. Our school librarian, Mrs. Patricia Duarte has been working so hard to gather RIF books for all of our students. The theme of her give-away is PIRATES.
June 5th - We will be celebrating our students who collected PBIS tickets throughout this school year. Students will be part of the PBIS GAME TRUCK during this day. Each student will be given a certain amount of time to enjoy the game truck.
END OF YEAR MEDALS - Students in 1st and 2nd grade will be receiving awards medals on Thursday, June 6th at 8:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. Only parents of the students who are receiving the medals will be contacted for this assembly.
COLOR RUN - THANK YOU to all the students and parents who supported our color run fundraiser. Our color run will be this Friday, June 7th. Students will be participating in the color run beginning at 10:30 a.m. Thank you to the parent volunteers who will make this color run fun for our students. We could not have done this without your help! We will be announcing the first and second top donation and the class that participated the most in this fundraiser by Wednesday, June 5th. The classroom with the most participation will receive a catered lunch on Monday, June 10th. ALL students who donated will be given a prize for their donation.
THIRD GRADE PROMOTION - Schedule of Events – Promotion ceremony will take place on June 11th and begin at 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. After the ceremony students will pick up a special lunch prepared for each of our third graders. At 1:00 p.m. all students will enter their classroom for a farewell party and be dismissed from school by 1:50 p.m. Please do not pick up your students early from school on this day for we are all on regular schedule. Parents are welcome to begin arriving between 10:30 - 10:45 a.m. The gate will be open at 10:35 after all students are back from their recess. Parking is available at Ledesma High School.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - June 12th will be the last day for all of our students for this school year. We will welcome students back from summer break on Thursday, August 15th. Wishing you a summer filled with sun, fun, and good times! May your summer vacation be full of joy, laughter, and great memories. Wishing you a relaxing and rejuvenating summer break. Enjoy every moment!